Saraswati Essays

  • Essay On Saraswati

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    While studying the Hindu gods and goddesses, there are six main deities that Hindus worship: Brahma, Saraswati, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Shiva, and Parvati. However, while learning about these six main figures, one of them stands out to be somewhat less important, or simply not as much discussed as the others. That particular goddess would be Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of music, arts, and knowledge. The reason she is less prominent is simple, she is not as dominant – as in the male gods - or as intimidating

  • Buffalo Demon

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    Out of more than six hundred Nepalese objects in the Rubin Museum’s collection, this sculpture Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon is located in the forth floor of Rubin Museum that the “NEPALESE SEASONS: RAIN AND RITUAL” exhibition. Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon is made by gilt copper alloy in the 13th century in Nepal, which is about 11.125 inches height, 12.875 inches width and 7.375 inches depths. This magnificent sculpture of Durga is a jewel of Nepalese art. She is believed to be a Hindu goddess

  • Individual Consciousness Mahesh Yogi

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    The objective of every government is a peaceful and prosperous country. However, it is hard to find an ideal government in the present world and not a single government could fully satisfy their citizens. No matter which country people always complain about the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the government. In some countries, the problems remain unsolved as the government cannot find a solution to stop ongoing war, crime and corruption. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (1993) who is the founder of the

  • Vedic Literature & Age

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    Vedic Literature & Age The settlements of the Indus civilisation were either destroyed or abandoned by about 1750 B.C. to be rediscovered only three thousand years later. What happened after the collapse of this rich civilisation is one of the most intriguing questions of human history and centres around the Aryan problem. Who were the Aryans where did they come from, what was their original language – these are questions over which there have been many debates and much written. But more the

  • Harappan Civilization And Development Of The Indus Valley Civilization

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    The Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization. It is mainly situated in the northwestern regions of South Asia, primarily centered in Pakistan and extending in to north east Afghanistan and north west India. There were three early civilizations of OLD WORLD i.e. Indus valley civilization, Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. But, Indus valley civilization was the most widespread. It flourished in the basins of the Indus river, which flows through the length of Pakistan. The Indus Valley

  • Hindu gods and goddesses: The Legends of Devi

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    deities may be reincarnations of each other. This religion started out with three gods in the Hindu Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The trinity began with Brahma, the creator of the universe. Brahma created the goddess Gayatri, also known as Saraswati, to be his other half in order to create the world and the human race ("Hindu Gods & Goddesses"). Next, in the trinity was Vishnu, the preserver and protector of the universe. Vishnu was the embodiment of goodness and mercy; he was the deity of

  • Essay On Clothing In The Victorian Era

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    Clothing in the Victorian era was constantly changing. Three of the most common fabrics used, were cotton, flax, and silk. Women’s clothing was changing more often than men’s and different materials were used for each gender. Victorian clothing was different for each social class; to say nothing of, types of clothing and materials also differed by gender. In the first place, cotton became a growing industry during the 1920’s; furthermore, cotton mills were used to spin or weave cotton. Used for

  • Festivals and Holidays of India

    993 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are many holidays and festivals in India. In my report I will explain what the holidays of Holi, Diwali, Dussera, and Basanto commemorate. I will give details about their dates and customs. ****************************** Holi: The Fire Festival The Hindu Fire Festival, called Holi or Basaat is celebrated in India on the fifteenth day of the Light Half of the Moon, in the Hindu month of Phalguna (March). Holi is a spring festival for Hindus. It is celebrated before the monsoon, the great rainstorms

  • Therapeutic Effects of Yoga

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    Contents Introduction 2 Understanding Yoga 2 What is therapeutic yoga? 3 Types of Yoga 4 Ashtanga yoga (eight limbed yoga) 5 Hatha yoga 5 Iyenger yoga 6 (Professor Khalsa of Harvard Medical School as cited in Novotney, 2009) 7 Health Benefits 7 Evaluation of References 8 Conclusion 8 Bibliography 9 Introduction The aim of this essay is to evaluate the findings of the selected articles regarding the therapeutic effects of yoga. The involvement in complimentary medicine such as yoga

  • Durga, Kali, Sarasavati And Sarasvata

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    away and destroying everything in sight. Lord Shiva placed himself in her path, stopping her from destroying the world. This act surprised her, causing her to stick out her tongue, which is how she is often portrayed (Das, The Dark Mother, n.d.). Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, art, and speech (Fisher, 2003). She is associated with water, and the flow of knowledge. She is depicted with four arms, dressed in white, and playing and instrument. Her four hands represent four aspects of human personality

  • Alice Walker's Use Of Colorism In Advertising

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    A lit up billboard in the center of Seoul features a woman with minimal makeup. Her hair tied is tied back, exposing her V-line jaw and dewy skin; her small lips open up to the slightest smile. “Laneige White Plus Renew Skin Refiner, the #1 best selling skin whitener in Korea,” the billboard reads. The most noticeable thing about this ad is how blindingly white the woman’s skin is; it almost looks like snow. Many are unaware that ads like these perpetuate the beauty standard that white skin is beautiful

  • Vinyasa Yoga Essay

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    Given the variety of styles that exist, only the best-known ones will be introduced here. Sivananda Yoga Sivananda Yoga started when, at the end of the 1950’s, swami Vishnudevananda (1927-93, India) was instructed by his teacher, Swami Sivananda Saraswati, to introduce yoga to the West. He opened the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center in Montreal, Canada, which still exists today. Sivananda centers can now be found all over the world,

  • Indonesian Culture And Education Essay

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    strike is avoidable. The last group is well known as a group of community who is constantly rich (never poor). Picture 1, provides explanation the categorized of welfare. Public Spending Education and Inequality: A Case Study in Indonesia Erwin Saraswati International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 2, No. 5, September

  • History Of Nepal Essay

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    Customs and traditions differ from one part of Nepal to another. A conglomeration lies in capital city Kathmandu where cultures are blending to form a national identity. Kathmandu Valley has served as the country’s cultural metropolis since the unification of Nepal in the 18th Century.A prominent factor in a Nepali’s everyday life is religion. Adding color to the lives of Nepalis are festivals the year round which they celebrate with much pomp and joy. Food plays an important role in the celebration

  • The Decision for Celibacy

    3171 Words  | 7 Pages

    Introduction Brahmacharya or celibacy, according to Swami Sivananda Saraswati, is “self-restraint, particularly mastery of perfect control over the sexual organ or freedom from lust in thought, word and deed.” He calls for a conversion of sexual desire to spiritual energy, also known as ojas, through meditation, yoga and prayer. He also uses Freud’s term ‘sublimation’ and claims it “is not a matter of suppression or repression, but a positive, dynamic, conversion process. It is the process of controlling

  • Ethical Aspect Of Indian Immigrants In The Namesake By Jhumpa Lahiri

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    occasions like birth and death days, marriage and pujas in Hindu tradition and teach him about Hindu God- She teaches him to memorize a four lines children’s poem by Tagore, and the names of deities adorning the ten- hundred goddess Durga during puja: Saraswati with her swan and Kartik with his peacock to her left, Laxmi with her owl Ganesh with his mouse to her right. Pg 54

  • Hindu and Buddhist Gender Roles and Ideals: the Household and Abstract Concepts

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    Introduction Gender roles and ideals in Hinduism and Buddhism are diverse. A number of texts regarding household gender roles exist in Hindu traditions, and little to none are appear to exist in Buddhist traditions. The gendering of abstract concepts in both Hinduism and Buddhism may also occur. The cases sited indicate that male dominance is significantly more common than female dominance in ancient and Classical Hindu texts while regional variations may continue to exist. Buddhists appear to internalize

  • Essay On Surat

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    Mahadev Temple: One of the sacred Hindu temples at Surat is Shri Kal BhairavNath Mahadev Temple which is dedicated to Lord Bhairavnath. The temple is located at Kamrej area of surat. Surat also houses many other religious places like Vir Narmad Saraswati Mandir, Tulsiwadi Karna Temple, Steneshwar Mahadev Temple, Khodiyar mata katargam and so on. The above list is only an illustrative list of religious places in Surat. Yet Surat stands as a symbol of India’s Principle of “Unity in Diversity” by housing

  • Diwali Puuja Day Essay

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    will-power of the person. Diwali Puja should be done at an appropriate Diwali Puja Muhurat while considering fixed Lagna, Pradosh time and Amavasya Tithi. Elements needed to offer puja: • Statue of Lord Ganesha, Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Narayana and Mata Saraswati • Silver or Gold coins • Betel Nuts or Supari (10) • Raw Rice • Water in a small pot or Lota • A thali • Oil Lamps or ghee Diyas • Paan or Mango leaves (5) • A whole coconut with water • Raksha Sutra • Panchamri

  • Manifestation Of Consciousness

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    It is gross in form when in wakefulness (jāgrat), subtle in dream (svapnā) and causal in deep sleep (suśuptī) states. The fourth state turīyaḥ is called as pure consciousness (Saraswati, 2002b). Vedās are the fundamental texts of “consciousness studies” as they evolve techniques for individual involution of human growth towards perfect freedom as also those for transformation to build ideal social orders working in time with all