S-4 Essays

  • Argumentative Essay On Area 51

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    Area 51 What is Area 51? Area 51 is “...testing site for the government's U-2 and OXCART aerial surveillance programs. The U-2 program conducted surveillance around the world, including over the Soviet Union during the Cold War.” (Koran.) It’s also known as “Groom Lake.” It’s close to Las Vegas, and in the middle is a huge air base the government doesn’t speak of. This place is also well known to have had many alien and UFO sightings. Area 51 has been known to be a “U.S. government UFO set-up.”

  • Beloved Symbolism Analysis

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    Recurring Symbols In Beloved, by Toni Morrison, the three recurring symbols: colors, 124, and trees, enhances the meaning of the novel by showing the tragedies that occur for each symbol. Baby Suggs, Sethe’s mother, craves colors before she dies. The colors represent her last happiness. The numbers represent Sethe’s family and the number of children she has. The trees represents freedom and burdens on the slaves. Based on the title, the novel portrays itself as a haunted novel. After reading through

  • The Maximum Product of Any Given Number When Split into Parts

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    is 36. Starting number 10 PAIR WHICH TOTAL 10 PRODUCT OF THE PAIR 10,0 0 9,1 9 8,2 16 7,3 21 6,4 24 5,5 25 4,6 24 3,7 21 2,8 16 1,9 9 0,10 0 TEST FOR THE MAXI PRODUCT Again, I am looking in the range between 6,4 and 4,6. 6 × 4=24 4.5 × 5.5=24.75 5 × 5=25 Neither of the products are higher than 25. For my starting number 10, I have used the pair 5,5 and my maxi product is 25. Starting number 14 PAIR WHICH TOTAL 14 PRODUCT OF THE PAIR 14,0 0 13,1 13 12,2

  • Investigating the Relationship Between the Lengths, Perimeter and Area of a Right Angle Triangle

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    shortest side, 'b' being the middle side and 'c' being the longest side of a right angled triangle. So the (smallest number)² + (middle number)² = (largest number)² The number 3, 4 and 5 satisfy this condition 3² + 4² = 5² because 3² = 3 x 3 = 9 4² = 4 x 4 = 16 5² = 5 x 5 = 25 and so 3² + 4² = 9 + 16 = 25 = 5² The numbers 5,12, 13 and 7,24,25 also work for this theorem 5² + 12² = 13² because 5² = 5 x 5 = 25 12² = 12 x 12 = 144 13²= 13 x 13 = 169 and so 5² +

  • The American Transcontinental Railroad

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    After America acquired the West, the need for efficient transportation heightened. Ideas circulated about a railroad that would spread across the continent from East to West. Republican congresses ruled for the federal funding of railroad construction, however, all actions were halted for a few years on account of a war. Following the American Civil War of 1861-1865, the race to build transcontinental railroad began in 1866. Lincoln approved Pacific Railway Act of 1862, granting two railroad companies

  • BBC's Current Marketing Plan

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    converted to digital television by 2010, the BBC has been required to change its direction, as well as capitalise on it. The competitors of the BBC have also ventured into the digital television revolution. ITV 2, ITV News, E4, Film Four, Film 4 World and Film 4 Extreme all stepped into the digital limelight before or at the same time as the BBC’s digital channels. The BBC should be wary of the way in which its arch rival, ITV, through away its first and probably only attempt to launch its own box

  • Pentium 4

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    the Pentium 4 processors with the new Prescott core. In this paper I will discuss how the Pentium 4 processor works and the changes that have been made since its release, but mainly on the modifications in the newest Pentium 4's with the Prescott core. I will also briefly compare the performance levels of some of the different types of Pentium 4's. The Pentium 4 line of processors encompasses a large range of clock speeds, from 1.7GHz up to 3.6GHz in the Prescott chip. Pentium 4's are all built

  • Quickbooks Accounting Software

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    accounting/finance application system, makes it easier to enter and process the data rather than manually enter and process the data. II. BODY QuickBooks is an accounting software package which is developed by Intuit, Inc. It was launched in the 90's and since than it is one of the market leaders in accounting software. The software was designed to help the small business owners who had no formal accounting training. Very shortly after the introduction, there was no doubt that the product is going

  • A Look into Digital Broadcasting

    3096 Words  | 7 Pages

    A Look into Digital Broadcasting Digital Broadcasting will have a fundamental effect on viewing patterns, popular culture and audience identity. This will be done firstly by looking at the history of the BBC and the original intention of Public Service Broadcasting. It will discuss how by John Reith’s successful approach to broadcasting, the BBC became a National Institution creating popular culture and a National Identity. It will examine how these first steps and ideas have major role in

  • New Computer Build

    1994 Words  | 4 Pages

    After sifting through many reviews I rested on the ASUS P5AD2 Premium, because of its immense offerings and satisfactory reviews. This board supports all of the latest features including SATA, PCI-Express, DDR2, and it accepts the new socket 775 Pentium 4. These features will allow me to use the fastest hardware made for consumers today and hopefully allow this computer to play the latest games for years to come. The board also comes with an impressive list of onboard features. It incorporates 8 channel

  • 4-H Youth Program: A Case Study

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    Question: i. To explore 4-H marketing strategies in involving the Hispanic population in Clark County to decrease high school drop out in the Hispanic community. b. Background of 4-H i. The 4-H pledge provides a foundational understanding of the goals of this more than 100 year-old youth development program. This comprehensive approach to youth development offers young people important developmental opportunities to foster a successful transition to young adulthood. The 4-H Program was created in

  • Eragon And The Varden Character Analysis

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    When delving into the book, Inheritance, it is made clear that three objects are enormously important to Eragon. His sword, Brisingr, his ring, Aren and the belt of Beloth the Wise. Without these objects, Eragon and the Varden would have failed well before they reached Uru’baen. While reading, I considered these objects to be a key component to the plot and characters in Inheritance. Firstly, Eragon’s blue-infused ☺ (Hyphenated Modifier) sword, named Brisingr, is a necessary component to the story

  • Comparing News Bulletins by BBC and ITV

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    Comparing News Bulletins by BBC and ITV The news is a collection of information, which is presented to people in different forms. It is broadcasted via several types of media including television, radio and newspapers, although news does get broadcasted through other means. People find the news important because they want to know what is happening and information only makes the news because it is deemed important enough to tell people. News is usually in four groups; international, national

  • Leadership

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    among their peers? Are they respectable and reliable and therefore able to inspire and support others? Are they outgoing, and positive? All essential for a leader. Throughout the past 4 years, I have taken on several leadership roles. I have become more involved in my church. I have taken on more responsibilities in 4-H and Kane County Ambassadors. I have participated in high school cheerleading, and competitive All-Star cheerleading. Participation in these organizations has allowed me to develop

  • Comparison essay amd vs intel

    2023 Words  | 5 Pages

    Comparison essay amd vs intel English III Throughout personal computer history there has been a monopoly on processors that company is Intel but that is changing by the day. There is a processor called AMD (advanced micro devices) currently leading in the silicon race for the fastest processor at an affordable price. No longer shall Intel lead the market when AMD makes its name superior. A CPU is a microprocessor that is generally constructed with millions of tiny switches called transistors

  • 4-H Club Thesis

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    activity I have ever been involved in is 4-H. I have been a member of the Cheerful Champs 4-H club for almost ten years. When you join a 4-H club the members and leaders become your friends and family. 4-H’s mission is to provide a positive environment for kids to grow and succeed through. With such an environment 4-H hopes to give kids confidence and empower them to do whatever they hope to achieve. Empowerment turns kids into leaders and teachers. After being in 4-H so long you learn how to lead and

  • Caitlin's Profession: A Case Study

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    Caitlin just recently transferred the the Richmond Middle School, in Richmond, Missouri on November 6th, 2017, from Liberty University Online Academy in which she withdrew from on November 6, 2017. However, she did not receive any credits during the time she was enrolled in the Online Academy. On May 26, 2017, Caitlin withdrew from the Governor Sanford B. Dole Middle School in Honolulu, Hawaii and enrolled in the Liberty University Online Academy on July 3, 2017. According to Caitlin's transfer

  • Personal Experience as a 4H Extension Agent

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    The first day I began as a county 4-H Extension Agent was January 23, 2010. As I began my new adventure with WVU Extension Service, my guiding principle for all that I accomplish was and continues to be this desired outcome: youth led by knowledgeable caring adults learn and grow positively so that ultimately youth become caring and skilled members involved in their communities. Now in my fourth year, I have begun to reap some of the benefits from my previous three years of successful efforts.

  • The 4H Club: The Philosophy Of The 4-H Club

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    The 4-H Club is an international program that offers children more understanding of the world and nature around them by building academic competence, personal confidence, and a lifetime based on successful experiences, as shown by research and personal anecdotes. Using the philosophy of “Learning by Doing”, the 4-H Program is based on a “do, reflect, apply” method, because young people thrive academically when they are actively involved in the learning process. Researchers observed that young people

  • George Fox University Scholarship Essay

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    family farm. I have spent the last nine years as an active 4-H member in Washington County, and I also spent fifteen years training in dance. Being a farm girl, a dancer and a 4-H member taught me the values and morals I hold myself accountable to. Being involved on the farm and in 4-H has taught me an incredible work ethic and an appreciation for agriculture and livestock. As a dancer I have developed a unique grace and athleticism. As a Metro 4-H Ambassador for the past four years, I have mastered incredible