The Parking Space Essays

  • College Parking Spaces

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    to find a parking spot. The majority of the student body drives to school with no guaranty that they will be able to station their car in the school zone even if they have a parking pass. Although there’s always a way of avoiding this problem by means of other transportations, however, students would prefer driving to school and for that reason a solution to the lack of parking spaces in the college campus is to assign each parking space with a number. Many colleges lack parking spaces inside campus

  • Argumentative Essay On Parking Space

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    plentiful and the number of convenient parking spaces is inadequate, it is a complete abomination to society that some people choose to park in such a way that they occupy more than one parking space. To simply imagine the sight of one measly car taking up the amount of space meant for two is nearly unbearable. To make matters worse, each space is specifically marked with lines in order to guide one in their parking endeavors. By ignoring these lines and parking poorly, it is clear that drivers who

  • Case Study: Lack Of Parking Spaces On OU Campus

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    Unit 1 Paper Lack of Parking Spaces on OU Campus It is hard to find parking on campus, especially during rush hours. Both students and professors are encountering trouble for this crisis. As a simple example, the parking lot next to the Sarkeys building is always full. This problem is a continuous, daily hazard. As a student required to maintain a lot of class schedules and activities, I suffer from the parking problem daily and find that others encounter the same. It is true that the university

  • Should College Students Respond To Lack Of Parking Spaces On A Campus?

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    student is being able to find a parking spot. The majority of the student body drives to school with no guaranty that they will be able to station their car in the school zone. Although there’s always a way by avoiding this problem by means of other transportations, however students would prefer driving to school and for that reason a solution to the lack of parking spaces in the college campus is to assign each parking space with a number. Many colleges lack parking spaces inside campus, and it is a

  • Why Do USC Aiken Students Have A Lack Of Parking Space

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    Finding a parking space might not be a major concern for some USC Aiken students who live on campus, those who are commuters find over-crowded parking lots an issue. Those who commute to school claim that a lack of parking spaces creates an issue with being on time for class. Faculty and staff parking spaces are indicated by yellow lines; student parking spaces are indicated by white lines. "It's ridiculous," said Tierra McBride, a senior communication major. "There is no place to park especially

  • Cal Poly Parking Problem

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    the problem regarding the lack of campus parking spaces at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) and recommended a solution to improve this situation in the short term. Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide a final recommendation to Cal Poly’s UPD to deal with the problem of the lack of parking spaces. This report will provide two initial ideas and one final recommendation for improving the Cal Poly campus parking problem after research and analysis. Background

  • Simmons College Parking Case Study

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    itself gives the students incredible resources and job opportunities. However, living in the city also has its disadvantages, such as a lack of parking. Parking is essential for a college campus because it gives students accessibility when moving on and off campus, and also gives students the ability to visit with family and friends. The minimal parking availability on the Simmons College Residence Campus has been problematic for both students and faculty of the college. The inability to park on

  • Wichita State University Parking

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    Parking at Wichita State University is terrible. Residents of Shocker Hall and Fairmount Towers are mostly affected by this; they are forced to park almost two and a half miles from their dorms - and an on-call shuttle system has been set up for them by the administration. If students wanted to park for free close to campus, the most ideal place they would consider parking, is on the streets. However, this has become a problem to the neighborhoods around campus as complains of driveway infringements

  • Free Parking will Never be Free

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    restaurant saying “free parking in rear”. It means I can save a couple dollars for parking and enjoy the dinner. I believe most of people have the same experience of finding a free parking space. However, parking is never free, even it labeled with free parking. We have already paid something but we just do not realize it. In 2013, Paul Kennedy argued in his presentation program CBC radio Ideas that “parking causes huge economic, environmental, and even social problems” (“Paying for Parking”). In 2009, a research

  • Texas Woman's University Parking Problems

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    Texas Woman’s University I am aware of some of the problems that occur on campus. Unfortunately, the parking situation here on campus sticks out like a sore thumb. Whether you can’t find an open parking space anywhere on campus or whether you just can’t justify paying $70.00 for a parking permit when it doesn’t guarantee you a parking spot. Not only are students fighting traffic to find a parking spot, but they are also having to park long distances from their class, which can become a major problem

  • Free Argumentative Essays: Issues With Parking On Campus

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    Issues with Parking on Campus Have you ever had issues with parking on campus? Were you given a ticket? If so, many other students and myself across the nation have experienced the same thing. Many of times, students are not as fortunate to park in a parking lot or deck simply because there is no room or space available, so what are some ways that this matter can be resolved? To begin this essay, we are prompted with the question “What should be done to improve the parking on UNA’s campus

  • Battle Creek's Abandoned Buildings

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    Lately I have noticed numerous abandoned buildings around the Battle Creek area; the sight makes our city look run down and cheap. I believe something must be done about this issue such as turning the buildings into new city attractions. Two vacant buildings that come to mind are the run down State Police Station and the dilapidated Family Fare store. First of all, I know this issue can be resolved as I have seen it done with my own eyes. Just recently the Hot and Now restaurant which has been

  • Parking, a Major Problem on Campus

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    Parking, a Major Problem on Campus Why do students and their parents pay such a large amount of money to attend the University of Dayton if there is not going to be any place for parking? I am a first year student at the university so I understand that I am not permitted to have my car on campus (Handbook). My boyfriend on the other hand, lives at least a half hour away and comes to visit me several times a week. He arrives and has to drive for a very long time trying to find a place to park where

  • UF Parking Problem

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    Imagine living in a world where you get a $35 parking ticket every single week. For students at the University of Florida, this scenario is real life. As high school students go through the process of picking the college of their dreams, most do not consider the struggle of parking on campus. Therefore, the thousands of naive freshman that choose the University of Florida become enraged when the only place their decal allows them to park appears completely full, or when reckless students push all

  • Parking Issues in Urban Areas

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    1. INTRODUCTION Finding an empty parking space is a common problem in most urban areas which especially occurs in popular areas and tourist attraction spots. This situation has become more serious especially during their peak time, be it holiday seasons ,carnivals or any other festivals. The limited availability of vacant parking spaces often result in traffic congestion. Limitation of a driver’s capability of finding a vacant parking spaces and absence of efficient management are also at fault

  • Parking Deck Project Of University ______________

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    Parking Deck Project of University The University of ________________ has been confronted with claims of parking shortages over the past several years. Many of these claims were not supported by any facts or figures that explained the cause of the parking shortages. In fact, some of the claims of insufficient parking were based on students not being able to locate parking spaces in the parking lots adjacent to their first class. Due to recent and projected enrollment increases, there now

  • Riverbank Case Study

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    more space for tourists to park and there is just too much traffic for the area to withstand. Riverbank’s historically quaint Grant’s Valley would benefit from the destruction of the unused junior-high on 35th and Princeton and the new construction of a one hundred space parking lot and a new park. This would attract more people and lessen the unattractive curb appeal of the parking lot in the residential area of Grant’s Valley that the residents want

  • How To Build A Parking Lot

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    school after going home for the weekend, their biggest worry is not being able to find a parking spot. Especially when they have only a few minutes to get to their first class and the parking lot is to capacity. Nobody wants to start out their week with a parking ticket, so they spend a lot of their time circling the parking lot just hoping that they will either catch someone backing out or they find a parking spot that is hidden between all of the cars that are spaciously parked on the gravel. The

  • How To Build A Parking Lot

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    West side of campus, or they will get a parking ticket. There are four dorms on this side of campus and they all share a small parking lot by Madison, the few parking spaces along University Avenue, and one parking lot between Commons and Ouachita Hall. This parking lot that is behind Commons is half gravel and it doesn’t have parking spots drawn on it. Students park really far away from each other and take up more room than necessary. They get many parking tickets, because they end up having to

  • Persuasive Essay On Driving To Campus

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    problems since the available parking garages cannot carry the large numbers of cars getting into the colleges. Apart from the students, there are people who use the campus grounds as parking lots to evade taxes. In this case, campuses are overwhelmed with cars that even some students opt to stay away from campus anticipating their will not be able to park their cars. ACC campuses are not exceptions in this mess. Apart from the fact that there are not enough parking spaces, most of the students complain