Unfortunately Essays

  • Essay On Indeterminate Sentencing

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    prison term of fifty-eight years to life which means he will not be getting out of prison early. Unfortunately, I feel that the case of Ewing v. California should have been an indeterminate sentencing because he committed a nonserious, nonviolent crime, but unfortunately under the Three Strike law of California he was sentenced to twenty-five years to life because he was a repeat offender. Unfortunately, determinate sentencing is the more serious sentencing of the two sentencing because with an indeterminate

  • Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA

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    which the author discusses how the CIA had started and how the CIA have managed to hide all the horrific failures from the world’s knowledge. I thought that this novel was going to be jaw dropping and catching your attention at every page, but unfortunately that was not the case. Tim Weiner had provided a decent amount of information about how the CIA had failed the citizens of America as well as destroy the reputation and left the agency in worse shape than when each leader had obtained it in. The

  • Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet Summary

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    camp and develops a strong bond with her. Unfortunately, when she moves to another camp in Idaho, Henry’s relationship with Keiko hangs in the balance as he treks across the state to find Keiko and profess his love. Characters Henry Lee: A 13-year old Chinese American from Seattle who develops a bond with a girl from an internment camp that he meets named Keiko. Keiko Okabe: A young Japanese-American girl who lives in an internment camp in Seattle. Unfortunately, she later must move to another camp in

  • A Brother Lost Character Analysis

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    friends, thus making him believe he’s being chased by a group called “the Cahoots”. Unfortunately since Ashely and Jay are siblings she’s living an everyday life as a New Yorker where she works for a woman’s glossy magazine while Jay is out homeless trying to avoid people around him due to what he’s being told in his mind. And because of Jay’s situation Ashely believes he needs help with his mental condition, unfortunately Jay refuses to take his medication, especially since he’s a legal adult who’s allowed

  • Paradise Lost Innocence Analysis

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    very powerful entity of life. The beginning of the human desire for knowledge came in the Garden of Eden, with Eve and the serpent. Adam and Eve had not realized their desire for knowledge until Satan came in and put the idea into Eve’s mind. Unfortunately, this began the inability for humans to withstand their desires. There comes a point in life where you abandon your morals and beliefs and let your inclinations take over. Over time, beginning with the fall of mankind, the tendency for humans to

  • Compare And Contrast Terrorism And Organized Crime

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    chaos. Yet, they are different because terrorism uses violence or the threat of being violent against innocent civilians in order to accomplish their mission. Unfortunately, an organized crime group is a conspiratorial enterprise that is engaged in illicit activities in order to generate money but not to scare or harm civilians. Unfortunately, terrorism is known to the United States very well because there are a lot of threats of terrorist acts against the United States. Unlike, a criminal threat

  • Stereotypes

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    Stereotypes Pretend you are driving along on the highway. You see a person on the side of the road having car problems. This is person is wearing an Armani suit and driving a Porsche. The next day, you encounter the same incident but, this time, it is a man wearing baggy jeans with holes in them, a dirty shirt and he looks very unclean. Would you be more likely to stop for the man in the Armani suit, or the the second man? I know that I would stop for man #1. The reason I and most of our society

  • Sustainable Agriculture In Pakistan Case Study

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    rural areas (World Bank 2016) where directly or indirectly their livelihood depends upon agriculture sector. The agriculture sector is responsible for ensuring food availability to the fast growing population but struggles to attain food security. Unfortunately, the agriculture sector faces many threats and challenges

  • Fight For One's Respect In Battle Royal By Ralph Ellison

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    “Battle Royal”, you can feel the pride of the young African-American’s family. His grandfather wants him to “keep up the good fight” and to “live with your head in the lion’s mouth.” His grandfather wants to hold on to his pride that he once had. Unfortunately his parents have other feelings about his grandfather’s dying statements, as his parents tell him to “forget what his grandfather said” (Ellison). Having his grandfather tell him one thing, then his parents tell him the complete opposite mentally

  • Persuasive Essay On Bullying

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    of it is kept among students. Often times, students prefer to solve problems their own way, instead of confiding to an adult because students feel that when they do confide in an adult, nothing gets done. In addition, bullying and harassment is unfortunately often unseen because bullying and harassment occurs mostly on social media, such as Facebook,

  • The Santa Monica Bay Restoration

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    Monica Bay Restoration Pollution is a worldwide catastrophe that contaminates or destroys every living and non-living thing in its path. The earth is designed to constantly balance itself allowing plant and animal life the ability to thrive. Unfortunately when bombarded with chemicals, heavy metals and unnatural human waste, the earth exceeds its critical load and irreversible damage occurs. There are literally thousands of areas that have been negatively effected by the numerous types of pollution

  • Okonkwo's Tragic Flaw Essay

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    The main character of Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo is considered a tragic hero to some people. Shakespeare once said that tragic hero holds a position of power and prestige, chooses his course of action, possesses a tragic flaw, and and unfortunately has a tragic downfall. Okonkwo's tragic flaw is his fear of weakness and failure. To add, Chinua Achebe used a tragic hero in his novel to erase the stereotype that is set forth by Europeans during this time period. While in his prime, Okonkwo is one

  • The Reconstruction Period and Racism Towards African Americans

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    offered assistance to the poor and aged it brought about peace between the whites, blacks and freed people it helped establish equality between different social classes in the presence of courts. Many expectations were placed when established, but unfortunately not all were accomplished. Even though notable outcomes were seen, by the end of 1877 African Americans experienced disenfranchisement, segregation and racism. By making use of Ways of white folks written by Langston Hughes and Give me Liberty

  • A Fair Portrayal Of People With Disabilities

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    desired in terms of a fair portrayal of people with disabilities in the media. Correspondingly, it is vital that stories about people with disabilities are told in a positive way where their abilities are stressed more than their disabilities. Unfortunately, that is not always the case when stories are told in the popular press. So much so that many organizations publish guidelines outlining appropriate ways to write about people living with disabilities. One such organization is The National Center

  • Repent, Harlequin Said The Ticktockman Analysis

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    This insert aptly describes how the state unfortunately, but veritably makes, “The mass of men serve the state thus, not as men mainly, but as machines with their bodies.” (429) Thoreau was concerned consciences were not developed or ignored in the process of incorporating them into the state system

  • Justice And Delinquency In The Juvenile Justice System

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    justice system or create your own system. It gives you some actual numbers that you can use to determine the proper direction to go when it comes to try to build a system that will stop juvenile from returning to the court or juvenile prisons. Unfortunately, there is one other place in the world other than the United States that has a high rate of juveniles going to prison which is South Africa but their rate is only 69 out of every 100,000 youth (jjie.org. n.d.). However, South Africa does not truly

  • Justice For The Black Community In Song Of Solomon, By Tony Morrison

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    during 1929-1964 in America was a long and torturous journey. The Great Depression, The Brown v. Board of Education, and the Civil Rights Movement are clear demonstrations of the atrocities, struggles, and violence that the black community had to unfortunately endure during those massive cultural shifts that were occurring in the United States at the time in order to survive. Here in the book Song of Solomon by Tony Morrison, the character Guitar Baines is a representation of the justice that the black

  • French, Belgian, And British Imperialism In Africa

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    Although Africa managed to prevent the majority of Europe from navigating and invading African land for 400 years, suddenly the French began to take control over West Africa which thus lead more European countries to compete for land. Unfortunately, while establishing colonies, they neglected the fact that Africa had consisted of hundreds of ethnic groups, therefore forcing some together and splitting others apart. Over a half dozen countries including the French, Belgian, and British began imperializing

  • Invasive Species: The Rosy Wolf Snail

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    they would help to control the population of the invasive Giant African Land Snail. By 1958 12,000 snails had been harvested to be introduced to various islands around the Pacific Rim and in the Indian Ocean under a similar pretense.(Auffenberg) Unfortunately there are no studies to support that this method had any effect on the Giant African Land Snail population what so ever. Instead, with no known predators, the Wolf Snail ran rampant and is credited with contributing to the extinction of various

  • What Is Walt Disney's Abandonment

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    Such recognizable studios such as Pixar, Marvel, Touchstone, and Marvel all belong to Disney as of now. Their influence can be seen almost everywhere now, with all the advertisements and studio credits featuring the mouse, it’s hard not to see. Unfortunately not many people put the pieces together. Despite all of the images of mickey mouse appearing in movies, television, advertisements, and news channels, the public fails to see the collusion. If you’ve ever wondered why ABC News never reports on