Thermometers Essays

  • Types Of Mercury Thermometers

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    Types of Thermometers 1) Mercury thermometer History: The mercury-in-glass or mercury thermometer was invented by physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in Amsterdam (1714). How does it work? The main element of a mercury thermometer is a capillary tube. The tube is sealed on both sides of the nutria and she pumped the air. At one end of the tube is a reservoir of mercury. To measure the temperature there is a special scale. Scale deposited on the bar attached to the tube. Scale measurement range

  • Oven Thermometer Essay

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    occasion, it is critical to have a good oven thermometer. With an accurate oven thermometer, you can ensure the safety of your food and make sure the meat is neither overdone nor underdone. It would have been a big help if I had invested in oven thermometer before I cooked my first turkey! You may want to take the following factors into consideration when choosing an oven thermometer: • Is it tip-sensitive? • Do you do a lot of cooking? An inexpensive thermometer is most cost-effective for someone who

  • The Effectiveness and Accuracy of Rectal Thermometers

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    find innovative ways to attain exact temperatures in this population, there are hospitals and affiliated medical centers that still assess pediatric temperature through traditional means, which is rectal thermometer. Even more disturbing is the continued use of glass mercury-filled thermometers in the health care setting. These add additional risks of metal toxicity from the leakage of mercury and possible rectal perforation (Chiappini, Sollai, Longhi, Morandini, Laghi, Osio, Persiani, Lonati, Picchi

  • Inventions of the Elizabethan Era

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    Many things defined 16th and 17th century Europe. Most recall it to be the era of the Renaissance; of Queen Elizabeth I’s reign; of a time where industry took its first steps and people no longer thought the world to be flat. It was an era that led to the way we live today. But perhaps one of the most essential contributions to modern day society to come from this period of time is the technology. People have been creating things since the dawn of time itself. Ever since we humans took our first

  • Investigation Into How Insulation Can Affect Heat Loss

    792 Words  | 2 Pages

    Investigation Into How Insulation Can Affect Heat Loss 1/ Huddling 2/ Insulation We will investigate Insulation 3/ Surface Area/Volume Things that could effect heat loss include: Conduction Convection What are they? Radiation We are going to do the following lessons in this order: * Planning * Planning and Trial * Observation * Observation * Analysis * Evaluation Planning In this investigation, we are going to investigate how insulation can affect heat

  • Inventory Management

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    want to receive your products. As we wait for our delivery we want to ensure that we have the right equipment in place to not only receive the shipment but to also inspect the shipment. Some of these items may consist of a pallet-dolly, gloves, thermometer, temperature log, order invoice, weight scale and most importantly someone who is trained in the proper receiving process. “Assure that persons responsible for receiving are properly trained. They must know and use the proper procedures and be able

  • Body Temperature: Safe, Successful Nursing Care

    998 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tympanic thermometers tend to be used because they are designed to be non-invasive, simple to use and hygienic. They are also relatively comfortable for most patients. Tympanic thermometers are used by attaching a plastic hygiene cap to the device and inserting an infrared sensor into the ear. This sensor can, within two seconds, give a reading of

  • Sweating and Heat Loss Investigation

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    Sweating and Heat Loss Investigation Aim To find out whether heat is lost faster over a sweaty body compared to a dry body. Apparatus 2 Boiling tubes 47ml max 2 Measuring jug 50ml max A Beaker 250ml max 2 thermometers Paper towels A kettle to boil water A stopwatch 2 magnifying glasses (8x) 2 corks with a small hole through the centre A test tube rack Preliminary work In my preliminary work, I need to find out how much water to use, whether the tissue

  • Change of Volume of a Gas

    1357 Words  | 3 Pages

    ---------- Volume is directly proportional to Temperature ---------------------------------------------- Preliminary Test ---------------- A preliminary experiment wsa carried out to test our apparatus. In this test we used an alcohol thermometer to see if there was any change in volume as the capillary tube was heated. Our results suggested that an increase in temperature resulted in an increase of volume of the air bubble. Background research When a substance is given energy the

  • Science Fair

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    My project is on the reaction time of a human. I tested 3 subjects using two computer tests. Before the tests each subject took their temperature with a digital thermometer. They recorded the temperature and started the test. I did this project because I always wanted to know why at some points of the day I was very slow at doing things and at some points I did really well and did some things fast. I wanted to know when and why I would be at my slowest. I believed that the younger the person the

  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Experiment

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    Does temperature affect how wide a chocolate chip cookie gets? If temperature affects how a chocolate chip cookie is baked, then temperature will affect how wide the cookie grows in width. The procedures for the experiment were; Warm up the oven to the desired temperatures. Prepare the chocolate chip cookie dough into about 3 sections of 28 grams, while the oven is heating up. Place the cookie dough onto the pan and put into the oven once the oven is heated up. Leave the cookies in the oven to cook

  • Advantages Of Measuring Temperature

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    There are also many conditions that can alter the reading given by a thermometer, for example, if the child is in a warm room, if the child has been active or if they are wearing a few layers of clothing. The average temperature of a child is around 36.4 degrees, but this again depends on the various factors and does differ

  • The Galileo Themometer: The History Of The Thermometer

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    Kirk Deitschman Hist Professor Bindi 26 April 2016 History of the Thermometer Temperature is the numerical representation of hot and cold usually measured by a thermometer. Temperature is also the measurement of how fast molecules and atoms of substances are moving. Temperature is measured in degrees on three different scales, Fahrenheit, Celsius or Kelvin. The thermometers we know today was not developed or invented by one specific person but was a collaborative effort from numerous different

  • Analysis Of Vapor Pressure Thermometers

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    this task. Vapor Pressure Thermometers The system of a Vapor Pressure Thermometers contains both vapor and liquid but it is still considered as a type of gas filled instrument. A bulb is used to store the mixture of both phases, and it is this bulb that is suspended into the medium whose temperature needs to be measured. This bulb is connected to a bourdon tube which measures the vapor pressure of the liquid inside the bulb. The basic physics behind this thermometer is that exposing the bulb to

  • Birds Inner Thermometer Adjusts Timing of Spring Migration

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    Various studies have explored the relationship between atmospheric conditions on periodic cycles of bird migration, however, there are limited knowledge on how weather condition really affect birds migration on an individual fitness level. The informations gathered were not sufficient to describe the birds internal self-sustained circadian rhythm and the external signal to guarantee suitable departure and arrival timing of migration. This research elaborated on the factors contributing to the timing

  • Daniel Fahrenheit

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    learned about thermometers and because it was a trade in Amsterdam, Fahrenheit decided to stay, and make this his profession, so he borrowed against his inheritance to take up thermometer making. When the city fathers of Gdansk found out, they arranged to have Fahrenheit arrested, so until he was the legal age of 24 he had to dodge police. At first he was simply on the run, but he decided to keep traveling through Denmark, Germany, Holland, Sweden and Poland. Florentine thermometer scales varied

  • Biomedical Engineering Essay

    1296 Words  | 3 Pages

    CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0. Historical Background Of Biomedical Engineering The application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology is can be refer to as biomedical engineering also known as bioengineering. This combines the design and analysis of problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biological sciences with the aim of improving the quality and effectiveness of patient healthcare diagnosis, monitoring and therapy. Bioengineering applies engineering

  • Thermocouple Essay

    608 Words  | 2 Pages

    with temperature. Most RTD elements are made up of finely coiled wire wrapped around a ceramic or glass core.The RTD element is made from a pure material which is usually platinum, nickel or copper. Platinum is often the choice made in resistance thermometers as it can measure different measures of extreme ends, is very unreactive and has a linear resistance relationship with temperature.The material has a calculable change in resistance as the temperature changes and this change is used to determine

  • Peanut Fudge Lab

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    Before we began we discussed how we were to calibrate our candy thermometers and perform the cold water test. After our discussion, we began work on our tests and our recipes. Being in group three, I began with the calibration test, placing cool water into a pot and slowly bringing it to a boil. As the water began to simmer I clipped the thermometer to the side of the pot allowing the tip to rest halfway into the water. While the thermometer began reacting and the water continued to boil, I began prepping

  • Enthalpy Of A Neutralization Reaction Lab Report

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    Materials • One pair of goggles • One apron • 175 mL of 1.00 mol/L HCl(aq) at room temperature • 175 mL of 1.00 mol/L NaOH(aq) at room temperature • One calorimeter with a stirring rod • One 100 mL graduated cylinder • Two 250 mL beakers • One thermometer • One roll of paper towel Procedure 1. Before starting the experiment, the procedure was written and approved by the teacher. 2. An observations table was made to record the initial volume and temperature of NaOH (aq) and HCl (aq); the table also