Audiobook Neil Hilborn Analysis

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Neil Hilborn is a 26 year old slam poet originally from Minnesota. Graduating with an honours degree in creative writing in 2011, Hilborn has written 2 books and ranked high in multiple slam poetry competitions nationwide. He has co-founded a literary magazine and now does workshops and classes in colleges and high schools. Although his is not an extremely popular and has not changed the game for poetry everywhere,he is breathing some much needed life into the art form with his slam poetry. He draws in a younger audience than many of the classic poets of the last century, bringing “street cred” to what some may refer to as a dying art.Hilborn, like many poets, writes about what he knows. However, many older poets cover topics that are less …show more content…

There is nothing that joins them together in the way that the poems are laid out. Although wordplay and flow are used heavily in the works. He has no rhyme scheme to his writing. Each of them are free verse poems in that way. It is almost as if Hilborn is merely talking to his audience. His lines are better described as his sentences; each sentence providing vital information to add to the poem. Some of his stanzas consist of many short sentences. In “ Audiobook”, Hilborn discusses how one must ruin their own life in order to become famous and be popular. In the poem, Hilborn uses short instructional phrases as he provides steps for how to ruin one’s life, stating things like, “Step Two/Fall in …show more content…

These poems often ramble on about the girl that the speaker is seemingly always in love with. His poems on love can either be very lighthearted. For example, in the poem “Static Electricity”, Hilborn talks about his feelings for a girl through saying that his mind wants him to tell her silly things just by being with her. He goes on the talk about what kissing her is like and just how much he enjoys it. The pure silliness of his comparisons are the main point of the poem. He describes her kisses as being shot in the chest by hummingbirds coming out of a gun made out of hummingbirds; that when their lips meet the “cartoon devil and angel on my shoulders’/climb into my ears/and lick all my neurons”( lines 27-30). These comparisons create a light heartedness that might come with new love. In his poems where he has lost of is losing love, however,the tone that he takes is much different. In those, it is more often than not that the girl leaves the speaker, leaving him heartbroken and lonely. In his poem, “Future Tense”, Hilborn takes just this attitude when right at the very beginning he comes out with ,”And when your fourth love leaves you/You will want to kill yourself, but you won't/Because you no longer think of suicide/As a house you will build on day./Your fourth love, who is your first real love,/Who brought you peace when your whole body was a gun./When she leaves you, ask your roommate to hide the

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