Media Access Control Essays


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    physical connections to transmit information packets, a set of Media Access Control (MAC) protocols are used to allow information to flow smoothly through the network. An efficient MAC protocol ensures that the transmission medium is not idle if computers have information to transmit. It also prevents collisions due to simultaneous transmission that would waste media capacity. MAC protocols also allow different computers fair access to the medium. One type of MAC is Ethernet, which is used by bus

  • Token ring

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    is used to arbitrate access to the shared ring media. Stations that have data frames to transmit must first acquire the token before they can transmit them. Token ring LANs normally use differential Manchester encoding of bits on the LAN media. Token ring was invented by Olof Söderblom in the late 1960s. It was later licensed to IBM, who popularized the use of token ring LANs in the mid 1980s when it released its IBM token ring architecture based on active multi-station access units (MSAUs or MAUs)

  • HIPAA, CIA, and Safeguards

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    which is the basis of Committee on National Security model for information security, an industrial standard, (Whitman & Mattord, 2010). Confidentiality can be a synonym for encryption but also means only the people with the correct permission can access the information. One of the major security issue is the hard drives were not encrypted. The hard drives should be encrypted to prevent people from reading the information the computer. Software can be purchased which will encrypt files on hard drive

  • Software System Architecture

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    from the server to give that employee the rights and access to the network they need for their job duty. The client-server pattern is used when need to share data in databases over a range of locations. There are reasons for going with the client-server architecture for the new MHC-PMC because of the requirements. The MHC-PMC will need to be accessed by different clinics in the area. One of the reasons for using the client-server is to access shared database from ... ... middle of paper ...

  • The Importance Of Firewalls

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    of undesired communications. Should a packet come from outside the network, in an attempt to pretend that it is a response to a message from inside the network, the firewall will have no record of it 's being requested and can discard it, blocking access. As many communications will be transferred to high ports, above 1023, stateful inspection will enable the system to determine which sets of high communications are permissible and which should be

  • Relational and Object-oriented Database Management Systems

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    needs of multiple users in an organization” (Hoffer 709). Databases contain data records or files, such as sales transactions, product catalogs and inventories, and customer profiles. Databases allows multiple users in an organization to easily access, manage, store, and update data when needed. A database management system is software designed to assist in maintaining and utilization large collections of data, and the need for such systems and their use. The first general-purpose database management

  • Disadvantages Of Biometric Technology

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    “Analysts see virtual access as the application that will provide the critical mass to move biometrics for network and computer access from the realm of science-fiction devices to regular system components.”(Vacca, 2007), demands for virtual access will increase the public’s awareness of the security risks involving the use of biometrics. Biometrics can increase a company’s ability to

  • Swot Analysis Of Tyco

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    business segments which are fire protection, electronics and packaging. Tyco reorganize ed the company again in the 1990s which included electrical and electronic components, health-care and specialty products, fire and security services, and flow control. By 2000 Tyco I nc., had acquired more than three major companies such as ADT, the CI T Group, and Raychem. Tyco fire and security products is a business unit of Tyco International which expertise in making fire and security products worldwide. It

  • Firewalls And Infrastructure Security

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    all other ports blocked. An e-mail server may have only necessary ports for e-mail open, with others blocked. A key to security policies for firewalls is the same as has been seen for other security policies, the principle of least access. Only allow the necessary access for a function, block or deny all unneeded functionality. How an organization deploys its firewalls determines what is needed for security policies for each firewall. The security topology will determine what network devices are employed

  • E-Commerce Security Essay

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    can be done to improve ecommerce security Academic and employability skills Allan Augustin [Pick the date] Contents Page Introduction 3.1 Discussion 3.2 Ways to improve ecommerce security on internet 4.1 Secure socket Layer (SSL) 5.1 Access control security Measures 5.2 Firewalls 6.1 Encryption 6.2 Conclusion 7 References 8 Introduction 3.1 The purpose of this paper is to present the illustration of different techniques or methods that can be used to ensure e-commerce security

  • The Physical Security Field: An Analysis Of The Physical Security Field

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    ANALYSIS OF THE PHYSICAL SECURITY FIELD The physical security field can be broken down into two very general but separate areas: types of security and security components. The Types of Security outlines different areas or sectors where why and how security is conducted differ. Security components break down Physical Security even further, speaking to the more intricate areas of any Security type or team. TYPES OF SECURITY Security is as diverse as the people who manage these teams or the organizations

  • Security Controls Case Study

    754 Words  | 2 Pages

    Case 5 Security controls are technical or administrative safeguards or counter measures to avoid, counteract or minimize loss or unavailability due to threats acting on their matching vulnerability, i.e., security risk. Controls are referenced all the time in security, but they are rarely defined. The purpose of this section is to define technical, administrative/personnel, preventative, detective, and corrective compensating controls, as well as general controls. Basically they are categorized in

  • Internal Network Security

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    Introduction The development of technology has brought Internet to become the mass communication media between people or companies. Through Internet, people can communicate with other people in various places. Companies can get many advantages by using Internet network to support their business. Therefore, companies are trying as hard as they can, and give high effort in protecting their network from attack and make sure that they have the best network security. Most people think that the threat

  • Internal Threats to network security

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    Internal Threats to Network Security The topic of network security is a reoccurring theme in today’s business world. There is an almost unfathomable amount of data generated, transmitted, and stored every day. Unfortunately the media and traditional reporting sources these days typically only focus on outside threats such as hackers. Many people completely overlook the insider threats that are present and can potentially pose and even bigger threat then any outside source. One of the acronyms

  • Cryptography Essay

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    Question 1 A .What is cryptography? Technique of protecting information by changing in to other format is nothing but Cryptography, this technique is called Cipher text. This process involve a secret key through which readable message is totally converted into unreadable message, in order to decrypt the unreadable message secrete key is must. Generally this is used is communication, don’t know if communication breaks in middle the message which is private may go leak, so, to protect private data

  • SecureTek Security Design

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    SecureTek Security system is such that the design and development of the architecture was initially good but technological advancements and security concerns calls for redesign. For example, the Data control section is placed next to the kitchen implying that unauthorized people from the kitchen can easily access the data centre. This can come at a high risk since the stored data is of great interest to the shareholders and tampering with it can result to immense losses to them and the entire firm. Similarly

  • The Implementation of Magnetic Access Control Card Security Systems

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    1. Introduction Access control is the restriction of access to a building or area and it can be achieved by different means of physical security. Magnetic access control card system is one of the many ways of restricting access to a building or area. According to Oke et al. (2009), magnetic access control systems are used to control entry to a room or building and were developed to reduce prodigious amount of theft and fraud. Magnetic access control card security systems use smart cards which are

  • An Introduction to Access Control Mechanisms

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    This can be done by developing a security strategy which is a framework of control mechanisms for authentication, authorization, and access control mechanisms to enforce role separation, database auditing, monitoring, network and data encryption, data masking according to the needs and environment in the organization. To develop a high-quality security strategy detailed knowledge and understanding about the database control mechanisms is needed. So the main purpose of this paper is to give a detailed

  • Biometrics

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    malls, computing companies and etc… using it in their security systems, and they use it in an international ways of using, perhaps they have been learned to using it in a different ways, but also they have been a proficient users of it, they can access their information but in a security way that is Biometrics, so for example there is a bank in a country that have been opened or created by a government since few days, so the manager of this bank want to create a security system for the bank, that

  • The Importance Of Security In Court House Security

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    “reduction in fear”, “incident of crime”, and “improve the quality of life” (Cozens, Saville, & Hillier, 2005). The CPTED design concept begins with using barriers that depict private, semi-private, and public spaces from one another. This allows for access control and surveillance that will also help contribute in promoting a free of crime environment. It is important to understand that these strategies are not independent of one another, but act together to promote informal surveillance opportunities.