Sugar substitute Essays

  • Sugar Substitutes In Yeast Research

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    yeast will reproduce using various sugar substitutes. Yeast is a type of living bacteria frequently used in baking. Sugar is scientifically known as sucrose with a chemical formula of C12H22O11. Sucrose is composed of fructose and glucose, which both have chemical formulas of C6H12O6. When yeast reacts with sucrose, carbon dioxide is produced.  A sugar substitute is a product that in synthesized to have a sugar-like taste. Reasons for using a sugar substitute include accounting for medical conditions

  • The Effect of Sugar Substitutes on Yeast Respiration

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    effects of multiple sugar substances on the respiration of yeast. Most people think of yeast when they think of what makes bread rise, cheese, alcoholic beverages, or other food products. Another type of yeast can also cause yeast infections, an infection of the skin. Yeasts (Saccharomyces) are tiny, microscopic organisms with a thin membrane and are usually oval or circular-shaped. They are a type of single-celled fungi of the class Ascomycetes, capable of processing sugar into alcohol and carbon

  • Saccharin

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    Saccharin is one of the most disputed sugar substitutes in the United States today. Since 1977, it has been regarded as potentially carcinogenic (“Saccharin”, 1999). The sweetness of saccharin compared to sugarcane is utterly amazing. When measured up to sugarcane, saccharin is 550 times as sweet in its pure state. Also, it is estimated to have a sweetening power of 375 times that of sugar (“Saccharin”, 2000)! This drug may be amazing, but some people say that it causes a dangerous disease, cancer

  • Sweeteners

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    metabolize the foreign chemical. Saccharin does not contribute calories; for this reason it is commonly used in diet foods. "The obese [feel] that saccharin is their lifeline to slimdom, and diabetics [claim] it is essential to control their blood sugar" (Brody 482). The same people who consume saccharin certainly would not knowingly eat something that is classified as toxic waste; however, they do it on a daily basis. Saccharin's alias is EPA Hazardous Waste number U202. In fact, workers who handle

  • Should Students Be Allowed to Chew Gum in School?

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    Should Students Be Allowed to Chew Gum in School? An increasing number of students today are showing more signs of anxiety, stress, and ADHD. A solution to the issue is allowing children to chew gum while in the classroom. Evidence shows that the process of chewing gum increases the blood flow to the brain and heart as well as increases saliva in the mouth, which gives the individual certain advantages. Students should be allowed to chew gum while in the classroom because they demonstrate increased

  • Compare And Contrast Diet Soda

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    these drinks can do to your body. Some prefer diet soda because it doesn’t leave residue on their teeth. This is because diet soda gets it’s flavoring from artificial sweeteners, which is not natural sugar, and bacteria in your mouth needs sugar to grow. Although diet soda may not contain sugar, it does have acid, and over time this acid can strip the enamel from your teeth and leave them more vulnerable to cavities from other sugary

  • Essay On Food Preservatives

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    Amir Halimeh Mrs. Heather Garcia English 4 CP 30 March 2014 Food Preservatives When I woke up this morning, after I brushed my teeth, looking in the mirror, I thought to myself ; “what am I putting into my body that shouldn’t be there?” The answer to that question is the processed foods that large food corporations sell to us consumers and make us think that we are eating healthy and nutritious foods when we are eating processed foods filled with preservatives to make them last longer. As a consumer

  • Ethics in Advertising

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    lead to obesity, diabetes. In CBS NEWS. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from Cosgrove-Mather, Bootie. (2004, 12 03). Splenda sugar sweetener spat. CBS NEWS. Retrieved from Snyder, W. S. (2011). Principles and Practices for Advertising Ethics. Institute for Advertising Ethics, 1-11.

  • Make Up Of Gum Research Paper

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    When a person chews gum, it causes him to crave the sweet flavors gum provides. Since that person is craving the sugar he is obtaining through gum, he will not want to eat any fruit. Fruit is an essential food group that needs to be consumed daily. It offers many natural sweeteners that are actually good for the body as opposed to the artificial ones in gum. By

  • Chewing Gum: Lab Experiment

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    to be chewed but not swallowed. It comes in many flavours, sizes and types. Some kinds of chewing gum have a polyol coating. It usually contains sugar but is also available in sugar-free forms. It is manufactured by many companies including Wrigley Company, The Hershey Company and Cadbury Trebor Basset. Chewing gum is made of a mixture of gum bases, sugar and other additional flavourings. These gum bases are essentially synthetic rubbers that have the same temperature profile as chicle (a form of

  • Soft Drinks Essay

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    You may be wondering how Soda can have absolutely anything to do with chemistry. Truth is the acid found in soft drinks puts your body at risk every day. This most common soft drink is actually has a huge risk to your body. As you grow up, your parents always told you to not have so much caffeine because it’s bad for you. Yet parents even though telling you this they would purchase the beverage whenever they went out to restaurants and for almost every party they would attend. What most parents may

  • The Seven-Up Company and Advertisement

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    an optimistic message to the audience. For example, Charles has added a red spot between the Seven and Up that represents talisman as stimulus to the brand. Also, in 1929, he came up with a new name lemon- lime soft drink which is non caffeine and sugar free. In the late nineteenth century and early twenties, Seven-Up was one of the privilege medicine outputs for the health benefits like the digestion system and people who has bipolar problems. Luckily, Seven-Up Company gained its popularity, was

  • Sugar Industry In India

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  • Aspartame Essay

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    discussed, its patent reveals that it uses by-products of genetically-modified cells and later treated with chemicals and methanol to produce aspartame (Butler, 2013). The three c... ... middle of paper ... ...rtame is several times sweeter than sugar, it then means that it needs less amount to add flavor to food. It results to less packaging usage, lesser emissions from factories in the long run and reduced carbon footprint (Sustainability: Aspartame and the environment, n.d. para 2). Also, it

  • Informative Speech On Erytheritol

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    Erythritol- All you need to know about this natural sugar healthy alternative What if people having sweet tooth can have sugar without adding the calories? Sounds like dieters or people with fitness goals dream right? Well, the sugar alcohol “Erythritol” claims to have everything same as sugar without the side effects. However, is it actually safe and healthy? Let’s analyze and understand erythritol, its benefit, and side effects. Are you a conscious eater? If you are then you likely read the ingredient

  • Splenda Equal And Steevia

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    consumers of these sugars don’t realize how harmful these sweeteners can be and what damage they can cause to the body. Splenda, Equal, and Stevia are some of the most common sugars used in the United States and North America. People should become more aware of the ingredients on the nutrition labels of each of these sugars. This will lower the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and many other serious health issues. Just to name

  • Essay On Artificial Sugar

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    Anything that is used to replace regular sugar, or sucrose, can be considered an artificial sweetener or sugar. Americans are increasingly using artificial sugar. “Fake sugar” is toxic, not just to the body, but to the metabolism as well. Artificial sweeteners were designed to be sugar substitutes as a less fattening alternative because seventy five percent of the population is overweight in United States. These are in the brand names that most people recognize such as Splenda, Sweet One, Equal,

  • Sugar In Food

    1050 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. Cutting out Sugar Cutting sugar out is not as easy as stop adding 3 packets of processed sugar in your morning’s cup of coffee although it’s a good start. Sugar is disguised in many different forms and is in a lot of ordinary food items you typically buy and wouldn’t suspect it’s in there. If you buy crackers or any dry packaged food read the ingredients. There’s a good chance you’re going to see some form of sugar in it. If it doesn 't outright call it sugar it is probably disguised as some

  • Sugar And Artificial Sweeteners Analysis

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    Stirring up the Bittersweet Truth: Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners The body can become dependent upon sugars. They can become chemically and physically addictive to the body if not eaten in moderation. Sometimes the outcome is not worth the pleasure when it can lead to an early death. When it comes to sugar and artificial sweeteners, is one healthier than the other? At times, eating sweets can satisfy cravings, but it generally leads to eating more than the daily allowance of calories in one day

  • Artificial Sweetener Lab Report

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    enzymatic breakdown of regurgitated nectar from namely, honey bees (genus Apis). Honey is a great substitute to artificial sweeteners and is known to have anapestic and health related properties (Edwards et al, 2016). Honey is composed primarily of monosaccharides: fructose and glucose; and a variety of disaccharides, like sucrose (Edwards et al, 2016). Saccharides