Spanish–American War Essays

  • Poem Essay: An Analysis Of The White Man's Burden

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    United States, one consisting of both monumental gains, serious losses, and unsurprisingly, a number of vicious wars. Two of these wars in particular, are important, not to the history of the United States specifically, but to almost all world powers at the time, as they were prime examples of what would later be referred to as “The White Man’s Burden”. The first being the Spanish-American War, which mainly revolved around U.S. attacks on Spain’s colonies in the Pacific, and the demand for Cuban independence

  • Imperialism In The Philippines Essay

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    American imperialism is a terrible, unjust process that happened in this country’s history. For example, America had been aiding the Philippines with improving their economy and their new government, but America turned this kind act into the Philippines being obliged to allow governmental intrusion from the rising world power. America also interfered past its boundary and forced its talons in Cuba and the effects still last to this day. Eventually, America was interfering with relationships between

  • The Relationship Between Colonialism And Imperialism

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    occurred in Africa which still has adverse effects to this day. The greed coupled with ignoring cultural and geographical knowledge led to many rebellions, civil wars, and unstable governments. The exploitation led to depletion of the cash crops which later caused many famines during the 19th century and led to wars. For example, the Opium Wars between China and Great Britain led to Hong Kong colonization until 1997 where it became a special administrative region. The West interactions with colonies

  • Inequality In The Spanish Empire

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    powers becoming more problematic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines grew eager for their independence from Spain. The Empire was met with strong resistance by rebel fighters from each nation, influencing a greater event known as the Spanish American War. The unfair and often racist treatment of lower-class-mixed-race citizens under the Spanish Empire ignited many rebellions that separated not only Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, but the country of Spain as well. Cuba was the one of the

  • Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt

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    strong control over the people, and a place in history. But who would have guessed that two cousins would be some of the greatest government figures ever? Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt, both American presidents, both American Heroes. Without these dignitaries, the American advancement into the present day would be incomplete and/or impossible. They gave people hope through hard times and the spirit to protect their country and one another. “ S p e a k s o f t l y… C a r r y a

  • The Rivals as a Parody of 18th Century

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    imparted to drama its vision of morality and disapproval of anything immoral. Comedy had become watered down and sentimentalized. Furthermore, the audience’s rejection of unappealing facts following the ugly reality of the French Revolution and the American War of Independence, made emotionalism and tearfulness the order of the day. Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan were two playwrights who saw that if comedy were allowed free reign along this path of sentimentalism, it would signal the end

  • A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Visuals as a Persuasive Tool for War

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    A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Visuals as a Persuasive Tool for War Nations all over the world constantly utilize various forms of media to rally support amongst its own people. Manuscripts, newspapers and radios were and still are of the many mediums through which political figures connect and communicate with civilians. Especially during a time of war, the government sets as one of its highest priorities, the goal of keeping its people adequately informed and behind their nation’s cause

  • How Sensationalism Affects Eve

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    of the Cubans. Equally important, when the USS Maine mysteriously blew up, both papers immediately blamed the Spaniards. Today, this incident remains a mystery. In addition many blame the act of ¡§Yellow Journalism¡¨ as the cause for the Spanish/American war. Yet another form of sensationalism popped up in the 1920s, picture tabloids. Sensationalism still remains a strong force in the current media. May it be in the form of picture tabloid magazines, celebrity journalism, or the violence infested media

  • The Definition of Education

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    being educated. 2. The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process. 3. A program of instruction of a specified kind or level. 4. The field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning, according to the American Heritage dictionary. Its etymology comes from the Latin word "educatio which means to bring up"1 But what does that tell us. It says to me that education is training not learning. Education trains the youth into what society deems as a productive

  • Thomas Paine and Mark Twain's Essays on War

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    Thomas Paine and Mark Twain are two men who both wrote essays on two very different wars. Thomas Paine was the author of "These are the Times that Try Men's Souls" which discusses the Revolutionary War between America and the Great Britain and Mark Twain wrote the essay "The War Prayer" which was based on the Philippine- American War. After carefully analyzing both essays, I found that Thomas Paine makes the strongest argument overall compared to Mark Twain. Both writers effectively persuade their

  • To Go or Not To Go

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    Not To Go The Vietnam War was a very confrontational issue amongst numerous Americans during the 1960’s and 70’s. Many young Americans did not agree with fighting in the Vietnam War. In the essay “On the Rainy River,” by Tim O’Brien explains the struggle of a 21 year old American man who has been drafted to fight in the Vietnam War. The essay proposes the narrators predicament of not wanting to go to war and displays his reasons why. The narrator states that “American war in Vietnam seemed to [him

  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

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    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1948 would have lasting negative effects on Mexican Americans. The Treaty was signed after America had won the Mexican American war. America gained possession of the southwest states that had been part of Mexico for the price of around eighteen million dollars. In Article IX of the Treaty, it states that the Mexicans "shall be maintained and protected in the free enjoyment of their liberty and property, and secured in the free

  • Ceremony By Leslie Silko

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    Ceremony by Leslie Silko The novel Ceremony, written by Leslie Silko deals with the actions of a Native American youth after fighting, and being held captive during World War II. The young mans name is Tayo and upon returning to the U.S., and eventually reservation life he has many feelings of estrangement and apathy towards society. The novel discusses many topics pertaining to Native Americans, through the eyes of Tayo and a few female characters. The novel is one that you must decide for yourself

  • Transportation 1788-1868

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    Transportation 1788-1868 The process of transporting convicted criminals to Australia came about as a result of Britain's defeat in the American War of Independence. With the loss of this colony, Britain also lost its primary depository for its surplus criminal population; and, for a time, these excess numbers were housed in floating jails - 'hulks' - moored on the Thames. This proved an unpopular policy and so, in 1787, a British fleet set sail to build a penal colony at Botany Bay in New South

  • Major Problems in Mexican American History

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    Major Problems in Mexican American History Mexicans have been a people long oppressed. That is evident not only by the readings edited by Zaragosa Vargas in Major Problems in Mexican American History, but also by the the documentary Chicano!. The Mexicans’ past is underscored by conquest of the present-day American Southwest first by the Spanish and then by the United States following the Mexican American War. With other countries establishing control over them, Mexicans have never really been

  • Rough Riders

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    Cuba during the Spanish, American war. The Spanish, American war started by America wanting to expand their influence in the western hemisphere. To do that they would need to gain action politically or militarily in Cuba (a Spanish ruled country). The first battle of the war was The Battle of Manilla. Which was a naval strike on the Manila harbor. Led by Commander George Dewey, the Navy won the most glorious victory in the history of the Navy. However this didn’t end the war. In order for America to

  • revolution

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    revolution The American Revolution occurred because of Great Britain's failure to adjust to conditions brought on by the growth and development of the colonies, and by the aggravation of a breakdown in the political and economic harmony that existed between the colonies and their mother country. America was a revolution force from the day of its discovery. The American Revolution was not the same thing as the American War of Independence. The war itself lasted only eight years, but the Revolution

  • History Atomic Bomb Essay

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    dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These two bombs quickly yielded the surrender of Japan and the end of American involvement in World War II. By 1946 the two bombs caused the death of perhaps as many as 240,000 Japanese citizens1. The popular, or traditional, view that dominated the 1950s and 60s – put forth by President Harry Truman and Secretary of War Henry Stimson – was that the dropping of the bomb was a diplomatic maneuver aimed at intimating and gaining the upper hand in

  • The History of Mexican Americans

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    In the Preface of Major Problems in Mexican American History Zaragosa Vargas writes, "Nearly two thirds of Latinos in the United States are of Mexican descent, or Chicanos- a term of self definition that emerged during the 1960's and early 1970s civil rights movement. Chicanos reside mainly in the Southwest, the Pacific Northwest, and the Midwest. Their history begins in the precolonial Spanish era, and they share a rich mestizo cultural heritage of Spanish, Indian, and African origins. The Chicanos'

  • The Effect of American Colonialism on Puerto Rico's Identity

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    The Effect of American Colonialism on Puerto Rico's Identity The Pandora’s box of information that I have discovered about Puerto Rico under early U.S rule provide some fascinating details on the background of contradictions that characterize debates on the political, economic and social issues concerning the island. Since its invasion in 1898, the United States has shaped the policies of the island according to its own discretion in spite of the people of Puerto Rico. The country did not have