Tangerine Essays

  • Edward Bloor Tangerine Analysis

    758 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the novel “Tangerine” by Edward Bloor, on page 269 he states “The Truth Shall Set You Free”. Some might be wondering “What does this mean?” Or “Why did Edward Bloor write this?”. Edward Bloor wrote this quote because in the novel “Tangerine”, Paul has been keeping lots of secrets in his life about Erik and since he moved to Lake Windsor he’s kept even more. Paul didn’t have the guts to say everything until Antoine Thomas said “The truth shall set you free”. For all of Paul’s life, he has been

  • Tangerine By Edward Bloor: Character Analysis

    766 Words  | 2 Pages

    (Cassandra Clare) In the novel Tangerine by Edward Bloor, Paul's parents make many decisions that affected Paul's life. From moving to Tangerine, being inattentive towards Paul, and to having secrets kept from him, you could tell Paul Fisher has a pretty crazy life. Those decisions were made by his parents. However, those decisions that his parents made has molded Paul into a stronger person. In the novel Tangerine by Edward Bloor, Paul and his family had moved to Tangerine County. This decision affected

  • Paul In Tangerine

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    “We tend to become like those whom we admire.” In the book Tangerine by Edward Bloor, Paul, the main character, just moved to Florida, and his main goal in the book is to find out what happened to his eyes that made him blind. Along the way he meets people that change his life forever. Everyone in Tangerine effects Paul’s life, relationships and his self concept but Luis Cruz’ choices make Paul the way he is at the end of the book. Even though, Luis asking Paul to come back to the groves

  • Joey In Tangerine

    533 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Choices Joey Costello Made There were many choices made throughout the book, Tangerine, by Edward Bloor. There is a character named Joey Costello. He goes to Lake Windsor Middle School, and plays on the soccer team. In the story, Joey makes many good and bad choices. His good and bad choices led to many conflicts throughout the book. The main character, Paul, joins the Lake Windsor Middle School soccer team, and Joey becomes friends with Paul. He thinks that him being friends with Paul would

  • Tangerine: Summary

    678 Words  | 2 Pages

    Paul at some points thinks about his old town he had lived in, Houston, but each time it is brought up it either is much different compared to the town Tangerine or very much alike every once in a blue moon. When Paul refers to his old town, it mostly describes bad memories. In a way to relate, it is like someone gets lost in the sea but then gets rescued. The person would still have memories of being lost, it’s just that they're not living anymore. That is the same thing with Paul, remembering things

  • The Tangerine Scarf

    859 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf is written by Mohja Kahf and is a coming of age story as the main character, Khadra tries to find her true identity. Khadra Shamy is the daughter of Syrian immigrants who moved to Indianapolis. Khadra grew up in a strict Muslim community and both of her parents were very involved with the Da’wah Center. In the strict Muslim community that Khadra was raised in, all children were brought up believing in one definition of Islam and rejecting

  • Characters In Tangerine

    949 Words  | 2 Pages

    sometimes the choices other people make has a possibility to impact our life? Well in the novel, Tangerine, the protagonist, Paul Fisher, is faced with choices that he has to endure and overcome. The choices he face are not made by him, but the others around him. For instance, Paul's mom made choices that Paul has to simply live with and endure whatever problem comes his way, Such as moving from Texas to Tangerine County Florida, As well as her signing the "IEP" form without consulting Paul, Lastly She

  • Tangerine Archetype

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    Everyone has a mentor. Most people look up to their parents, a friend or sibling, but in Paul's case it was a tangerine farmer who was also the brother of his friend his mentor was Luis Cruz. In the novel tangerine Luis Cruz represents the mythological archetype of the mentor by keeping paul motivated, staying positive, and giving advice while acting as Paul's conscience. The first way Luis fulfills the mentor figure to Paul is the way he motivates Paul. For instance, luis was talking to Paul while

  • Erik In Tangerine

    572 Words  | 2 Pages

    Erik- Tangerine (Monday Write) In the book, Tangerine, written by Edward Blur, Erik is the main character's brother. Erik is a successful football player and he always has mom and dad supporting him. Erik might be very good at football, but he also has some “not” special things about him. He is selfish, but along with it is rude and soul-less. His parents help him keep his place as a star football player by trying to cover up all the mistakes he has made and making him perfect in almost everyone's

  • Theme Of Growth In Tangerine

    619 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Well...that sounds like an very interesting book. What the name of it?” “Tangerine!” Tangerine is a novel by Edward Bloor that tells the story of our protagonist Paul, and his story of his life once he gets to Tangerine, Florida where many strange things happen. He transferred to three schools in total; the first one, Lake Windsor Middle, was a school he did not last long in, due to a sinkhole; the second one, Tangerine Middle, was the school where Paul joins the soccer team, and finds unforgettable

  • Theme Of Blindness In Tangerine

    907 Words  | 2 Pages

    Blindness versus Sight In Tangerine Paul may be blind physically but he can see what his parents’ and the townspeople can’t. Paul, a middle school student and the main character, is physically blind and is looking for answers from the past. Erik, Paul's big brother, is a superstar football kicker and bully who is driven by anger and frustration. Their parents are struggling with the secrets from the past and the effect that they have on the family and the families future. Tangerine county in Florida has

  • Character Analysis Of Tangerine

    1022 Words  | 3 Pages

    The notion that men and women should behave according to their gender roles has been ingrained into the subconscious of many. Tangerine defies gender norms through its portrayal of gender fluid characters. A great example of a character who possesses both masculine and feminine character traits is the main character, Sindee. The film begins with Sindee, a transgendered prostitute, getting out of jail and finding out that her pimp boyfriend has been cheating on her. In finding the girl that her boyfriend

  • Theme Of Denial In Tangerine

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    denial as a coping mechanism." When confronted with evil, many people choose not to accept the reality of the situation and create their own instead, as a way of putting off the truth until one is "strong" enough to accept and confront it. In Tangerine by Edward Bloor, this attempt to reduce grief often just creates more suffering and hurt. Many characters were in denial which prevented them from achieving true and pure happiness. Many residents of the Lake Windsor Downs community were in denial

  • Tangerine Character Analysis

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    According to Stephen R. Covey, “While we are free to choose our actions, were not free to choose the consequences of our actions”. The story Tangerine by Edward Bloor was about Paul Fisher moving to Tangerine, Florida when he faces his fear of his brother Erik. At the end of the story he solves the mystery of his lost peripheral vision. Choices people around us make have an impact on others. The character that had the biggest impact on Paul was Erik. First of all he punched Tino really hard. Secondly

  • Tangerine: A Film Analysis

    641 Words  | 2 Pages

    which made by smartphone and showing on a famous film festival - Sundance film festival. Although it is not the first film made by smartphone, it likes a milestone of filmmaking to show people that film can be made by smartphone with high quality. Tangerine is a feature film, which told a story about the chaotic relationships among two transgender prostitutes, a pimp and pimp’s lover. If a story is an interesting whatever the equipment used for making it into film. The final production still need shown

  • Paul Fisher In Tangerine

    507 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tangerine Essay T. Epenesa 1.15.16 P.d 1 Who was Paul Fisher? Paul Fisher was a small weak wimpy little 7th grader at least that’s what we thought, but through out this story that little wimp gets more interesting. Paul Fisher has a sinful teenage brother, who always is making terrible choices. Paul Fisher has a mom that cares a lot about him and the other hand his dad doesn't really pay attention to him. He's always about the “Erik Fisher Football Dream.” “He had something pulled over his face

  • Edward Bloor's Tangerine

    568 Words  | 2 Pages

    Have you ever been affected by a sibling or met someone that has? Weather you have or not, you should know that there are many effects caused by having a sibling. Well in the book Tangerine By Edward Bloor, Paul is affected by his brother Erik on many more occasions than any sibling should be. In this book Eriks choices affect Paul by forcing him to look like a freak, become embarrassed, and feel like a loser. A choice made by Erik affects Paul by causing his classmates and peers to view him

  • Paul's Point Of View In Tangerine

    660 Words  | 2 Pages

    The 2006 fictional novel, “Tangerine” written by Edward Bloor is about the mystery of Paul’s eyes and the secrets to unlocks the truth behind Paul’s vision. Edward Bloor uses Paul’s eyesight to show the understanding of the character's family and friends. It shows his viewpoint on things and how Paul sees his problems. Through the motif of vision Paul, the main character, grows his understanding on his friends, family, and himself. No doubt, his friends make a big impact on Paul’s perspective

  • Zane And Tangerine: A Literary Analysis

    542 Words  | 2 Pages

    & The Hurricane and Tangerine are both very similar but also very different. For example, Zane & the Hurricane is more action based and focuses more on the aspect of a weakling trying to survive the apocalypse while Tangerine focuses more on the story line and leads up to a slow and twisted turn rather than spilling the story out in the first 5 pages. But both Tangerine and Zane has a action packed story which has hooked readers into engaging with the story. The book Tangerine and Zane both has many

  • Literary Analysis Of Tangerine And Wonder

    987 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analysis Essay In the beginning of both Tangerine and Wonder, it is clearly stated on how both of the main characters will go on a journey. This journey is a journey of growth, wisdom, and confidence that left its readers in awe. Both books portray the need in which the main character struggles in growing at first, but eventually does. Throughout Tangerine though, you can see Paul growing up and how his confidence was affected majorly. In my opinion, Tangerine does a better job showing how the character