Sovereign wealth fund Essays

  • Norway's Oil industry

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    Introduction The oil industry in Norway has seen enormous success that is virtually unmatched by any other country in the world. Since the discovery of oil on its coast in 1969, the country has experienced steady economic growth. Accordingly, Norway’s massive GDP is a reflection of this growth; as of 2012, it ranked in the top 25 of the world in terms of GDP (World Bank, 2012). The cohesion between oil and economics in Norway has worked for a number of reasons. Firstly, policy making has kept a close

  • Analysis Of Temasek

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    1. Introduction 1.1 Sovereign Wealth Fund Sovereign Wealth Funds are government owned investment funds financed by the country’s foreign currency reserves either through central banks or through direct investments. Fotak and Megginson define a Sovereign Wealth Fund as follows: “Sovereign wealth funds (are) a pool of domestic and international assets owned and managed by government to achieve a variety of economic and financial objectives, including the accumulation and management of reserve assets

  • Summary Of Inequality What Can Be Done By Anthony B Atkinson

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    To reduce inequality, we must go beyond placing new taxes on the wealthy to fund existing programs. We need new ideas. Atkinson presents his new set of policies in five areas: technology, employment, social security, the sharing of capital, and taxation. He defends these against the common arguments and excuses for inaction: that

  • The Three Philosophies Of Adam Ferguson, David Hume And Adam Smith

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    the subject of wealth, conclusions can be developed for the questions presented. Each thinker has an answer to these questions, yet there may be some overlap within the thoughts of these men since they were peers writing during the same period. The first philosopher to be discussed is Adam Ferguson along with his work An Essay on the History of Civil Liberty. Ferguson provides his understanding of wealth and its effects in the section of his work titled “Of Population and Wealth.” He does not explicitly

  • Comparing John Rawls And David Miller's Theory Of Social Justice

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    The purpose of this essay is to explain what social justice is. Below, I thoroughly summarize the social justice theories of John Rawls and David Miller. By understanding the theories of these two authors, the definition of social justice should become clear. Social justice is defined as “ promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity.” It exists when “ all people share a common humanity and therefore have a right to equal treatment, support for their human rights

  • Literature Review: Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan

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    Literature review Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, a popular, down-to-earth and a huge respected highness who ruled Abu Dhabi for 38 years and the United Arab Emirates for 33 years, had a massive impact on the development of the Gulf State (Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, n.d.). Sheikh Zayed grew up from humble homes outside of Abu Dhabi in the desert as a son of the former chief of state, Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed Al Nahyan (Al-Abed, Vine, & Hellyer, 2005, pp. 13-14). Born at the beginning

  • The Most Beautiful Country of Norway

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    coastline, fishing is the second largest export in Norway and a vital part of the economy. Forestry is equally profitable as 33% of Norway consists of forested regions ( Natural gas and minerals are also abundant in Norway, adding to their wealth of resources. Norway sits as the third largest exporter of natural gas. Remarkably, almost all of the power in the country is produced by hydropower through all the the mountain rivers. Not only does Norway boast many valuable resources, but they

  • Leopold II Research Paper

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    percent of it was still under indigenous rule. He had finally found his land to conquer. Leopold researched the continent extensively and followed the news of the white explorers through the region. When he found out that an explorer was low on funds, he quickly offered to contribute to the cause. He found a few explorers who had brought back news of Africa and its current state at the time, when Arab slave traders were seen leading caravans of captives to be sold into the slave trade. This news

  • Causes Of The Financial Crisis Of 2007-2008

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    made large financial institutions collapse and stock markets declined in a dramatic way around the world. The consumer wealth declined in trillions of U.S. dollars and played a significant part in the failure of key businesses and declines in economic activities. All these factors led to the 2007–2008 global recession and played a major role in contributing to the European sovereign-debt crisis. The easy availability of credit in U.S, Russian debt crises and Asian financial crises of late 90’s showed

  • Privateering Presentation

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    had a special legal decree to allow the ship to act as a “naval” force for their sovereign or country, although in a general sense there is a fine line between privateers and pirates as the attacked ship would view the offenses as pirates and NOT privateers because they do not adhere to the same sovereign. Pirates, on the other hand, are lawless and follow only their pirate code of conduct and report to no sovereign. Although the act of attacking is the same. Letter of Marque and Reprisal • In

  • The Devastating Effects of Neoliberal Policies

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    became widespread in the last 25 years. The concept neoliberalism, have been imposed by financial institutions that fall under the Bretton Woods such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Bank (Martinez & Garcia, 1996). One of the famous economists published a book called “The Wealth of Nations” in which he said in it that free trade is the best way to develop nations economies (Martinez & Garcia, 1996). He and other economists also encouraged the removal of

  • Importance Of International Relations

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    “The Melian conference” were we saw the Athenians and the Melians discussing the terms of surrender. International relations were often traced back to the “Peace of Westphalia” which was in 1648. Between 1500-1789 we saw a significant rise in sovereign states which marked the increase of international relations between these states. During the French revolution the idea of an autonomous state was introduced. A rule by the people and for the people, but can international relations is effective without

  • Analysis Of Stephen D. Krasner's Abiding Sovereignty

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    Defending National Interest. In his important article, “Abiding Sovereignty” Krasner attempts to throw light on the changing global scenarios and institutions and its effect on sovereignty and the international state system. Krasner says that the sovereign states are the building blocks of the modern state system which has territorial, judicial and economical autonomy and control within

  • Analysis Of The Goldman Sachs Group

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    Company's IPO, which was considered a major coup on Wall Street at that time. During the 1970s, the firm went through its expansion phase in a number of ways. For e.g. In 1970,It opened its first international office in London thereby creating a private wealth division along with a fixed income division in 1972. In 1974, it came up with the "white knight" strategy during its attempts to defend Electric Storage Battery against a hostile takeover bid from its rival Morgan Stanley and International Nickel

  • Commentary On Heathrow Slams Price Cap Put On Airline Fees

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    will keep the consumers’ price low. Although many airports in the world are owned by the government to prevent over-pricing or supply restriction, Heathrow Airport is owned by various foreign stakeholders, such as Spain's Ferrovial and the sovereign wealth funds of Qatar, China and Singapore. Diagram 1: Maximum price set on charge on airlines for place in Heathrow Airport In the diagram, the demand is from airline companies, and supply is from Heathrow Airport. The price is rent for airlines

  • The Declaration Of Independence: The Reasons Of The Declaration Of Independence

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    Sadly, this wasn’t without bloodshed and sacrifice that our forefathers pledged themselves to. They knew they had great wealth, families, homes, businesses, and everything to lose. However, they were willing to risk it all for the cause of liberty. These were real heroes. Heroes whose actions one often takes for granted as a free American. America is not free because of what

  • Public Relations

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    Washington and Thomas Jefferson, there have been public relations issues and political agendas that have been presented to the United States citizens. Early revolutionary public relation issue had to deal with the formation of the United States as a sovereign country and the banishment of the King of Great Britain. Though, many people immigrated to United States to escape the rule of Great Britain, it took public relations from the founding fathers to establish a continental army and polices to protect

  • What Fundamental Factors Drew Europeans to The Exploration, Conquest, and Settlement of the New World?

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    explorers Henry the Navigator, Zarco and Tristao Vaz Teixeira, and Diogo Silves discovering the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the exploration of Africa respectively, but King John the II of Portugal was unconvinced by Christopher Columbus’s pleas to fund his plan to sail West to the East Indies. Columbus made many demands for self-profit, including ten percent of any riches with which he returned, and even an ‘Admiralty’. Subsequently, Columbus took his plans to Queen Isabella of Spain. Spain acquiesced

  • Canada's Political System Essay

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    First, we must know some facts about Canada before talking about the nature of its political system. Canada is the second largest country in the world right after Russia, It has a total area of 9.9 million square kilometers (3.8 million square miles) .It is located in the northernmost part of North America. The U.S. / Canada Border is the longest international border in the world, which is 8,893 kilometers in length. Canada borders the United States along its southern border, as well as its western

  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Economic Impact

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    a new chief executive. The state announced plans to take full ownership of its 77-year-old flag carrier after trading in the airline's shares was suspended, when it was valued at less than 15 percent of its 2012 peak. Currently Malaysia's sovereign wealth fund, Khazanah Nasional, is the 69 percent majority owner, and plans to buy out other shareholders at a premium. Therefore, the rate of unemployment in Malaysia has increased after cutting