Vaginitis Essays

  • Pin Pong Disease: Trichomonas Vaginalis

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    symptoms. And STI’s (sexual transmitted infection) need to be diagnosed correctly, and fully treated and everything as soon as possible to avoid complications that could be serious and or permanent to the body. And in the high occurrence of the T vaginitis worldwide and its compatibility with being the starting point if untreated of other serious diseases makes Trichomoniasis a compelling public health concern. (Wang CC, McClelland RS, Reilly M, 2001) In addition, Trichomoniasis has also been linked

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

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    Introduction Bacterial vaginosis is known to be the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age (Hay, 2010). Bacterial vaginosis is the result of the substitution of normal vaginal lactobacilli with anaerobic bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis and Prevotella, Peptostreptococcus and Bacteroides spp., which will result loss of the normal vaginal acidity (Turovskiy, Sutyak Noll, & Chikindas, 2010). Bacterial vaginosis is the main trigger of vaginal discharge or malodor in

  • Empacho: Gastrointestinal Problems or simply Indigestion

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    can also involve the pelvic region of the body. When it affects the pelvic area it can result in problems such as vaginitis8. This occurs when there, “Is an inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching and pain.”12 Symptoms of vaginitis consist of, but are not limited to, pain during urination, discolored vaginal discharge, and intense vaginal itching. However, with this element of the conditioned mentioned, the focus of this paper will be on empacho as it affects the stomach and

  • stds

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    which are fatal. Only some of them are curable, and some can be slowed down. But all of them can be prevented. The most common sexually transmitted diseases are: Chlamidia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes(Simplex II), NGU(Nongonicoccal Urethritis), Vaginitis, Genital Warts, Pubic Lice/Scabies, AIDS, and Hepatitis. Chlamidia is a disease, which is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. If you had this disease, you would experience bleeding between menstrual periods, abdominal pain, and painful

  • Taking a Look at Trichomonas Vaginalis

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    protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. Even though the symptoms of trich varies from host to host , most people who have STI parasite can't tell they are infected. The scientific name is Trichomonas Vaginalis. More common names are trich, vaginitis, ureitis. Trichomonas vaginalis is one of the common sexually transmitted microorganisms in the world, with an estimated 170 million cases occurring each year. The disease is still poorly understood, and some practitioners continue to question its

  • Nursing Report: Treating a Child with Chronic Illnesses

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    over-activity, impulsivity, which was diagnosed as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. She also suffers from Posttraumatic Stress from observing father abuse towards mother when she was a child. Her previous medical history includes ADHD, Asthma, Vaginitis, Urinary Tract Infection, Sinusitis, and Otitis Media. My client is physically in normal range for her age. Based on the growth chart in the ped’s book for her weight she falls in the 75th percentile and her height she is in the 25thpercentile. She

  • Papanicolaou Test Essay

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    Cancer Diagnosis. During his discovery, uterine cancer was being identified by mode of vaginal smears. [3]The Vaginal smears can be also known as the wet mount or wet prep. A vaginal wet mount is a procedure test intended to learn the genesis of vaginitis or

  • Urethritis Essay

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    To start off, Non-gonococcal Urethritis (NGU) refers to an infection from the tube that runs from your bladder through the penis in men or the labia in women which passes the urethra. Normally, it is caused by gonorrhea but mostly chlamydia that is a sexually transmitted disease. There are multiple different ways how Non-gonococcal Urethritis is caused. An infection with chlamydia is half the case of NGU. Chlamydia is a bacterium type of germ that may be contacted threw sexual intercourse with an

  • Birth Control: IUD Insertion and Removal

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    change your hormone levels, and it is reversible, meaning if you would like to get pregnant, you can do so quickly after the IUD is removed. Side effects may include increased cramping, heavier bleeding during period, backaches, spotting, anemia, vaginitis, pain during sex, and vaginal discharge. For this certain IUD you would need to make sure you do not have a sensitivity to copper. The Mirena is al... ... middle of paper ... ...): Get Facts About Side Effects. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www

  • Persuasive Essay On Women In The Military

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    Women and men both have equal rights but women are not force to join the military at the age of eighteen. Men should grab a seat because women in this generation are no longer housewives or stay at home moms. Women say they are ready for some action to! As time has passed women have become equivalent to men not just by joining the military but in other work filled as well. Women can get the job done just like a man sometimes better than a man. With that been said women should be treated equal in

  • Bacterial Vaginosis: A Case Study

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    It is found in about 25% of pregnant women in the US and approximately 60% of women who have an STD. Bacterial vagnios produces a discharge, from an overgrowth of unusual bacteria in the vagina. In the past, the condition was called gardneralla vaginitis, after the bacteria that was thought to cause the infection. Now it is called bacterial vaginosis, reflecting the fact that there are a number of bacteria that naturally live in the vaginal area and may grow out of control. The gardnerella organism

  • Bacterial Vaginosis Essay

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    vaginosiis..It is found in about 25% of pregnant women in the US and approximately 60% of women who have an STD. Bacterial vagnios produces a discharge, from an excessive unusual bacteria in the vagina. In the past, the condition was called gardneralla vaginitis, after the bacteria that was thought to cause the infection. Now it is called bacterial vaginosis, reflecting the fact that there are a number of bacteria that naturally live in the vaginal area and may grow out of control. The gardnerella pathogen

  • The Physical and Psychological Effects of Rape on Women

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    The Physical and Psychological Effects of Rape on Women Most people think that rape is about sex but it is not. If rape was about getting sex the person would just go and have sex with someone who wants to give it to them. Paying for sex is better than going out and raping someone. Rape is also called sexual assault. Rape is about having power and control over someone. Rape is defined as one person forcing another person, without his or her consent and using violence or threatening violence, to

  • Argumentative Essay On Iraq Women

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    Ever wonder about the conditions in Iraq after Saddam Hussein was killed for the extreme mistreatment of his people (mostly the Kurdish Iraqis)? The current conditions in Iraq are quite harsh as of right now, for starters the Sunni and Shiite Muslim people are so far apart in their views that they’re raging war. Due too this war, a religious law that grants women far fewer rights than Westernized countries is being enforced as the law of the land. This religious law, or Islamic law, is called Sharia

  • How to Protect Yourself and have Safe Sex

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    How to Protect Yourself and have Safe Sex The purpose of this paper is to give people information on the advantages, disadvantages and different forms of safe sex. This paper is done for the purpose of preventing STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), not for the purpose of birth control. This gives you different ways to still enjoy sex as you normally would, but with some different and somewhat unusual changes. Some may find this appealing and some may find it hideous. The options are up

  • Symptoms And Treatment Of Mastitis

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    cracked or damaged skin or tissue around the teat, swelling and redness in the mammary glands, hardened mammary tissue, heat and pain in the mammary glands, depressed demeanour in the bitch, loss of appetite, foul smelling odour and discharge from the nipple. Some other symptoms include Lack of interest in the puppies, glands may abscess or rupture in very severe cases and puppies may become lethargic, cry and paw at the bitch, whilst in some cases the bitch may become snappy with the puppies due

  • Same-Sex Marriage: The Biblical Prospective

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    Homosexuality and Same-sex unions may be acceptable in current society, but for the Christian believer it has caused great conflict. Homosexual marriage is an attractive deception of the original act of marriage intended by God. The unions of homosexuals are an affront to creator and His word. Same-sex unions long for the same rewards that have been conferred to heterosexual couples which have been united in holy matrimony. According to the word of God, the biblical prospective: marriage is the

  • Garlic: A Taste for Health

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    Garlic: A Taste for Health Culinary garlic is one of the most medically studied herbs today. it has been cultivated since the Neolithic period around 10,000 BC. This bulb has flavored the food of hunters and nomads after the discovery of its intensively robust flavor. The summarians (2600 BC-2100 BC) were actively practicing the healing powers of garlic, and some believe the summarians to have introduced garlic to China, from where it later spread to Japan and Korea. However, some taxonomists

  • The Reality of Feral Children

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    Mowgli from The Jungle Book, Tarzan, and Donnie from The Wild Thornberrys: all of these characters are examples of how feral children depicted in modern cartoons. When they hear the term “feral” people often immediately think of children taken in and raised by wild animals. But, the term is actually defined as someone who is not socialized. “The term “feral” (wild) man is applied to extreme cases of human isolation” (Brownfield 79) but the term is also applied to “incidents of children who were isolated

  • Side Effects Of Menopause

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    Menopause is a course that every woman's body must experience. Majority of women already know the symptoms, side effects, and all-around unpleasantness that comes with menopause and this can, cause them to be concerned that it may have an affect on their social, personal, and professional lives. However, if there was an answer that could help facilitate the torment of menopause would most ladies take it? Likely, yet what numerous ladies don't know is that there can be serious symptoms while experiencing