Tour guides Essays

  • Tour Guide Essay

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    limitations in Britain. I agree that the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Admittedly traveling is a time where there is more fun, exploring and learning new things, refreshing and relieve all stress. Tour guide is familiar with those places and knows a lot about their culture and history and magnificent places which helps us to learn more about their historical and cultural importance. Tour guide would know the time most suitable to visit that place. May be the place is most suitable

  • Lesson Observation Critique

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    Description of the Lesson The lesson was a living history tour of the Desert Queen Ranch in Joshua Tree National Park. The goal of the tour is to show how life and work was like during the height of the ranch in 1939. To do this, the tour utilized two park rangers, one who explained the process of the tour and the other who presented the ranch as if it were 1939. The first ranger gave some background knowledge of the ranch and some interesting tidbits on the state of the world in 1939, such as

  • Kings Canyon Tour Guide

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    Today I am going to Kings Canyon located down in the Sierra Mountains, to learn all about the park and the nature there. When I get there I am going to meet up with a tour guide to tell us all about the history, culture, and the nature. I am so excited to go learn about the Kings Canyon. When my aunt and I got there we saw a sign that was yellow and said, “Bikes and Pedestrians allowed on hidden valley.” When my aunt and I saw this we were jumping up and down because we had brought our bikes with

  • Personal Narrative- Amazon Experience

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    adventures to mind. Out of all of these, however, there is one in particular which I shall never forget. It was one of the last mornings we were to spend in Colombia. My father and I flipped through the hotel’s visitors guide looking for ‘must see’ places to visit that day. “Take a tour of the Amazon jungle,” one of the ads said, “and see the beauties of nature that have inspired thousands of painters and authors who have visited this site.” My father and I met eyes. If we wanted adventure, this is where

  • An Example Of A Tour Guide To Ecuador

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    Hello, my name is Joseph Rombalski and today I will be your tour guide through Ecuador. Ecuador is diverse geographically and culturally seen throughout its terrain, people, and cuisine. I will be taking you across this incredible country from the mountains all the way to the islands. Our trip will expand to all corners and you will not be disappointed. Our destinations will range to thrill seekers, outdoorsmen, and relaxers. I hope you enjoy, let’s explore! Our first destination will not be in continental

  • Brief History of Tour Guide

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    Guiding is one of the oldest professions of the Western world. The evolution of tour guides and the guiding history was divided by Pond (1993) into four periods. There are plenty of specific references in the annals of history, from the Roman Empire to the Middle Age, throughout the renaissance and into the Modern Age. Tourism saw the first major development during the era of the great empires. (3000 B.C. to A.D.500) During this period travelling is dangerous and time consuming. The ancient Persians

  • A Visit to the Bristol Caverns in Tennessee

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    and tours for groups interested in touring. One of these group opportunities, "Wild Tours" (, gives groups the chance to explore parts of the cave normally not seen, provided a guide is present. The entire tour requires a lot of walking, so wearing tennis shoes is recommended. Dress prepared for a cool environment because while inside the cave you will experience temperatures from 50-60 degrees. As you walk along the tour of the Bristol Caverns, a tour guide will

  • The Mars Experience

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    The Mars Experience One night I was in my bed dreaming about my dream vacation, the red planet, Mars. In my dream I did many wonderful things. I climbed large mountains, swam in volcanoes, and was chased by insane martian animals. I took off by myself at New York's Universal Space Station in my brand new luxury spaceship. After about a day of enjoyable flying I arrived at Mars. After gaining clearance, I took the massive ship in for a smooth landing at Mars' Universal Space Port. There

  • Alcatraz: The Legendary Prison

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    Alcatraz: The Legendary Prison We stepped off the large tour boat with a look of fright in both our eyes. Some joy was there, but knowing what went on in this place made us feel the way we did. To me, Alcatraz didn't really look like a shut down prison at that moment. It looked more like an old worn down cemetery. The paint on most of the buildings was chipped off all the way down to the wood. Most of the buildings had collapsed down to some cement foundations and old rusted poles hanging every

  • A White Kid’s Guide to the Soup Kitchens of San Francisco

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    A White Kid’s Guide to the Soup Kitchens of San Francisco “Ten cents a cigarette... “Three for a quarter... “Dollar a pack.” This is Linus’ cadence: Linus is making some money, hawking cigarettes up and down the line of folks waiting for a table. We are in one of the longest lines in town—two blocks long, longer than the line for sushi at the No-nayami on Church Street, longer than the kosher line for the Marrakesh on O’Farrell. St. Anthony’s doesn’t take reservations. Instead, you take

  • Classroom of the Future Essay

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    because of all the things that you can do with them. It’s like a chalkboard that actually responds to you. Smart boards also enable video conferencing. This is great because students can go on virtual tours using these smart board video conferences. They can speak to scientists and tour guides and hundreds of other informed professionals willing to conference with them. This avoids the hassle of regular field trips which involve transportation and permission slips and takes up a lot of time and

  • Mozart

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    Elector and the Austrian Empress.His father taught him, but said teahcing Wolfgang was hard because he knew so much already. His father was also his largest influence. In 1763 Wolfgang’s father, Leopold, took him and his sister, Maria Anna, on a concert tour of Europe. The children performed in many courts and large cities including Paris, London, and Germany. They astonished their audiences wherever they performed. In London Wolfgang wrote his first symphonies and met Johann Christian Brahm, who had a

  • All About Eve

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    carefully selected what I told others about me in order to create a certain desired image of myself. It made me conscience of the fact that I have, on countless occasions manipulated people for my own benefit.            It drew my thoughts back in a tour of my past and brought forth a multi-tude of times in which I behaved much as the character Eve did. I remember acting in such a way even when I was as young as six. Until I watched this movie I had never consciously realized that I do these things

  • Released From The Grip Of What He Carried: Freedom Birds

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    They felt the rush of takeoff. Gone! They yelled. (286). "Freedom bird" an appropriate term for the jumbo jets that take the soldiers from their tour because it gives them the freedom from what has been holding them back. Throughout the story, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross has his mind everywhere but on his infantry he is supposed to be leading on the tour. The story shows how even the smallest memory, letter, or picture can draw anyone from reality. It shows several men's struggle to overcome their

  • Mission Trip in Rio de Janeiro

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    around when we took our tour of the facilities. Some of these kids came from neighborhoods that had gun shootings, drugs and other violence. Other kids didn't even come from a neighborhood. They were homeless, lived in the dump and didn't know when their next meal would be coming or from where. When I looked at these kids, I couldn't see their home life reflected in their clothing or faces. They were well dressed, clean, and most of all, they had smiles on their faces. The tour of the facility was

  • Led Zeppelin

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    obligations to the Yardbirds. When they first came to the United States they supported Vanilla Fudge. They also played in clubs to start their American popularity. After they played in the clubs they got their first headlining tour and toured again that. They were playing their fifth tour by the March of 1970. Led Zeppelin the record was released by the Atlantic Records in 1969. Shortly after the record was released it was number eight and stayed in the top twenty for six weeks. When the Led Zeppelin II

  • Meeting a girl in Italy: A Fictional Story

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    and have a great day.” “Thank God” I thought to myself, I was in the most beautiful city in the world with unlimited opportunities. “Would all the passengers on the A’litalia bus tour please get on the bus” Come on we’ve gotta hurry up, we have so many things to do today” said the perky yet annoying yet still very hot tour lady Linda. “Cuttie you’re going to need to bring this card with you where ever you go, promise me you won’t lose it Joseph” “I promise I will hold it as if I were holding you, with

  • Social Roles in Society

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    Social Roles in Society Social psychology, as defined by the Microsoft Bookshelf, is the branch of human psychology that deals with the behavior of groups and the influence of social factors on the individual. Social roles are one of the many sub - categories of social psychology. I believe social roles to be the way we, as individuals, act in certain situations; such as home life, educational and economic statue, peer groups, etc. The Prison Simulation by Haney, Banks & Zimbardo is just one

  • Internship Reflection

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    Internships are a learning experience of new skills and improving on previous skills that you have gained. I have through the school tours been training to be a docent, but one day in the past two weeks I had official docent training with other students. Everyone learned the story of the Eel-Stowe and Nathan Clark-Stockade house. Also, we were taught where the lights were in each house, and how to uncover the windows, objects, and hide the covering before the visitors came to the house. Then

  • Ensure Technical and Academic Rigor of Programs

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    teachers a variety of strategies for improving standards in their classrooms. Ohio has developed a set of cluster guides based on the Integrated Technical and Academic Competencies (ITACS) that employers have identified as necessary for work: solving problems and thinking skillfully, communicating effectively, applying technology, and so forth. The curriculum for each of these cluster guides follows the same format. Each begins with a workplace scenario, engages students in a problem-solving approach