Kings Canyon Tour Guide

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Today I am going to Kings Canyon located down in the Sierra Mountains, to learn all about the park and the nature there. When I get there I am going to meet up with a tour guide to tell us all about the history, culture, and the nature. I am so excited to go learn about the Kings Canyon. When my aunt and I got there we saw a sign that was yellow and said, “Bikes and Pedestrians allowed on hidden valley.” When my aunt and I saw this we were jumping up and down because we had brought our bikes with us. We thought we were so lucky. So we road down the hidden valley together, and when we got to the top our mouths were hung open of the beautiful sight that we were seeing. There was beautiful tall green trees there was animals all around the park. When we got there we met our tour guide. She greeted us very nicely and friendly. She introduced herself and told us that her name was Alexa. She told us all about the park. She told us that the park was 97% wilderness and that there were tons of animals such as ( bears, mules, gray foxes, squirrels, bobcat, etc.). She said that the nature there was very nice and pleasing to the eye. She also said that Kings Canyon is known for its Sequoia …show more content…

She said that it was 1,353 square miles. She said it was the time during the great depression. Alexa also said that at the time the President was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Next she said that on December 25, 1890 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the legislation establishing America’s second national park. Alexa started talking about how and when they started building some of the things in the park like the New High Sierra Trail and the Moro Rock. She says that the Moro Rock is visitors favorite sight ( I don’t think so I think The High Sierra Mountains is the best sight there). She said the New High Sierra Trail was completed in 1932. She said that the park was built for the U.S Army Troops and also for visitors

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