Thornhill, Ontario Essays

  • Shouldice Hospital

    590 Words  | 2 Pages

    Case Study Questions on Shouldice Hospital The following paper will address and answer the case study questions concerning Shouldice Hospital and the utilization of their facilities to include beds, performing operations, and possible expansion Case Study Question Answers 1. Shouldice is not using the hospital beds to the current max level of 90 beds a day (Jacobs & Chase, 2011). The formula to find out how well Shouldice is using their hospital beds is capacity utilization rate is equal to

  • White Hurricane: The Great Storm

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    WHITE HURRICANE November gales are a curse on the Great Lakes. In 1835, a storm was said to have "swept the lakes clear of sail." Lake Erie was blasted by 60 mph winds on November 22 and 23, 1874. On Nov. 25, 1905 a November gale sank or stranded more than 16 ships. On Nov 11, 1940 (Armistice Day Storm) a storm wrecked 12 vessels. The giant bulk carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank during a November

  • French-Canadian Nationalism

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    French-Canadian Nationalism For nearly two centuries the inhabitants of New France lived their day to day lives under the French Regime. The colony of New France was shaped by such institutions as the Catholic Church, and the seigneural system. After the Conquest of 1763, the inhabitants of New France now found themselves under the control of the British monarch. However, the life for the inhabitants of New France, virtually remained unchanged. It was not until the American Revolution

  • Candaian Theatre

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    Canadian identity has always been difficult to define. This definition is essential in order to evaluate theatre in Canada. French Canadians appear to have no difficulty in establishing their own identity, both on and off the stage, as they share a distinct tradition. We, as English-Canadians, have continued to define ourselves by reference to what we are not, American, rather than in terms of our own national history and tradition. For English Canadians, this tradition comes not from the nation

  • A Brief Biography Of Sir John Alexander Macdonald

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    “My sins of omission and commission I do not deny; but I trust that it may be said of me in the ultimate issue, ‘Much is forgiven because he loved much’, for I have loved my country with a passionate love.” - John Alexander Macdonald Sir John Alexander MacDonald was the first prime minister of Canada, and he was truly a “founding father” and “nation builder”. When one is to look back at the history of Canada, one will find that the man have done countless things for the country he is passionate

  • The Manitoba Land Question, 1870-1882

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    In the article titled “The Manitoba Land Question, 1870-1882” Sprague argues that the federal government was largely responsible for failing to properly address Metis Land claims. Sprague believes the Canadian government purposefully mismanaged and controlled Metis land organization to further its agenda. He also argues that the Canadian government did not hold up its constitutional obligation as per the Manitoba Act. Lastly Sprague suggests that newly introduced laws opened doors for settlers and

  • Billy Bishop and Canadian Nationalism

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nationalism is defined as love of your country. The basis for Canada’s national love of country is focused around three main ideas; devotion, sacrifice and willingness to die. These characteristics are displayed in the play Billy Bishop Goes to War. Thousands of young men were shipped off to war with these three great qualities. Billy Bishop was among those thousands and was an outstanding World War One pilot who displayed the three key qualities that our national love is based upon throughout the

  • Examples Of Stakeholder Analysis On Canadian Tire Company

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    Stakeholder Analysis Employees ・Compensation Canadian Tire rewards employees who contribute to them. Further, Canadian Tire offers sufficient welfare and training for employees (Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, 2009, p9). Canadian Tire meets employees’ compensation. One report of Canadian Tire says that almost every employee is willing to support Canadian Tire’s success (Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited, 2009, p9). ・Opportunity Canadian Tire offers some opportunities to each employee to discover

  • The Canadian Magazine Dispute Case Study

    827 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Canadian Magazine Dispute began when Canada’s attempts to protect its culture through the production of magazines turned into a trade dispute with the United States. Canada tried to protect their culture through magazine production by establishing tariffs and prohibitions on foreign magazines. This caused American magazine producers to begin creating split-run editions of Canadian magazines. In 1995, Canada raised taxes on spilt-run publications which violated the World Trade Organization’s

  • Bobbie Rosenfeld: Canadian Sports Figure

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    there was no actual league for softball, unlike her male counterparts. So she helped to create the Provincial Women’s Softball Union of Québec, she served as the president. This league is a huge deal, currently many softball players in Quebec and Ontario alike have played under them, either on a team or a tournament. This league was revolutionary at its time, it allowed many girls from all over Quebec to finally participate in softball. The PWSUQ was one way Fanny established herself in the community

  • What Is The Resurgence Of Civil Unrest In Quebec?

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    The resurgence of civil unrest in Quebec once again calling for Quebec sovereignty poses a serious threat to civilised and democratic society. Regardless the validity of the claim for Quebec’s sovereignty the acts of rioting, violence and vandalism are disgraceful reflection on the movement and the acts hurt the integrity and legitimacy of their claims. The General Directorate for Internal Security is concerned that the civil unrest will harm the reputation of French persons. The civil unrest and

  • Paul Bliss Case Summary

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    Article 1 The article “CTV News anchor Paul Bliss suspended following sexual misconduct allegations” discusses, how “an award-winning CTV reporter and anchor, has been suspended pending an investigation into allegations made Friday by a former network employee of sexual misconduct more than a decade ago.” (Isai, 2018) The article also discusses how Bridget Brown decided to publish the news and why she finally decided to come out it after 12 years of being silent about it. Similarities There are two

  • Northern Ontario Case Study

    1644 Words  | 4 Pages

    Development of Northern Ontario By:Parth There are many problems that the federal government and the provincial government have to deal with. One of the most important problems is taking care of the aboriginals. There are many problems on the reserves. There is no Indore water on the reserves. Some do have Indoor water but almost all of the water is dirty. According to CBC, ¼ of the aboriginals depend on unfiltered water systems. On some reserves, there is filtered water and it is Indore but

  • Infant Mortality In Vancouver: Case Study

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    Vancouver is located on the southwest coast of British Columbia. With an average population of six hundred thirty-one thousand people in 2016, Vancouver finds its population vastly increasing each year (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2017 a). On average, a family with two working parents makes an annual income of ninety-seven thousand, two hundred dollars whereas a single mother makes approximately forty-eight thousand dollars (CBC 2017 a). This is an important factor because around twenty eight

  • The Influence Of Globalization On Canadian Culture

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    Culture, history, and heritage are the attributes that illustrates the identity of a nation. Every nation is focused to protect and promote its cultural identity. Globalization is rapidly growing all over the world, and American culture is widely imitated making it so dominant that it would not be incorrect to call globalization as Americanization (Globalization, n.d.). “Canadian Magazine Dispute” was one of the strongest movements laid out by the Canadian government to avoid American dominance

  • Thousand Islands National Park

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    The landform of the current Thousand Islands National Park was created in two stages; the folding of the Frontenac Axis which created an ancient mountain range which is an extension of the Canadian Shield to the Adirondack Mountains in New York, and the continental glaciation erosion that scraped and rounded the tops of the mountain range. During the receding of the glacier, a channel was carved out to the Great Lakes basin, where the dammed water and meltwater of the glacier filled the channel now

  • Ontario Political Culture Essay

    698 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ontario is a province that is near and dear to the nation of Canada, with flourishing aspects in terms of its rich culture, economic prosperity, and home not only to the nation’s capital Ottawa but also to one of the most popular cities in Canada, Toronto. Similarly, the provincial government of Ontario operates in a similar principle to the Federal Government of Canada in terms of the Westminster model and also the First Past the Post system (Single Member Plurality) which refers to the party that

  • Diversity In Toronto

    825 Words  | 2 Pages

    Being the most populous city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario, Toronto is a precise choice. The city of Toronto has dynamic, vivid life, as well as beautiful climate. Toronto has a humid continental climate with warm, humid summer, and cold winter. In addition, the city experiences four distinct seasons with noticeable length, which make city comfortable place to live. Besides, Toronto is not only host to more than 100 different festivals annually, but also home to Canada’s largest

  • The Struggle for Self-Definition in Boys and Girls by Alice Munro

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    prevails, but by the finale, her mother's world invades her heart. Although the transformation is not complete, she begins to understand and define her "self-hood." Alice Munro's "Boys and Girls" immerses us into the rural country-side of Jubilee, Ontario, Canada, and into the life of an eleven year-old tom-boy.  The story unfolds how she struggles to become herself while growing up on her parents' farm.  Her father raises silver foxes for the family's meager source of income as her mother cares for

  • Americanization and Canadian Culture

    1221 Words  | 3 Pages

    Americanization and Canadian Culture Gaëtan Tremblay is a professor at the University in Quebec in Montreal. As a concerned Quebecois, He wrote an article which discusses the Americanization of Canada, in particular Quebec. Tremblay seems to have a strong stand point about the future of Quebec. Using statistical and literary evidence, primary and secondary sources, he attempts to support his argument that Quebec is a victim of American cultural colonization. Tremblay fears that Canadian culture