Preconventional Aggression Analysis

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S.J and E.H should have discussed together more about what they could have done to make both of them happy. Both S.J and E.H didn’t really want to problem solve the issue of who should throw from the platform. I feel as if they argument came about because S.J struggled to catch the ball compared to E.H. S.J probably felt as if she was on the platform like E.H was she would be able to catch the ball better and that I would be able to throw the ball to her. These two girls are best friends. Their dads rotate picking them up at the end of pre-school and can constantly been seen playing with each other during free play. Forming friendships early, like in pre-school, help with their emotional development. I don’t foresee a lot of arguments between these two in the future as their bond continues to grow. During this small argument between E.H and S.J, accidental and is instrumental aggression can be seen. I don’t believe this argument was intentional. These two girls are best of friends and are usually seen laughing together rather than in arguments with each other. It was also instrumental aggression as S.J wanted E.H’s spot on the platform. …show more content…

This level is known as preconventional and is a theory of moral development when morality is based on punishment and rewards. S.J was trying to get the ‘reward’ of getting to throw the ball from the platform. There are two stages in Kohlberg’s first level (preconventional). I would place this argument in the second stage: instrumental-relativist orientation. In this stage children’s actions are motivated by the satisfaction of their needs. In the end, the girls decided just to go play with something else rather than continue to argue over who should get to throw the ball from the

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