San Fernando Valley Essays

  • The Symlar San Fernando Valley Earthquake of 1971

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    Earthquakes are best described as a shaking or vibration of the ground caused by breaking of rock. Sometimes they are very strong and other times you would hardly notice them. This shaking occurs when stress that builds up in the crust is suddenly released as the crust breaks free and/or slides against the other pieces of crust. Earthquakes may also be thought of as the breaking of a popsicle stick by applying pressure to both ends at the same time. Should you try this experiment , you will feel

  • The National Alliance To End Homelessness In The San Fernando Valley Case Study

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    The San Fernando Valley is an urbanized basin situated in the County of Los Angeles, California, bordered by mountains its home to about 1.69 million people. Yet, amidst its cool mountain breeze residents of the Valley have learned to recognize its environmental hazards. Experiencing great impacts from its larger more celebrated neighboring cities undergoing urban gentrification. As a consequence, it has led a number of people to make their way to the San Fernando Valley. Unfortunately, many of them

  • Earthquake Essay

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    codes and earthquake-resistant construction, shook Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Orange Counties with the most intense damage occurring in Sherman Oaks and Northridge. The earthquake caused several bridges and overpasses to collapse closing sections of the Santa Monica Freeway, Simi Valley Freeway, Golden State Freeway, and the Antelope Valley Freeway. There were also several fire outbreaks throughout the San Fernando Valley, Malibu, and Venice area because of underground gas lines that

  • Light The Fuse History

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    was the dawn of progress for the city of Los Angeles but progress requires an exorbitant amount of money and resources. Unfortunately for the citizens of Owens valley, the leaders of the growing city would target the river that provided thousands of ranchers with water as their primary source for water. Most of the pioneers came to the valley in search of wealth from mining. Fortunately for them, water was plentiful in the form of the Owens river which also made raising livestock and farming relatively

  • Description and Analysis of Monorails

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    entire 20-mile length. Note the blue line on the opposite bank, which indicates the path of a passenger monorail system between the City of Long Beach and Los Angeles Union Station, and extending along the river to Warner Center in the West San Fernando Valley, a continuous fifty miles from Long Beach

  • Review of A Cinderella Story

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    Then Sam clarifies that this was not “long ago” and “not a really far away kingdom;” they are in the San Fernando Valley. Growing up in the San Fernando Valley was like her kingdom. Even though she was raised by her father, she never felt like she was missing out on anything. Her father tries to exposes her to girly things like make-up and fashion. Her dad owns a diner in the San Fernando Valley which Sam loves called Hal’s Diner. All the staff was like her family. When Sam celebrated her 8th birthday

  • Northridge Earthquake

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    Ever since the catastrophe centered in Northridge, resources have been allotted to prepare people in the event of another situation like the Northridge Earthquake. In elementary school, children are taught how to protect themselves from earthquakes. The main technique used is drop, cover, and hold on. Students were taught to drop under their desk, cover the back of their head and neck area with one of their hands and grab one of the legs of the desk with their other hand. This position was to be

  • Los Angeles Research Papers

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    My selected city is Los Angeles located in the southern part of California. Los Angeles is very famous for the work and production of film and television industry. Not only is Los Angeles the biggest city in California, but also the second biggest city in the US, right after New York City. This paper will go over the urbanization analysis, green options, and global warming issues in the city of Los Angeles. This paper will be divided into different topics. The first section will cover the physical

  • Understanding Female Stereotypes: Insights from Guerrilla Girls

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    because my friends often jokingly called me a “valley girl.” A “valley girl” is a girl who’s primary concern is appearance and shopping. The stereotype originates from privileged and materialistic teenage girls who lived in the San Fernando Valley area. A “valley girl” can be seen in almost every television show or movie, where she serves as the comic relief or antagonist. The movies Mean Girls and Clueless have an entire cast of actresses playing “valley girls.” I can also recall many books that I

  • The big day

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    The big day I really hated the sound of that alarm clock, that piercing, irritating repeated beeping. After a second or two I slowly started realizing that it was not just another day, it was the day. I felt the movement in the bed as she reached for the clock and then the beeping stopped allowing me to slip back towards tranquillity again. "Love you," I whispered. "Excuse me, you were saying?" she said sarcastically. "You heard me," I said a little louder yet trying not to strain

  • The Valley Girl in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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    stereotypical valley girl would have to be one of my longstanding favourite characters in both television and film. With the valley girl known for often being the quintessential popularity queen, it may not seem so obvious to include the Buffy we know today as part of the valley girl hall of fame. But one only has to go back to the 1992 film, Buffy the Vampire Slayer to observe the full extent of Buffy’s bleach blonde valley girl roots. To place Buffy within the larger category of the valley girl, first

  • Essay On Common Pool Resources

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    has been plaguing California since its founding. When California’s population started to grow around the turn of the twentieth century, the town official within the state started to run into some common pool resource issues, water. Cities, such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, used whatever power they had to own and control what little water the California environment produced. The cities are large and successful municipalities today because of what they had to do to control the water all those

  • The Ahmanson Ranch Development

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    Ranch from development. They point out a variety of reason, and they are not necessarily environmental opinion. First, the reasons of opposition starts from visible things such as plants and living organisms. President of the Native Plant Society San Gabriel Chapter, Melanie Baer, states that the wild grassland ecosystem of Agoura Hills located in the Ahmanson Ranch provides an important habitat for almost-extinct native plant species called Purple needle-grass, or Stipa pulchra. She also suggests

  • Old Chinatown of Los Angeles

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    Chinese first established their community in Los Angeles at today's El Pueblo Historical Monument. About two hundred settled by the year 1870. This number gradually increased over the years when the Southern Pacific began to construct a railroad from San Francisco in the 1870s. They were farm laborers, servants, road builders and small shopkeepers. Even with heavy discrimination during this time, Chinese held a dominant economic position in the Los Angeles laundry and produce industries for several

  • Preconventional Aggression Analysis

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    S.J and E.H should have discussed together more about what they could have done to make both of them happy. Both S.J and E.H didn’t really want to problem solve the issue of who should throw from the platform. I feel as if they argument came about because S.J struggled to catch the ball compared to E.H. S.J probably felt as if she was on the platform like E.H was she would be able to catch the ball better and that I would be able to throw the ball to her. These two girls are best friends.

  • How Did Jethro Tull Play In The Industrial Revolution

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    Jethro Tull was a major pivoting point in the Industrial Revolution. Jethro Tull was born in Basildon, Berkshire, England in 1674. He studied at Oxford University and Gray's Inn for a legal and political career, but fell ill, and had to postpone these plans. After his marriage in 1699, he began farming with his father. Tull was renowned as an agricultural pioneer. He was the inventor of the seed drill, the horse-drawn hoe, and an improved plough, all major advancements of the Industrial Revolution

  • Sanchez

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    portrays to his readers. The settings are described realistically; they affect Juan and Jesus in personal ways. The settings vary from a small village in Mexico to the Sierra Nevada in California. At first the story is set in Stockton in the San Joaquin Valley. Jesus, Juan's son, got his first job in a cannery called Flotill. Stockton is shown to be a working town where Juan had lived before. To Jesus, Stockton is his future and his hopes are large enough to shield him from the "skid row" section

  • San Luis Valley Essay

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    The study of sightings of unexplainable creatures seen by the residents of the San Luis Valley is a research of the stories of creatures people have seen which have no logical explanation now. Are these creatures, myths or something unexplainable? Are there environmental conditions to the sightings? The interviews conducted gave an insight into a complex dilemma of the sightings. Not only are the people varied, the sighted creatures are varied as well. People have often seen the same type of unexplainable

  • Essay On Ethnic Space

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    In my experience, I consider the city of Rowland Heights as an ethnic space within Southern California because it corresponds with my interpretation of an ethnic space. To elaborate, an ethnic space is an area, such as a city or town, that has a prevalent culture reflecting the prevalent group of people within that area. During my adolescence, I lived in the city of La Puente, which is primarily Hispanic/Latino, however, as I aged, I began to attend school within Rowland Heights, which is primarily

  • Goya

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    when, at the age of 14, he was apprenticed to a local master, José Luzan, a competent although little-known painter in whose studio Goya spent four years. In 1763 the young artist went to Madrid, where he hoped to win a prize at the Academy of San Fernando. Although he did not win the desired award, he did make the acquaintance of Francisco Bayeu, an artist also from Aragón, who was working at the court in the academic manner imported to Spain by the German painter Anton Raphael Mengs. Bayeu (the