Changes in Frank and Rita's Relationship

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Changes in Frank and Rita's Relationship

Referring closely to Scenes 6 & 7 in Act 2, discuss the changes seen in

Frank and Rita's relationship.

In this essay I will be referring closely to Scenes 6 & 7 in Act 2. I

will be discussing the changes in Frank’s and Rita’s relationship, and

comparing their relationship “now” as to what it used to be in the

beginning of the play. Rita & Frank are the two main or, only

characters in the play. This is a powerful and smart way to let the

audience or reader to get to know our two characters, their feelings,

emotions and thoughts. The audience can see and tell the difference in

the characters social status straight away. Frank is a professor in a

university, teaching English literature – in his late forties. He is

an alcoholic – loves to drink, he has a girlfriend, but this

relationship that he’s in is going like all others; failure. He is the

type of person that drinks in order to forget his troubles and worries

– drink makes him happy, even though it is killing him and his

relationship just as well as his career:

“Yes, I probably shall go to the pub afterwards. I shall need to go to

the pub afterwards. I shall need to wash away the memory of some silly

woman’s attempts to get into the mind of Henry James or whoever it is

we’re supposed to study on this course…Oh God, why did I take this on?

…Yes I suppose I did take it on to pay for the drink”

This is a conversation that Frank has with his girlfriend over the

phone, it immediately goes to prove that he doesn’t really care about

his career and the only thing that is on his mind is alcohol.

Rita on the other hand is a twenty-six year old, working class woman

who wants to get an education, and by doing that she believes that she

is going to “discover” herself. She is in a relationship; she’s been

living with her partner for six years. She also wants to learn how to

speak “proper” English.

In the beginning of the play Rita and Frank are getting to know each

other, and they have nothing more than a “teacher-student”

relationship, although throughout the play we can see that they get to

know each other better, and they gain more respect for each other.

Everything starts to change when Rita goes off to summer school. When

she comes back from summer school Frank is surprised by her appearance

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