Paul Fisher In Tangerine

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Tangerine Essay T. Epenesa 1.15.16 P.d 1 Who was Paul Fisher? Paul Fisher was a small weak wimpy little 7th grader at least that’s what we thought, but through out this story that little wimp gets more interesting. Paul Fisher has a sinful teenage brother, who always is making terrible choices. Paul Fisher has a mom that cares a lot about him and the other hand his dad doesn't really pay attention to him. He's always about the “Erik Fisher Football Dream.” “He had something pulled over his face, some kind of ski mask, and he was holding a long metal baseball bat in both hands, like a murder weapon. Then he brought it forward in a mighty swing, right at my head.” Erik makes terrible choices that some of those choices affect Paul majorly. Obviously they don't get along that well because Paul had a flashback about Erik, and that flashback wasn't a good one. “ He had something pulled over his face, some kind of ski mask, and he was holding a long metal baseball bat in both hands, like a murder weapon. Then he brought it forward in a mighty swing, right at my head. Paul never really got help from Erik., Erik was always causing trouble to Paul when Mike Costello died Paul got confused by Erik and …show more content…

Erik made a robbery, he stole a “rolex watch” that was 900$, but they got it back, and “pearls, antique, 500$, but they did not get it back.. On December, 3, Mrs Fisher had a meeting about what Erik and Arthur had did together. The robbery. Mrs Fisher shared what she has saw at the meeting. Mrs Fisher open the book and started talking, “On November 22, I made a shocking discovery. While out at our storage bin, searching for boxes of winter, I found a gym bag that did not belong there. When I opened this gym bag, I found a U.S Army gas mask, a pair of rubber gloves , and a plastic supermarket bag fillied with diamond earings, watches, gold rings, and many other types of precious

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