Rita Moreno Essays

  • Rita Moreno Research Paper

    679 Words  | 2 Pages

    Puerto Rican actress Rita Moreno, born Rosita Dolores Alverio is one of Latin Americas most iconic figure in show business. Through her successful career, which is still on going at the age of 85 years, Rita has been awarded every prestigious award in Hollywood. Through her success, Rita has given inspiration to Latinos who previously thought a career in Hollywood, for them, would be impossible. One such Latina, Jennifer Lopez, has told countless interviewers of how she was hugely affected by Rita’s

  • Frank and Rita in the First Scene of the Play

    631 Words  | 2 Pages

    Frank and Rita in the First Scene of the Play To explore how Russell presents the characters of Frank and Rita during the first scene of the play. Russell’s play has been created to stretch out and grab the audiences attention, feelings and emotions right from the beginning of the play. In my essay I will aim to explore how he establishes the characters roles and how they interact with each other during the first scene of the play. Firstly, with the quote “he manages a gulp at the whisky

  • The Changes in Frank and Rita in Act Two

    729 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Changes in Frank and Rita in Act Two How does Russell present the changes in Frank and Rita in act 2, scenes 2-6? Rita before: “Its that stupid bleed’n handle on that door, you wanna get it fixed.” Rita now: “Frank, you’re not in any fit state for a tutorial” Frank before: “It’s supposed to embrace a more comprehensive studentship.” Frank now: “Pissed? I was glorious! I fell off the rostrum twice.” As well as these changes, I will illustrate many other dramatic changes and role reversals

  • The Way of Life Frank Represents Compared to Rita's

    1526 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Way of Life Frank Represents Compared to Rita's Rita is seeking a better way of living her life and Frank represents the life style she wishes to live. She understands she is of a working class background, and wants to be more cultured. Rita wants more meaning to her life. She wants to know the right things to say and what wine to buy, the type of attributes she admires in Frank, and people similar to him. She does not want to be just a housewife and mother, the two exact things Denny

  • Gains and Losses in Educating Rita

    964 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita The question of what Rita gains in Educating Rita is quite easy to answer. What she loses is less obvious. Her intention is to gain a college education and she largely succeeds in this. On the way you could say she loses her job and her husband, but it is worth asking whether these are really losses to the person Rita, or rather Susan, becomes. The play follows just over a year in Rita's life and shows her gradual progress in an English Literature course. At first Rita knows

  • Rita M. Gross' Feminism and Religion

    4161 Words  | 9 Pages

    In her book Feminism and Religion, Rita M. Gross provides readers with an introduction to the need for, and benefits of, androgynous scholarship in the field of religious studies. Gross strives to make readers aware of the dangers of androcentric, Eurocentric scholarship. Moreover, she advances the claim that, “properly pursued, the field of religious studies involves study of all major religions found in human history” and an equal representation of both men’s and women’s religious experiences

  • Educating Rita - Love Story

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita - Love Story To answer the question whether or not Willy Russell actually wrote a love story as he intended to do, I consider certain aspects. I find two totally different main characters in Frank and Rita and therefore will be dealing with completely different ways of behaviour and reaction. By interpreting their statements and actions it might be possible to find some kind of conclusion. To begin with it is possible to say that Educating Rita does not seem to be a love story

  • Power Of The Single Set In Educating Rita

    1164 Words  | 3 Pages

    Power of the Single Set in Educating Rita    There are obvious financial and logistical reasons for making Educating Rita a two-handed play, but Willy Russell does far more with this format than simply save money on actors and sets. The play is essentially about the impact of education on the lives of two people and it therefore does not need to distract the audience with Rita and Frank's other relationships and concerns. The depth and intensity of Rita and Frank's relationship is also

  • Educating Rita by Willy Russell

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita Educating Rita is a story written by Willy Russell. He was born in Whiston, which is just outside Liverpool. When he was five his mum and dad moved to Knowsley, on an estate full of Liverpudlians who taught him how to talk properly. It is about two main characters Rita and Frank. Rita is a literature student at the Open University. This is a university that is used as a way of enabling adult students, like Rita. Frank is a tutor at the Open University but unlike the normal

  • The Gains and Losses of Educating Rita

    1282 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Gains and Losses of Educating Rita The purpose of my essay is to explain, in considerable detail, the gains and loses of Educating Rita for it being a two-handed play. The play, ‘Educating Rita’, written by Willy Russell is very entertaining, although there are only two characters, hence the reason it is a two-handed play. The grounds on which I found it entertaining is based upon the basic plot outline which consists of Rita, a working-class Liverpool girl, with a hunger for education

  • Educating Rita

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita Willy Russell’s play “Educating Rita” only uses one main setting and two main characters. Some people may think that these would make the play seem boring. Russell actually makes the play quite interesting and entertaining by using dramatic devices such as the whiskey bottle and the telephone call. He does this to give us as much information as possible about the characters and their personalities. The play, which is set in the early 1980s, deals with the clashes between

  • Educating Rita

    785 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita Civilization has a tendency to attempt to divide people into different groups. Our environment weighs and measures us; then places us into a certain company. Frank and Rita are the very example of two persons placed in very different social compartments. Their places in society differ greatly as do their roles as student and teacher. And yet as one examines the script of Educating Rita it seems as though two people, who society has attempted to separate from each other in every

  • Educating Rita - Comparing the Movie and Play

    961 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita - Comparing the Movie and Play The play Educating Rita by Willy Russell gained great popularity especially during the early eighties. There has also been a movie made from it starring Julie Walters and the more famous Michael Caine. As so often the case, the movie was more elaborate with additional scenes, some of which were spoken of or retold by the actors in the play. The movie also included several actors while the play only featured two, Frank and Rita. After having

  • Rita Dove Literary Analysis

    1047 Words  | 3 Pages

    Rita Dove: Literary Analysis Rita Dove has written many different kinds of poetry. She also wrote books, short stories plays and all types of literature. This essay will focus on specifics of her writing by analyzing three pieces of poetry that Rita Dove has written. The works we will be looking at are In the Old Neighborhood, My Mother Enters the Work Force, and The Bistro Styx. Through these three works you will see examples of Rita Dove’s use of home in her poetry, her use of figurative

  • Changes in Frank and Rita's Relationship

    792 Words  | 2 Pages

    relationship. In this essay I will be referring closely to Scenes 6 & 7 in Act 2. I will be discussing the changes in Frank’s and Rita’s relationship, and comparing their relationship “now” as to what it used to be in the beginning of the play. Rita & Frank are the two main or, only characters in the play. This is a powerful and smart way to let the audience or reader to get to know our two characters, their feelings, emotions and thoughts. The audience can see and tell the difference in the

  • How does Willy Russell establish the differences between Frank and Rita in act one scene one of Educating Rita?

    1374 Words  | 3 Pages

    the differences between Frank and Rita in act one scene one of “Educating Rita”? In the play “Educating Rita”, Willy Russell presents us with the idea of two completely different people: Rita, who is a working class, uneducated, hairdresser and Frank, a drunken university professor, who is bored with his life. In the play the two characters are shown to have very different lives and backgrounds. Frank uses alcohol to escape from his life and his job, whereas Rita wants to escape from the restrictions

  • Changes in Rita in Act Two Scene One of Educating Rita

    1422 Words  | 3 Pages

    Changes in Rita in Act Two Scene One of Educating Rita Willy Russell was born in Whiston, near Liverpool, England, in 1947. Russell has written a string of popular, award-winning plays and musicals, but perhaps one of the most well known is Educating Rita. In this play Willy Russell is very much producing a mirror image of parts of his life. As a child and growing up he didn’t care much for school, he considered himself a kid from the ’D’ stream and a piece of factory fodder. Eventually

  • Comparing Language and Identity in Pygmalion and Educating Rita

    772 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pygmalion and Educating Rita:  Language and Identity This essay is based on the reading of two literary plays, George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion and Willy Russell’s Educating Rita. Language and identity are two expressions that need to be explained. English is the official language in several countries; Chinese is the language spoken by Chinese people and Danish is how Danes speak. But languages could also be described as different ways of talking due to social background, education, profession

  • Educating Rita

    986 Words  | 2 Pages

    Educating Rita Although Rita knows that intellectual enlightenment is important, to Rita, education provides much more to her in Willy Russell’s Educating Rita. Rita’s education is not restricted to scholastic learning alone, her transformation from the uneducated Rita to the educated Susan is all encompassing. Rita sees and understands the importance of being well educated, but for Rita, education helps her to overcome her background and break away from the traditional role expected of a woman

  • Comparing and Contrasting Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus and Rita Dove's The Darker Face of the Earth

    1365 Words  | 3 Pages

    Comparing and Contrasting Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus and Rita Dove's The Darker Face of the Earth Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus can be argued that it is related loosely to Rita Dove's The Darker Face of the Earth. This comparative and contrasting characteristics that can be seen within both plays make the reader/audience more aware of imagery, the major characters, plot, attitudes towards women, and themes that are presented from two very different standpoints. The authors Sophocles and Dove