Philippa Foot Essays

  • Philippa Foot Analysis

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    A Discussion of Philippa Foot Philippa Foot starts her piece with a description of hypothetical imperatives, presumably in order to contrast them with categorical imperatives. She uses the classic Kantian description that a hypothetical imperative is a means to an end, not an end in itself. So the “ought” of a hypothetical imperative says that we ought to do something only because we want something else. Categorical imperatives, on the other hand, ought to be followed as an end in themselves and

  • Philippa Foot on Moral Dilemmas

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    The problem of dilemma, as presented by Philippa Foot in her writing, “Moral Dilemmas Revisited”, is the problem of whether it is possible to be in a situation where you cannot avoid making a wrong choice. Foot argues that it is always possible to avoid making a wrong choice in a difficult situation. She presents the ideas of multiple philosophers and their defense of the thought that there are situations where you can and will make a wrong choice. Foot defends herself further in the explanation

  • Morality In Mary Anne Warren's Thesis Of Personhood

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    “I argue that it is personhood, and not genetic humanity, which is the fundamental basis for membership in the moral community” (133). This is the central idea in Mary Anne Warren’s argument on the personhood of a fetus. She argues that in order for a genetic human being to be considered a person, he or she would have to possess all of the six criteria’s of personhood which include sentience, ability to reason and emotionality. In order to determine the viability of the personhood of a fetus she

  • The Trolley Problem, by Judith Jarvis Thomson

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Bystander at the Switch case is a fundamental part of Thomson’s argument in “Trolley Problem.” The basis of her paper is to explain the moral difference between this case, which she deems morally permissible (1398), and the Transplant case, which she deems morally impermissible (1396). In the Bystander at the Switch case, a bystander sees a trolley hurtling towards five workers on the track and has the option of throwing a switch to divert the trolley’s path towards only one worker. Thomson finds

  • Analysis Of Killing And Letting Die By Philippa Foot

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    In the article, “Killing and Letting Die” by Philippa Foot she argues that Thomson’s argument is invalid. Thomson argues that abortion is sometimes justified because no one has the right to another person’s body and therefore the mother can detach herself from the baby. To highlight on this analogy she presents an example with a violinist. The violinist is in critical condition and in order to be saved he must be attached to a random person. That person is then obligated to be attached to the violinist

  • Analysis Of The Other Boleyn Girl By Ms. Gregory

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    satisfaction. She’s not a woman who crumbles into distress. She’s a woman of most powerful will.” (Gregory, The Other Boleyn Girl) This truly seems to sum up all that Philippa Gregory is about. The will and strength of a woman to do what needs to be done regardless of the consequences can be related to by women all over the world. As we have seen Philippa Gregory has the ability to combine facts and imagination to recreate to piece of history that brings to light the hardships and difficult choices that faced

  • The Discoveries of Henry the Navagator

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    fulfill his goals. Henry the Navigator was a very important factor to European history and history within itself. Henry the Navigator was born as Infante Henry, the Duke of Viseu. He was born in 1394 in the city of Porto to King John I and Philippa of Lancaster. Philippa was the sister of King Henry IV, so this made Henry the Navigator, Henry IV’s nephew. Henry had 3 brothers and 1 sister, Duarte, Pedro, Joao, and Isabel. Henry’s first real experience of his life was when he was 21, in 1415, and him,

  • Free Essays On Shakespeare's Sonnet 65

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    wrackful siege of battering days, When rocks impregnable are not so stout Nor gates of steel so strong but time decays? Oh fearful meditation! where, alack, Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid? Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back? Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid? Oh none, unless this miracle have might- That in black ink my love may still shine bright. This sonnet shares several similarities in imagery as sonnets 63 and 66, and also to the theme of time

  • My Soul Mate

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    My Soul Mate I never thought I would meet the other "half of my orange." "Offspring" was not in my vocabulary, until I saw him, the entity of my imaginings. As he roamed the halls, strutting as though he possessed the building, he consumed my every thought. Every muscle he owned protruded through his uniform, his bulky, curly, caramel, tresses chiseled high and tight. The looks he granted me reassured my interests. He would be the father of my children. He dreaded our visit to Texas; we would

  • My Football Achievement

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    toe suddenly turned black and swollen. It was the worst coincidence that could’ve happened to me. I went to the hospital later that day, where I heard that my foot was broken and I couldn’t play. I didn’t pay attention to the doctor at all. The day before the game came and I had to find a way to play. I decided to wrap my foot in a block of tape and go for it. Game day was finally here. It was the biggest game of the season.

  • Wounded Knee

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    Wounded Knee Wounded Knee was a terrible event in US history. It showed how the US government didn't understand the Native Americans and treated them badly and unfairly. Big Foot was the chief of a subtribe of the Lakota called Miniconjou. He was very old and had pneumonia. He was taking his tribe to the Pine Ridge Reservation in south-western South Dakota. Most of the women and children in Big Foot's tribe were family members of the warriors who had died in the Plains wars. The Indians

  • Shooting in Football

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    balance is to place your supporting foot in line with the ball. By stepping a little behind you will produce a high kick (most young players that are not taught how to shoot do not know about keeping the leg in line with the ball and when they try to kick hard the ball always rises). · The second important thing in ground shooting is that in order to get the maximum power in a shot, the knee of your kicking leg has to be above the ball at the moment your foot and the ball touch. · The follow-through

  • A Comparison of High Heels and Flats

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    A Comparison of High Heels and Flats Women are always searching for the right shoe. There are so many different styles, types, colors, and even heights. To me the two most common types are high heels and flats. Well, at least in today’s fashion those are the two most common. Both, if paired with the correct outfit are simply stunning. High heels offer a sexier look that’s nearly impossible to get from a flat shoe. Nevertheless, I feel very strongly about women in high heels. They make your legs

  • The Kite Runner Quotes

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    heard Hassan next to me, croaking, tears were sliding down his cheeks." *Hassan was crying because of the shame he felt after the encounter with the soldier who said he had slep with his mother at some point. Chapter 3 1)"At parties, when all six-foot-five of him thundered into the room, attention shifted to him like sunflowers turning to the sun." *Amir was very proud to have a father like Baba, who was very strong, confident, and played such an important role in the community. 2)"If i hadn't

  • Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera Q & A

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    then being plasted from her chest down to her calves, then she was basically as soon as only when her right leg was plasted. She was in love with Diego Rivera & married him twice, & then found out that she couldn’t have kids, had gang green on her foot from smoking & drinking a lot, & then she died in peace being with the one she loved the most, being able to do what she loves wants & can, in think of her a brave, considerate, & strong person. Diego Rivera He can paint like a real artist, but

  • sonnet 12

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    of fourteen lines, written in iambic pentameter. One means to illustrate a verse line is to speak about how many stressed and unstressed syllables are in the line. A simple grouping of syllables, some stressed, some unstressed, is called a foot. The iambic foot is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Pentameter means there are five feet in the line. "Iambic Pentameter," subsequently, means a line of ten syllables, which interchanges unstressed and stressed syllables according to

  • Discussion About Statistical Analysis and Results

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    is a significant difference in the two groups in body mass index. Foot posture index shows p value .004 less than .05 and again the mean value of FPI in case group higher than the control group. In this case also null hypotheses are rejected and show the significant difference between two groups. Two independent sample t tests shows greater significant difference, it states that two group as difference in the body mass and foot mass index. This supports the hypotheses being tested by the researcher

  • The Importance of a Personal´s Life in Speak

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    Physiologists usually agree that the teenage years are among the most difficult periods in one’s life. Most teens are trying to figure out who they are, what they believe, and how they fit into the world around them. Beginning in the late 1970s, a whole genre of fiction, referred to as coming-of-age literature, emerged and serves, at least for many teens, as believable presentations of young people learning to navigate the difficulties of their lives, often fraught with feelings of rejection, seemingly

  • Faded Scars

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    was only seconds away. Geoff tried to round the corner, slamming on the breaks as he entered the dirt driveway. The bike went skidding out from underneath us, throwing us both down to the rocky ground. I stood up quick as I could only to realize my foot was caught in the spokes of the bicycle wheel's tire. At the sight of the blood I instantly burst into tears and my brothers rushed me inside. My parents took me to the doctor's to find out that the fall had caused me to severely sprain my ankle.

  • Rowenta Swot Analysis

    555 Words  | 2 Pages

    Europe. Rowenta manufactures the most technologically advanced German engineered irons, and is delivering it’s best goods and services possible to the customer. Key features of this product include: • The suitcase inspired “tilt and roll” feature. • Foot operated pedals for power and cord retraction • Variable steam control lets you control the amount of steam needed. • Telescopic poles adjust height for comfort and pushes down ...