Resident Evil: Apocalypse Essays

  • Gender Portrayal in Resident Evil as compared to The Last of Us

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    begins to care for Ellie like his own daughter: he shields her from danger, keeps her back from the zombies, and ultimately lays himself down for her safety. Joel’s masculine image is laced with an emotional depth that is not present in Chris in Resident Evil 5. Joel is the closest thing to a leading man in the story, but he ends up co-leading through Ellie, even though the player does not control her. The two develop emotionally as a pair. While Joel opens up to become more father-like to Ellie, Ellie

  • The Importance Of Video Games?

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    still follows the time’s order. For example, in the movie, Resident Evil: Apocalypse (Anderson et al., & Witt. A, 2004), Jill and Alice only meet each other in 26 minutes 56 seconds on the movie but not at another time point. Games, on the other hand, appear to be almost no limited on this element despite many games setting a deadline inside, which just for keeping pressure on the player’s shoulder rather than telling stories. In Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, the player could spend two hours or more time

  • Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy

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    Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy Imagine picking up the newspaper one morning in you quiet little town where nothing ever seems to happen that could affect the townspeople so drastically… “Latham Weekly, June 2, 1998” “Bizarre Murders Committed In Raccoon City” is the fearful headline across the front page and you read on wondering what all this could mean and what would happen in the months to come. “Raccoon City – The mutilated body of forty-two-year-old Anna Mitaki was discovered

  • Racism in Resident Evil 5

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    Introduction When the gameplay trailer of Resident Evil 5 (RE5) was released in October of 2007 it attracted a lot of media attention surrounding racism. There were both ‘for’ and ‘against’ the idea that RE5 is a racist game. Earl Ofari Hutchinson made himself know by saying that “RE5 is a very racist game” however there were other commentators such as Jim Sterling who made himself known by defending RE5 by saying “He laughs at the idea of RE5 is racist. The stereotypical characters and settings

  • The Role Of Women In Resident Evil Retribution

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    REFERENCE 10 In Resident Evil Retribution there are equal numbers of female and male characters starring. The female characters talk considerably and participate in more notable behaviours. They are represented as a hero or killer through masculine attributes or at times through the dress sense. Alice contributes as the main character in the film; she is captured by the Umbrella Corporation, constraining her to make her emission from an underwater facility in the Arctic Circle, used for testing the

  • Zombies: Are They Real or Something of Imagination?

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    plague that overtakes military and law enforcement leading to the collapse of a civilian society. This collapse leads to isolated packs of survivors scavenging for food, supplies and life in a world abridged to hostile extremes. The day that a zombie apocalypse begins is sometimes referred to as Z-Day; the movie Shaun of The Dead and the book World War Z reference this term. Zombies can be one of two things: a fictional undead monster or a hypnotized human being controlled by a bokor. These two kinds

  • Apocalypse Now Vs Heart Of Darkness

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    The Film Apocalypse Now is a movie that is compared and contrasted to the book Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Some of the ideas are similar while others are not. The film is used to help audience members understand Josephs ideas but from another perspective but still in Josephs perspective. There are different ways to show the similarities between the novel and film by comparing their plot, characters and the main story line. Though the film and the novel may have their similarities there

  • Social Critique Of Whitehead's Zone One

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    In Colson Whitehead 's genre novel, Zone One, society is trying to get back to its feet, to rebuild itself after a plague that lead to a zombie apocalypse took place. The post-apocalyptic society in Zone One is a reflection on how a post-capitalist version of the future might look like. The zombie apocalypse in the novel is the representation of what Marx considered, the impending revolution of the proletariat, rising against the bourgeoisie, bringing down with them the capitalist 's exploitative

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Literary Criticism

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    superiority, "aristocracy" businesslike. If there had been a resident of Vermont (like the Centre of the democratic environment, "Greek") in Louisiana, it will surely be a "Roman", begins unconsciously corrupt and corrupting their slaves. In the book, comments, "The key to" Uncle Tom's Cabin "," writer sharpens the thought: "Human nature in the South is not worse than in the North; but the legislation of the South did not only makes it possible to evil, but also protects it." Thus, the novel denies limitations

  • Personal Narrative: How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

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    How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Hi my name is Ezra Jordan and I am your Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team Leader. As your team leader it is my job to persuade you to believe that, zombies do exist and that you should be prepared and aware of what the future may have in store for you…in case of an emergency grab a weapon and follow me. As you probably already know zombies have been a pop culture staple for years…what I mean by that is, zombies have a huge influence over society…we really seem to

  • My Most Memorable Writing Experience

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    as they would solve problems I took many of my ideas from movies and I created a story where the characters had seen movies before in their lives for instance the story starts out with a flash back of the main character James watching the film Resident Evil he leaves the film with his friends and they are talking about what actions they would take during the zombie

  • Response to the Injustice System in Toni Morrison's Sula

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    Kristian. “Toni Morrison: Sula’s Application of Literary Activism” January 2, 2013. Web. 3 May 2015. Montgomery, Maxine Lavon. The Apocalypse in African-American Fiction. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1996. Morrison, Toni. "Rootedness: The Ancestor as Foundation." Black Women Writers (1950-1980): A Critical Evaluation. Ed. Mari Evans. New York: Anchor Books, 1984. 339-345

  • Use Of Satire in Kurt Vonnegut's Cats Cradle

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    satire to target religious themes. Bokononism, Vonnegut's contrived religion, is built on foma, or harmless untruths. Bokononists believe that good societies can only be built by keeping a high tension between good and evil at all times, and that there is no such thing as absolute evil (Schatt 64). They have created their own language with words such as karass, a group of people organized by God to do his work for him (Vonnegut 2), and granfalloon, a false karass (91). The Books of Bokonon are the religious

  • We Were Soldiers

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    apart. Wallace exemplifies two very fundamental concepts that show up throughout this film. One shows the best of worst of humanity by illustrating to us that war is a tool for the powerful and that just because someone is your enemy does not make them evil. He also portrays both Vietcong and American soldiers in a manner that is correlative. Even though they were fighting each other for different reasons and dying for different countries, both sides were human and their deaths brought grief and sadness

  • Pros And Cons Of The New World Order

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    people and left hundreds more injured. Bethania Palma interviews many people for their opinion toward the shooting and its possible connection to conspiracy theories. Prior to a sit down with renowned conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Palma interviews a resident to the area of the shooting, “There was more than one shooter, and the government is covering it up, he told us. Why? Alluding to a related conspiracy theory about the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, he said this was yet another gun-related catastrophe

  • Analysis Of Hate To Love Horror Movies

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    I also love these movies for the butt-kicking leaders of the movie .The first horror movies I watched ever was Resident Evil It was playing in my parent’s room as I was walking through, probably doing some random 6 year old stuff. Then the movie caught my attention because it just started. There wasn’t much at first, especially at the time I didn't understand much in

  • The Noahic Covenant: The Everlasting Covenant

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    Everlasting Covenant The “everlasting covenant” referred to Isaiah 24:5 is interpreted by numerous theologians as the universal covenant made between God and man at creation or as Noahic covenant after the flood. Some believe the text is referring to Israel, and others believe it is in reference to the Mosaic covenant between God and Israel. Every one of these ideas although appealing runs into problems. For instance, the universal covenant sounds great in theory, but there is no record of

  • Harsh Perspectives of Youth in Garland’s The Beach

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    tenuous grip upon reality. He is arrogant and reckless, often believing himself to have nothing left to learn ("Fucking New Guy? ... New to what?" p87) and convinced of his own immortality ("Yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil, for I am the evilest motherfucker in the valley" p87) The beach is supposed to represent the highest level of escape attainable, but can only be from the outset a disappointment, because it is already built up in his mind into something unobtainable;

  • Witcher 3 Essay

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    of our list, standing tall, is the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The player is put back into the role of Geralt, the rugged yet smooth-talking badass witcher from the first two games. He journey's to find someone, a woman, who was kidnapped long ago by an evil group called the Wild Hunt. There are tons of moments in which Geralt will need to make choices that influence the game later on as well. Utilize tons of player-crafted potion, medieval weapons, and your combat skills as you fight your way through

  • Exploiting Stereotypes and Gender Roles in Gaming

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    The world of gaming is expanding with endless possibilities of ways to play. Gaming has advanced greatly over the years by expanding over many different platforms. Smartphones, tablets, and next generation consoles are just a few of the many possibilities to play. This expansion has broadened the demographic of players and changed the way we play today. Although the demographic has widened and the games have become more advanced, there seems to be a reoccurring theme in gaming. White males make up