Investigation Into How Insulation Can Affect Heat Loss

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Investigation Into How Insulation Can Affect Heat Loss 1/ Huddling 2/ Insulation We will investigate Insulation 3/ Surface Area/Volume Things that could effect heat loss include: Conduction Convection What are they? Radiation We are going to do the following lessons in this order: * Planning * Planning and Trial * Observation * Observation * Analysis * Evaluation Planning In this investigation, we are going to investigate how insulation can affect heat loss. We will do this by using a beaker, with a set amount of hot water in it (50ml), and measure the temperature loss over a set time, and record it. Then, we will wrap a paper towel around the beaker, and measure the temperature loss again. We will then continue to add paper towels each time, and measure the temperature again. To ensure that we get a good set of results, we will do each test three times, and then find the average heat loss for each set of times. To make the test more fair, we will use the same beaker each time, so that the size and thickness of the beaker stays the same each time. We will also use the same amount of water each time, and use the same type of paper towels, so that they are also all the same thickness. To make sure that the experiment is done safely, we will do all of the tests on a clean work surface so that nothing gets broken, and we will be careful when using the kettle, so as not to burn anything with the hot water. Obtaining Results We will do each test three times, and record the results in the upper table, and then find the average result in the lower table. All of these results start from 50ËšC. This is the first set of results Time (Min) 0 5

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