Western Armenia Essays

  • The Evil of Armenian Genocide

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    extremely evil. April 24th is the day of grief for many Armenians. Almost every Armenian reminisces on their loved ones that they have lost during this time of year. About 1.5 million Armenians were horrifically dragged out of their homeland, western Armenia. This was to be known as the first Genocide during the 20th century. However, before the Armenian Genocide took place both the Turks and Armenians were peacefully living in the Ottoman Empire for years. Armenians were not great fully equal but

  • The Armenian Genocide: A Historic Tragedy

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    been settled in the Anatolia valley as early as the 6th century BC. At its zenith under the rule of Tigranes the Great, Armenian rule extended from Caucasus into present day Turkey, Lebanon, and Iran. Despite being a large and powerful nation, Armenia still faced discrimination when they adopted Christianity as the national religion in 301 CE. This stigma dissipated slowly as Christianity was adopted by more and more surrounding nations. By the time the Turcomans arrived in the Anatolia valley

  • Armeni Preventable Or Reduplicated Form Was Predictable?

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    ARMENIAN PHONOLOGY GINA M. AILANJIAN California State University Fresno Armenian is an Indo-European language that is spoken in the Republic of Armenian and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. I focused on Eastern Armenian, which varies from Western Armenian. I was looking at the pattern of reduplication represented in pairs like ‘sev’ black and ‘sep sev’ very black. I tried to conclude whether the reduplicated form was predictable. I tested the efficiency of the system by exploring borrowed or made-up adjectives

  • Woodrow Wilson Speech On Armenian Questions

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    Armenian Question and The Unites States mandatory Issue over Armenia INTRODUCTION The Berlin Treaty, which was signed in 1878 between the Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire, United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany and Italy, revised the Treaty of San Stefano in the same year, was the turning point for Armenian Question and Eastern Question. As a result of this treaty, the situation in the Balkans was settled to a large extent by the European Powers in accordance with their interest. However

  • The Armenian Genocide

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    Armenia is a mountainous, landlocked country, on the southeastern edge of Europe and at the gateway to the Middle East and Asia.Armenia shares land borders with four countries: Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.The capital is Yerevan and is home to 2.977 million people. The nation symbol of Armenia is Mountain Ararat. Armenia is an ancient cultural heritage and is also home to the world’s oldest national church. Armenia was the first country to have adopted Christianity as its state religion

  • Armenian Genocide Essay

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    Hennesis Castillo Essay 2 Genocide is the deliberate killing of all or part of a racial, ethnic, or religious group. Genocide is carried out through ruthless acts of violence, and oppression. There have been many acts of genocide documented throughout history. In this essay I will focus on the Armenian genocide, specifically how it was carried out and how the Ottoman Empire rationalized their actions. The preservation and purity of one’s race were important factors that eventually led to the Armenian

  • Why did the Armenian Genocide Happen?

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    to eliminate the enemies forever. Between the years of 1915 and 1923, the Armenian population went from nearly two million down to one million people. The Turks were located between two bodies of water, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, while Armenia was located directly to the east. Next to the Armenians were the Russians. In addition, some of the battles that occurred throughout World War I took place in Armenian territory. Many ethnic Armenians were brutally relocated into deserts and other

  • The Armenian Genocide: The History Of The Armenian Genocide

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    Every Armenian remembers the date which he/she lost a family member. On April 24, 1.5 million Armenians were systematically massacred in western Armenia during the years of 1915 to 1923. Turkish governments always denied the charges, historians and government officials relied on undeniable documents and eyewitnesses that Turkey is responsible for the crimes it committed to the Armenian people. Not very many countries recognize the massacre as a genocide, but France, Russia, Sweden, Greece, Argentina

  • Socio-Economic Impact of the Nagorno- Karabakh Conflict

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    billion USD that indicated the fact that the national economy was significantly weakened. The war with Armenia along with the deterioration of trade relations with other former Soviet republics was evidently among the major factors of such economic decline. Hereby, some statistics on the material losses and socio-economic damages caused to Azerbaijan and its occupied territories as a result of the Armenia-Azerbaijan war is provided as follows: The Azerbaijani state agencies, NGOs and local authorities

  • Azerbaijan: The Road to Independence and Freedom

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    that fought oppression for many years. The Republic of Azerbaijan is a mountainous region. Sixty percent (Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan.az) of the country is complex terrain. Azerbaijan borders the Caspian Sea in the east. Iran borders to the south. Armenia and Georgia border to the west. Russia borders to the north (State). The region also has a lot flat plains. Azerbaijan has many beaches on the coast. Azerbaijan is a small eastern European country. It measures about the size of Maine. The cities

  • Armenian Genocide Film Analysis

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    One of the very first films which depicted the Armenian genocide was based on the story of survivor Aurora Mardiganian from her book Ravished Armenia. The film, retitled Auction of Souls, depicted in its release poster a tanned and darkened Turkish in traditional clothing with with a bloodied sword carting a pale-skinned screaming woman in the dark. Although it is necessary to understand

  • The Armenian Genocide and the American Response

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    Islam." HWeb. HWeb, 13 June 2006. Web. 05 Nov. 2013. . Thomassian, Vache. "The Constantinople War Crimes Trials: The Legal Response to the Armenian Genocide." Haytoug Magazine RSS. Haytoug: The Official Publication of the Armenian Youth Federation Western United States, 29 June 2011. Web. 05 Dec. 2013. . TODAYSZAMAN.COM. "Turkish Minister: I Deny the Armenian Genocide, Come Arrest Me." TODAY'S ZAMAN. TODAY'S ZAMAN, 29 Jan. 2012. Web. 06 Nov. 2013. . Willsher, Kim and Sam Jones. "Turkey Warns France

  • Essay On The Armenian Genocide

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    another ethnic group of people. For instance, the Armenian Genocide started with the Turk’s long-lasting hatred towards the Armenian people. Similarly, in the Holocaust, Hitler’s hatred for Jews fueled the beginning of the massacre in Germany. In Armenia, the Turkish government soon took over the Ottoman Empire’s weak government and immediately discriminated the Armenians, starving them and blami... ... middle of paper ... ...le bunch of people into a camp and just kill them off. The U.S. did

  • The Kenderian Family

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    The Kenderian family was sweet and wholesome before the Turks took everything away from them. Vahan is worried when his father hasn’t returned (13). This is a strong indicator that he loves his father, even all the unwanted discipline couldn’t make him bitter towards his daddy. Vahan is not concerned with money, school, or health, as the Kenderian’s are one of the richest Armenian families in their part of Turkey (4). The irony of Vahan surviving out of his entire family is that he goes a full circle

  • The Greek Genocide In The Twentieth Century

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    Because of a treaty that the Ottoman government signed, the genocide should have ended in 1920. The treaty of Sevres was written to end the slaughter of the Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians. The treaty also made the Ottomans accept Armenia as its own independent nation, as well as limiting the Ottoman military. They also had to relinquished control over the economy, imports and exports, taxes, debt repayment, and the electoral system. The Ottomans were forbidden from economic deals

  • The Moche Culture

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    Atrocities of mass graves have been a repetitive image portrayed for countries to position a strategy to enter into military action in today’s global culture. The Holocaust during World War II, the mass graves of Serbians in Yugoslavia in the 1990’s, and the mass executions and graves by the hand of ISIS in our current day bring to light the inhumanity of these actions. Discoveries of mass graves from the Moche civilization that existed in Peru between 200 BC and 600 AD has caused concern among

  • Armenian Genocide Research Paper

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    Armenian Genocide was one of the first incidents of modern genocide that had happened. Why would the Ottomans target the Armenians during WWI? Ottomans and Armenians differed when it came to religion, wealth, and education so when the Ottomans took over Armenia, many injustices were served to the group of people. The Armenians are from the Caucasus region of Eurasia and they have resided there for about 3,000 years.The Armenian Empire were one of the first countries to declare their official religion

  • Armenian Genocide Report

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    The Armenian genocide is one more problem the U.S has to deal with leading into world war 1 , some people believe this does not have a very significant tie to world war 1 but I believe this is significant reasons. This bibliography will follow through with what is happening today with the Armenian genocide and what happened during the Armenian Genocide and the denial that the Turkish government, which they still say they had nothing to do with the genocide, Well the Armenians say this is all by

  • Essay On Armenia Genocide

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    The Genocide in Armenia The Ottoman Empire once was an enormous however it began to decline throughout the years. Throughout the chaos of World War One, a Turkish nationalist group known as the young Turks wanted to bring back the vast empire by purifying their people of the Armenians which were a Christian minority group. This slowly gained momentum and more people began to agree that they had to cleanse their people. When they started treating the Armenians so badly was when Armin t. Wegner started

  • Personal Narrative: My Misconceptions Of Armenian Culture

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    Common misconception about Armenians, we are weak. We come from a history of brutal battles and losses in our country creating the generalized opinion that we are not important anymore and we have nothing left to fight for. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I am a Lebanese Armenian living in America and experiencing things differently than what people may assume my life to be like as an average teenager. I didn’t grow up hearing American history and how our 50 states came to be. Instead I