Paget's disease of bone Essays

  • Paget's Bone Disease

    1392 Words  | 3 Pages

    Abstract- In order to study the gene mutation that is supposed to cause Paget’s Bone Disease researchers had to have viable candidates to host the gene mutation. They found the best candidate to host the gene mutation in mice so they implanted the gene mutation in embryos of mice offspring. The researchers hypothesized that p62P394L is sufficient to induce PDB, especially since the p62 gene is responsible for encoding 62 kDa protein which functions in signaling osteoclast precursors. Results were

  • What is Paget's Disease?

    944 Words  | 2 Pages

    Paget’s disease Paget’s disease (PD), also known as osteitis deformans, is considered to be an osteometabolic disorder. It can be described as a focal disorder of accelerated and disorganized skeletal remodeling that may affect multiple bones in the body, giving rise to progressive enlargement and deformity of the bones and joints.1 PD is prevalent across both the sexes with incidence ranging from 1.5% to 8%.2 It is more common in individuals over 50 years of age. Pathology PD is described by a

  • James Paget Research Paper

    917 Words  | 2 Pages

    Pathology examines the causes and effects of diseases, James Paget was one of the founders of our modern day pathology. Paget was born in Great Yarmoth, Norfolk, in England on January 11, 1814 and died on December 30, 1899 in London, England at the age of 85 of natural causes. He was thin, with a long face and bright eyes. He was a gifted speaker with a charming personality and was known as having a great sense of humor. He liked to keep things brief and to the point and had his own famous expression

  • Bone Diseases

    827 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bone diseases most directly influence the ability to walk or to move any part of the body--hands, limbs, neck, and spine. They are related to joint disorders--ARTHRITIS, COLLAGEN DISEASE, DISLOCATION of joints, and RHEUMATISM. The medical specialty pertaining to bone disorders is ORTHOPEDICS. Fractures are the most common bone disorders. They can occur as the result of an accident or be secondary to metabolic diseases. Fractures are life-threatening to aged people having the metabolic bone disease

  • Attenuation Essay

    1070 Words  | 3 Pages

    material interact with the photons (bone high interact with the photons because it composed of calcium). The composition

  • Bone Synthesis Essay

    909 Words  | 2 Pages

    that the loss and gain function of LRP5 affects bone formation, causes osteoporosis, and high bone mass. Bone formation forms cartilage growth and replacement by bone is responsible for most growth in vertebrates. Bones is living, growing tissue and it made of collagen and calcium phosphate that adds strength and hardness. However, Osteoporosis has become a major health problem due to unknown cause. When bone resorption occurs too quickly or when bone replaces occurs too slowly it known as osteoporosis

  • Osteosarcoma Essay

    961 Words  | 2 Pages

    Zach Sobiech’s story. THESIS STATEMENT: Osteosarcoma is a rare type of cancer that weakens the bone. INTRODUCTION I. The human body consists of 206 bones and osteosarcoma can develop in any one of them; do the math, that’s 206 possible places for osteosarcoma to occur. (Attention getter) II. We all came into this classroom by walking; in order to do so we not only need functioning legs, but functioning bones as well. III. Osteosarcoma is both rare, and extremely hard to treat because none of its treatments

  • Bone Fracture Essay

    1238 Words  | 3 Pages

    Bone is a hard living, growing tissue; it makes up the framework of the body. Made mostly of collagen and calcium phosphate, bones are strong and flexible enough to withstand stress. The skeleton provides support and structure to the body, it gives us the ability to move and hold our body up against gravity. Although our body is very sturdy, we are often prone to painful and disabling injuries such as fractures. A bone fracture is a medical term in which a bone becomes cracked

  • Arthritis

    1631 Words  | 4 Pages

    down. New tissue, which grows at the ends of bones, now has no cartilage cap to control it. Instead, this new bone forms into strange lips and spurs that grind and grate and get in the way of movement of the joint. Osteoarthritis is common in older people after years of wear-and-tear that thin the cartilage and the bones. Osteoarthritis can also result from diseases in which there is softening of the bone, like Paget's disease in which the long bones of the body curve like a bow, or osteoporosis

  • Breast Cancer Essay

    2889 Words  | 6 Pages

    increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer, for instance, age, family history, and race. A women who made history with breast cancer was Betty Ford, Betty was one of the first lady’s to speak openly about her disease. Betty encouraged women who have been affected with the disease to go to their doctor as soon as possible and told women who had shared that they didn’t have breast cancer to do self breast exams regularly and get mammograms. She also said when women get diagnosed with it don’t

  • Breast Cancer Essay

    1936 Words  | 4 Pages

    Breast cancer is a type of cancer originates from breast tissue, generally from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas whereas from ducts are called ductal carcinomas. (Ref: Breast Cancer, National Cancer Institute) Invasive breast cancer is breast cancer that has spread from the point of origin in the breast ducts/lobules to the surrounding normal tissue cells. In exceptional cases, breast cancer