Poetry slam Essays

  • Slam Poetry As The Art Of Slam Poetry

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    SLAM POETRY Slam poetry, according to Smith (2013) slam poetry “as the art of competitive performance poetry. Invented in the 1980s by a Chicago construction worker named Marc Smith, slam is a fast-paced competition where poets have a limited amount of time to impress judges randomly selected from the audience. Performers use all the tricks of storytelling, songwriting, theatre, stand-up comedy and cold hard poetry to wheedle points out of the judges from 0.0 (terrible) to 10.0 (perfect).” I picked

  • Slam Poetry Analysis

    1967 Words  | 4 Pages

    A slam poetry is a competition at which poets read and recite original work. These performances are then judged on a numeric scale by previously selected members of the audience. This slam poetry is different from how people recite their poems, the slam poetry normally involves a rhythmic with a vocal delivery style found in hip hop music and focuses specifically on the tradition of dub poetry. There are various well known slam poets in South Africa many in their youth, my focus on this essay slam

  • Another Taylor Mali: The Importance Of Proofreading

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    as poetry. As a genre of literature, poetry has many types and def poetry is one of them. With the spoken word poetry television series known as Def Poetry or Def Poetry Jam, presented by Russell Simmons, this kind of poetry has become widely known. Def poetry has become heavily associated with the poetry slam movement, which is a competition at which performance artists read or recite original work. The American slam poet, humorist and former teacher, Taylor Mali, is a National Poetry Slam

  • Maturity and Self-Identity in Munro’s Boys and Girls by Alice Munro

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    (1008). You can tell that she was an outcast from the rest of her family, due to the fact that she did not act like a girl as her grandmother continued to try and point out to her. Her grandmother kept nagging her continually saying, "Girls don’t slam doors like that. Girls keep their knees together when they sit down" (1008). Day by day she kept on getting hassled. It seemed to me as if she was constantly getting picked on by the rest of her family. There is a keyword in this story, and the

  • Six Week Basketball Training Program

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    muscular strength. A sportsperson will always require some form of static, explosive and dynamic strength for any activity. In basketball I will use a degree of each of these: Static for screening, explosive would be needed if I were to attempt a slam dunk and dynamic as I will be running for a long time in a low position so will need to be able hold my body weight in this position. I will improve my dynamic strength by testing myself with a simple but effective exercise. I will lean against

  • Many Types of Wrestling

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    three to get a pin in Free style. Free style is basically practice for the Collegiant wrestling season. Professional wrestling is done in a boxing ring, the rules are vague, but the sport is very entertaining. They can hit each other with chairs, body slam from the top ropes, and even throw each other out of the ring! I think the only rule they have is no biting. Professional wrestling is done for the entertainment of others. Greko Roman wrestling also has three rounds and is played on a mat. The real

  • Christmas Eve

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    it was there. For some reason it still felt warm, maybe not heat warmth but warmth inside. This is where I grew up; I knew every corner, every creek in the floor. I knew what steps creaked and just how hard to push the door so it closed but didn't slam. It was about two in the afternoon. My father, my sister and I were all getting ready for the night's event at my grandparents. My father and I would need about an hour to be ready, but my sister Sarah would need at least two. Everyone was frantic

  • Aggressive Driving Can Lead To Road Rage

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    histories of crime, violence, or alcohol and drug abuse. They are the people typically described by neighbors “the nicest woman or man” or “a wonderful mother or father.” Father, mother, son, daughter, they all have their own ways of getting mad. Some slam on the brakes, jump out of their cars, open the trunks and grab anything that they get their hands on. Others use baseball bats, knives, mace, pepper spray, fists, or some simply pull out a pistol and start firing away. Why are these drivers turning

  • Alice Munro's Boys and Girls

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    salesman replied “I thought it was only a girl”. Even her grandmother bombarded her with commands, “Girls keep their knees together when they sit down.” And “Girls don’t slam doors like that.” The worst was when she asked a question and her grandmother answered “That’s none of a girl’s business.” Even after that, she continued to slam doors and sit awkwardly because she felt that it kept her free. In other words, she was not ready to accept and claim her gender identity. In the story, “Boys and Girls”

  • The Effect of Technology on My Life

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    The Effect of Technology on My Life I roll around on my bed, tossing and turning. The blare from my alarm clock deafens my right ear, and I quickly throw an arm over to it and slam on the snooze button. It is 6 o'clock in the morning, and already technology has affected my life. I fall to my feet and walk towards the showers. Another form of technology is about to take over my life. Well, at least for the next ten to 20 minutes. The alarm clock, running water, these are only two of the

  • Serenity of the Field

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    football with the boys. We spent most of the day running up and down the field and imagining we were the best athletes. The boys would get carried away and take advantage of the girls’ size. They would zero in on the girls and see how hard they could slam them into the ground. There were quite a few times when I was slow to get up because I was hit so hard that it blurred my vision and knocked the wind out of me. When the boys saw my agony they were amused. They saw this as more incentive to hit even

  • Writing - A No Brainer

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    rebellious friend, I need only ask myself one question. To research or not to research? Oh the joy of brainless babble is endless. Why, I have known it to go on for years with some people. An example? That's easy, Warning! Cheap shot and over used slam ahead.> politicians of course. I tried to warn you.> Listen, yeah you, the fool reading this. Take my advice and walk away now. She may actually go ahead with her threat and write this paper without my help. It won't be pretty.> After the babble

  • Breakfast of Champions

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    Breakfast of Champions When one hears the phrase “Breakfast of Champions,” he envisions a grinning picture of Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan slam dunking, or Dale Earnhardt in a racecar on a box of Wheaties, a popular breakfast cereal. A few avid Saturday Night Live fans might recall a skit performed by James Belushi. In the skit, Belushi’s “Breakfast of Champions” was beer, cigarettes, and donuts. Neither of these examples are the subject of Kurt Vonnegut’s Breakfast of Champions or Good Bye

  • Audiobook Neil Hilborn Analysis

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    Hilborn is a 26 year old slam poet originally from Minnesota. Graduating with an honours degree in creative writing in 2011, Hilborn has written 2 books and ranked high in multiple slam poetry competitions nationwide. He has co-founded a literary magazine and now does workshops and classes in colleges and high schools. Although his is not an extremely popular and has not changed the game for poetry everywhere,he is breathing some much needed life into the art form with his slam poetry. He draws in a younger

  • Airport Appearances

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    Airport Appearances A shrieking whistle breaks the dark silence of the room. I roll over with a dazed groan and slam on the snooze. 5:00 a.m. "Why do the nights go so much quicker than the days?", I ask myself as I roll back over in a futile attempt to relish the extra seven minutes I've been granted by the neon globe on my night stand. 5:02 a.m. There are a few things I can see without my glasses in the dim light of the morning, and this is one of them: Seven extra minutes are not going

  • Cause and Effect Essay - The Right Of Way

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    Nevada Street in Spokane, three of four lanes of traffic had stopped to allow a man and a young child to cross the street, the fourth lane of traffic had not stopped. Finally a car in that fourth lane of traffic stopped, causing the car behind it to slam on the brakes, literally coming to a screeching halt. Had the man and child started across the street and the screeching car not been able to stop, it would have hit the already stopped car pushing it forward, hitting the man and child. Pedestrians

  • offensive language

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    much. It is not so much offensive, just bothersome. Whether your daily vocabulary consists of several cuss words or it is just the occasional “shit” in a fit of anger or pain, everyone is guilty of it. Who hasn’t accidentally let a word slip when they slam their finger in a door or stub their toe on the coffee table? Is this impressive, of course not. There used to be a day that when you said “shit” in public, it was like exploding a bomb in public; people would fall silent, staring at you with half-angry

  • Negative Effects of Television

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    Negative Effects of Television I hear the door slam abruptly and a thud from something hitting the ground. It’s about 3:15, so my sister should be home. I bring her backpack into the living room as I see her fixated on the television. I tell her to put it away and she says ok, whatever. She gets to her room and not two seconds later does her TV click on in her room. I ask her if she wants to play catch, “No that’s alright.” She always loved to play catch, what about some basketball I ask her

  • Basketball

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    Mourning's grill!" States an exited Stuart Scott. Every day ESPN gathers the most amazing highlights from the games the night before, and creates a visually appealing collage. As a religious viewer I am fed a steady diet of no look passes, monstrous slam-dunks, and impossible fade-away shots that only NBA caliber players are capable of making. This, almost unknowingly, has assisted in creating a new mentality towards the sport. Last season I would find myself in situations where I was trying to execute

  • Possibilities for a Better World

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    them to make a better world," it is only through showing the reader the follies of man, the foolishness we live with daily, that maybe we can change our outlook and make a "better world." Within the 191 pages of Cat's Cradle Vonnegut manages to slam nearly every mode of life, every motivating factor, every convention of modern man. The strongest attacks are on our ways to knowledge: science and religion. Science is shown as a field led by madmen who do not comprehend the consequences of their