Specie Essays

  • Era of Good Feeling

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    After the War of 1812, America was characterized as the Era of Good Feelings due to the national pride witnessed during Monroe’s presidency. However, even though it was distinguished as so, many aspects of America were diminishing, which signifies why it was not an “Era of Good Feeling.” First, the growing tension within the economy, due to the individual states currency circulating the nation, was a failure. This event was soon called the Panic of 1819 because the issue spun out of control and led

  • The Evolution of the Elephant Specie

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    The evolution of the elephant specie initiates the modification in the genetic traits of an elephant through sequential generations; hence the independent species divided into separate divisions. The subspecies therefore evolved and developed independently, and ultimately expanded and branched out to form advanced species, resulting in the formation and evolution of the modern elephant specie. The current elephant is a large herbivorous mammal, native in Southern Asia and Africa. The elephant species

  • Andrew Jackson and the Bank War

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    notes in circulation. Also, the Bank held a specie reserve of 50% of the value of its notes, when normally other banks only had a specie reserve of 10-25% (Davis 1). In addition to the powerful coordination the Bank possessed, it influenced interest rates for loans to the working class and the rate of inflation in the nation. Because of the use of various bank notes, variegating from bank to bank due to the lack of national currency and mixture of specie, people trusted that each bank would be able

  • Specie Alloparty: Abiogenetic Research

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    A species is regularly portrayed as a get-together of individuals that really or possibly interbreed in nature. For instance, the happy face spiders looks different, but since they can interbreed, they are viewed as relative species. This definition does not have any sort of impact in nature, however in light of the way that creatures like moment living things pass on for the most part agnatically, so the species as a party of interbreeding people can't be effortlessly connected with life outlines

  • Analysis Of Variation Under Domestication

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    that species were not just created, and istead of that, the species that can be seen today came from another specie; so the species we see are the living offspring of another one. Darwin takes in consideration something important, which is the enviorment conditions, the differences in conditions makes a specie adapt to survive, and the diferent ways to adapt, causes variation inside a specie, this meaning that if conditions changes the specices must adapt to it; but if it doesn’t change, then there

  • Knifetooth Sawfish: An Endangered Enigma of the Indo-Pacific

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    Indo-West Pacific specie (iucnredlist.org, 2013). The Knifetooth Sawfish is an extravagant marine specie in that it has qualities that resemble an unusual type of a Ray for a variety of reasons. First, the Knifetooth Sawfish appears to have a saw like beak, which typically fosters sixteen to twenty nine eloquently sharp teeth (arkive.org, 2012). The Sawfish appears to have an overall fading grey body with remotely small pointed fins (Cielocha, 2014). Another thing about this specie is that it dwells

  • Invasive Species Research Paper

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    like foxes and medfly. Invasive species are a problem, but creative solutions are being tested. Invasive species can take over areas of the earth, and make it hard for other animals to survive. In Australia they have foxes, which are an invasive specie. Foxes are trying to kill penguins, because they are nearly effortless to catch. In 2005 the miniature island population was 800 then went to below 10. Now we have incredibly well trained sheepdogs that protect the penguins

  • Lilly-Marlene Russow Why Do Species Matter Analysis

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    The first major case of Endangered Specie. The snail darter and the dam, when biologist discovered that the building of Tellico will destroy new species of snail they had to put stop to the construction in order to protect the new breed of snail. The second major case of Endangered Specie. The Pere David deer, was first discovered by a western naturalist in 1865, by then it had existed only in captivity for a

  • Impacts of the Panic of 1837

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    issued what is called a Specie Circular. Many local and state governments liked to save specie, or gold and silver, and use paper money to take care of transactions. President Jackson, in his Specie Circular, said that the Treasury was no longer allowed to accept paper money as payment for the sales of land and the like. Most, if not all, of the country did not like this, and as a result many banks restricted credit and discontinued the loans. The effects of Jackson’s Specie Circular took effect in

  • Primates Essay

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    from cross breeding with each other. The first specie, Praeanthropus dimorphicus, is notably a predator which could be assumed to have fed on animals surrounding the area. Based on the fossils found on top of the fossils of this specie, these primates could be assumed to have fed on wildebeests ... ... middle of paper ... ...at mating, although it was a custom for most primate groups, was not able to preserve the population of this particular specie. Overall, it could be realized through this finding

  • Surface Chemistry of Silica

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    In order to gain strong insight into the surface chemistry of silica we have perform a thorough literature search. Our goal is to identify the pioneer research performed on silica and silica supported catalyst. Particular interest lies in silica-water-cobalt and silica-alcohol-cobalt systems. This study is both on macro and micro level so that a complete theoretical base can be established. From this theoretical knowledge, key areas to look upon will be identified and a design of experiments will

  • Invasive Species

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    Beetle has so far caused the cutting of over 10,000 trees in New Jersey, and quarantine of 109 miles in New York today . The spread of this foreign beetle has created great impacts on the environment. The Asian Longhorn Beetle is an invasive specie, a harmful specie from another locations, mainly other countries, that has ended up in a foreign habitat. As time has progressed, invasive species have continued to come into our environment more frequently creating many unforeseen consequences. The relationship

  • Pandas Captivity

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    culturally and economically a valuable specie. By saving pandas, we are conserving the environment that both animals and humans depend on. Although, environmental conservation is important it is not the only effort needed to conserve the survival of an endangered species. Keeping Pandas captive in zoos raises awareness and provides health care, mating services, and the protection pandas need for a long lasting future. Pandas are referred to as a flagship specie. Meaning, pandas are the iconic symbol

  • Protection Of Endangered Species

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    dairy cow (Bergley, 56). This is the first time that a specie has been cloned using the eggs and surrogate mother of an entirely different specie (Bergley, 56). If we preserve DNA from endangered species it creates the potential for an animal to be cloned, which could increase the genetic diversity of endangered species and prevent inbreeding (Bergley,56). If the cloning of endangered species continues it will increase the number of a certain specie and maybe one day will take them off the endangered

  • Eurasian Collared Dove

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    The purpose of conducting this experiment is to find out how an invasive specie affects different native animals. In the past, invasive species have spread disease, created more competition, and had grown exponentially to then destroyed land. By comparing populations between native birds and an invasive specie, in this case the Eurasian Collared Dove, we can find out how the native birds were affected. We are examining how the Eurasian Collared dove affected populations of native birds in San Diego

  • Physical Anthropology Research Paper

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    the past in order to understand the present. In order to understand humans and the evolutionary process, the field goes really in depth with the biology of organisms. Anthropologists study DNA, bones, and any aspect and or abilities that a certain specie performs. The ability of speech for example, is a characteristic that only humans can perform, and although chimpanzees have a DNA that is nearly

  • Essay On Evolution

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    Essay on Evolution There are many mechanisms that lead to evolutionary change. One of the most important mechanism in evolution is natural selection which is the differential success in the reproduction of different phenotypes resulting from the interaction of organisms with their environment. Natural selection occurs when a environment makes a individual adapt to that certain environment by variations that arise by mutation and genetic recombination. Also it favors certain traits in a individual

  • African Killer Bees Essay

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    banning neonics, urban beekeeping, and interbreeding honey bees with African killer bees. The most effective way to decrease CCD is by interbreeding honey bees with a stronger specie of bees labeled African killer bees. The honeybee population

  • Organism Profile: The Northern White-tailed Deer

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    The Northern White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is one of the largest wild animals in the northeastern area of the United States. This species can be upwards of four feet tall and weigh over 300 pounds. Typically, this animal is found in forests, fields, and brush areas in the Northern region. In warmer months the White-tailed deer have a reddish brown coat with a white belly. In the winter months this deer’s coat changes to a gray-brown color. The male deer in this species are known

  • Essay On Canada's Fishing Industry

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    large specie, the cod. In the 1950s the Newfoundland Grand Banks was home to a plentitude of cod; early European explorers Overfishing is defined as a form of overexploitation where fish stocks are brought down to unacceptable levels. In the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s 2 yearly report (SOFIA), it states how over half of the fish stocks, worldwide, are fully exploited. Other research has shown it only takes 10-15 years of industrial fishing to obliterate a tenth of the intended specie. Overfishing