Trichomoniasis Essays

  • Pin Pong Disease: Trichomonas Vaginalis

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    single-celled member of the animal kingdom. A Ping-Pong disease that infects two to three million Americans’ yearly worldwide and researchers have found that it can cause inflammation of the prostate in men but when women come in contact with Trichomoniasis, their symptoms can consist of foul smells, heavily yellowish discharge that comes from the vagina area but then genitals in contact with the infection come across itching, and pain when urinating or having sexual intercourse. Most infected don’t

  • Taking a Look at Trichomonas Vaginalis

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    attached to a flowing membrane that extends rearward. T. vaginalis is a non civilized eukaryotic organism that is in most respects similar to other eukaryotes, but its energy metabolism bears a stronger resemblance to that of anaerobic bacteria. Trichomoniasis is a very common sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by infection with the protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. Even though the symptoms of trich varies from host to host , most people who have STI parasite can't tell

  • Trichomoniasis Research Paper

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    Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by parasitic trichomonads, chiefly affecting the urinary tract, vagina, or digestive system. in the United States of America its an estimate of 3.7 million people that have this infection and there is 0% in the death of catching this infection. This infection is caused by having unprotected sex. This infection it infects women and men, almost half of infected women will not even know they have this infection because there wouldn’t be any signs. But if someone

  • Pubic Lice Essay

    1998 Words  | 4 Pages

    Name: Pubic Lice (commonly called “Crabs”) Causative Agent: Pthirus Pubis Clinical Manifestations: Symptoms do not normally appear until actually having pubic lice for about five days. Even after five days, some people just never get any symptoms. If symptoms do appear, they may cause: uncomfortable itching in the anus or genitals, fever, feeling under the weather, awareness of the presence of lice or small eggs, which are called nits located in pubic hair. Transmission: Pubic lice are easily transmitted

  • Journey to Becoming a Latin-American Scientist

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    most commonly sexually transmitted diseases trichomonas vaginalis, commonly known as trichomoniasis or trich. This protozoal STD manifests itself in a variety of ways including genital Itching, burning, redness, sore and swollen genitals, a frequent urge to urinate, burning when urinating, and genital discharge. Trichomoniasis can be quite painful, but most commonly it is complete asymptomatic. However, trichomoniasis can increase a person’s probability of contraction other more dangerous STDs such

  • The Problem With STD Prevention

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    fifteen to twenty-four. It is also reported that teens are more likely than other age groups to have multiple sex partners and practice unsafe sex more often. The three most common diseases in teens are Chlamydia, human papillomavirus (HPV), and trichomoniasis. These diseases account for more than eighty-eight percent of new cases in this age group (Davidnow, 2004). Chlamydia is a disease that can cause permanent damage to the sexual organs. An estimated three million people are infected with Chlamydia

  • The Importance of Using a Condom

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    The Importance of Using a Condom In a recent study performed at the University of New Orleans by Dr. Bruce M. King, only 20% of men reported using a condom consistently, while only 50% reported using protection with a new partner. The results of condom use or lack there of is clear: ? 2/3 of all STIs occur in people 25 years of age or younger ? By the age of 24, 1 in 3 sexually active people will have contracted an STI ? In 2000, 15- to 19-year-old women had the highest rate of gonorrhea

  • Animal Science - Vibriosis

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    When researching diseases that affect animals, I chose to research one that deals with cattle. This disease would be a reproductive venereal disease called vibriosis. Vibriosis can affect all breeds of cattle, male or female, and is the most important cause of infertility in female cattle along with occasional abortions. This disease is caused by bacteria that live in the crevices of a bull’s prepuce, of a bull aged four years or older (Hansen, 1914). Age is a factor because the foreskin of a bull

  • Chlamydia Nursing Role

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    • Role of the Public Health Nurse • In order to promote healthy living in young women, nurses play a crucial role in patient education, in regards to the sexually transmitted disease such as Chlamydia. • The main goal of community health nursing is to promote, protect, or maintain the health of the community, however, if Chlamydia continues to go on undetected and untreated, this goal cannot be achieved, therefore: • Create a trusting environment • Show respect, compassion, and concern • Do not

  • Condom Correcting Teenagers

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    How to Use a Condom Correctly, Teen Using a condom correctly and consistently is important for preventing pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Condoms work by blocking contact with bodily fluids that can result in pregnancy or spread infection. This is called the barrier method. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF CONDOMS? There are both male and female condoms. A male condom is a thin sheath that fits over an erect penis. Male condoms can be made from different materials

  • STI Case Study

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    Another research development was actually being able to test people to see if they have an STI. STI’s can be tested for in a couple of ways; physical exam and blood sample. With a physical exam, a health care provider may look at one’s genitals and/or one’s anus for any signs of an infection, such as a rash, discharge, sores, or warts. For a blood sample test a doctor may take a blood sample. Another test can be conducted by taking a urine sample. The patient may be asked to urinate into a cup and

  • Essay On Circumcision

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    Introduction Circumcision is a minor surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin of the penis. Circumcision is not only one of the most common procedures but is also recorded as one of the most oldest procedures, traditionally believed to be part of cultural and religious activities but has now become established in the healthcare world as being vastly advantageous for one’s health and is some regards, one’s social status. Circumcision is still widely prevalent in today’s society

  • Bacterial Vaginosis: A Case Study

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    Bacterial Vaginosis is a common condition. It is the most frequent vaginal complaint in women and young girls age 14 to 44. My research shows that approximately 29% of women in the US are disturbed by, bacterial vaginosis.It is found in about 25% of pregnant women in the US and approximately 60% of women who have an STD. Bacterial vagnios produces a discharge, from an overgrowth of unusual bacteria in the vagina. In the past, the condition was called gardneralla vaginitis, after the bacteria that

  • Bacterial Vaginosis Essay

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    Bacterial Vaginosis is a common condition. It is the most frequent vaginal complaint in women and young girls age 14 to 44. My research shows that approximately 29% of women in the US are disturbed by bacterial vaginosiis..It is found in about 25% of pregnant women in the US and approximately 60% of women who have an STD. Bacterial vagnios produces a discharge, from an excessive unusual bacteria in the vagina. In the past, the condition was called gardneralla vaginitis, after the bacteria that was

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections In Thunder Bay

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    “I’m an adult” is something we hear more and more lately. As we get older, it seems like the age where our population starts stating this perception is quickly becoming sooner and sooner. When one says that they are an adult, typically they mean they can make their own decisions. They are their own boss, which they interpret as the thought that they can do anything they want: Jobs, education, recreational activities, the list is quite long. But one item on the list that pops up more frequently is:

  • Adding Birth Control Into The School Curriculum

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    “Teen pregnancy went way down in the ‘90s, and 75 percent of it was because of an increased use of contraception.”(Al Franken). If teenagers learn about methods of birth control they can use it to their advantage if these actions are what they choose to apply themselves to. Many parents think if students learn about birth control they will start engaging in intercourse, birth control should become part of the school curriculum because once students understand how to prevent pregnancy and STD’s

  • Prokaryotes And Protists Essay

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    Both prokaryotes and protists have negative and positive impacts on humans. Prokaryotes and protists are both used in a variety of ways by humans today. They can affect humans in the way of disease, which can be deadly, but also help humans with environmental issues too. Also, both provide food sources for humans which are beneficial. Most prokaryotes are bacteria, which can cause many human diseases. In fact, bacteria cause about one half of human diseases (Reece et. al, 2011 p583). Some examples

  • Cheating In Relationships

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    Cheating on your spouse can cause a lot of problems that can be resisted. One way is to talk with your partner and have an understanding. Another way is to just be faithful. What is so wrong with doing the person you really “love” right? If you do not really love them break up with them. Also cheating on your partner may cause you to contract an STD. The reason people say that is because you never know what the person you’re having sex with is doing behind your back. They can trick you any minute

  • Poverty And Health Adfects In Underdeveloped Countries: Case Study

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    Poverty and health infections are inextricably related. The term “diseases of poverty” is used to describe disabilities or diseases that are more prevalent in poor countries than their developed counterparts. It is estimated that 50, 00 people, of which 30,000 are children, die due to poverty-related diseases each day in underdeveloped countries (Stevens, 2008). This is exclusive of other millions of people who die from unpreventable diseases in these countries. Nearly three-quarters of people living

  • How to Protect Yourself and have Safe Sex

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    How to Protect Yourself and have Safe Sex The purpose of this paper is to give people information on the advantages, disadvantages and different forms of safe sex. This paper is done for the purpose of preventing STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), not for the purpose of birth control. This gives you different ways to still enjoy sex as you normally would, but with some different and somewhat unusual changes. Some may find this appealing and some may find it hideous. The options are up