Magnetic monopole Essays

  • Application and History of Magnetic Monopoles

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    purpose of this paper is to talk about magnetic monopoles, their history, synthetic monopoles, and their applications. Although natural monopoles have yet to be discovered and we are still testing the development of synthetic monopoles that are far from perfect, monopoles, with their unique properties would bring dramatic changes to our society and would rapidly move up to the next level of technology. Hypothetically speaking, monopoles could be used to create a magnetic train similar to maglevs, and a

  • Physics of Magnets

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    unnoticed is the magnetic strip on credit and debit cards. These have a certain magnetic makeup, that is why you are to keep them away from other magnets. Magnets are also used in many motors, in such items like a dishwasher, DVD and VHS players, and a pager or cell phone vibrator. Magnets are all dipoles, that is they all have both a north and a south pole. No known magnetic monopoles exist. Looking at magnets from a basic point of view, opposites attract and similars repel. Magnetic field lines always

  • The Great Unification: Maxwell's Equations

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    Maxwell’s Equations are a set of four equations that govern all of electromagnetism. The equations show a unification of the electric and magnetic fields and are often considered one of the greatest unifications in physics, describing one of the four fundamental interactions, the electromagnetic force. The unification of the electric and magnetic forces in the 19th century by Maxwell’s Equations led to several scientific advancements – including an entire new branch of physics, electromagnetism

  • How Do Electric Vehicles Affect The Future Of Our Transportation?

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    At this day and age our society has become extremely dependent on electricity. It is essential to our everyday lives, and its importance is often overlooked. To really understand how reliant we have become on electricity, imagine a world where there are no computers, there are no forms of vehicular transportation, and there are no phones! These things are so vital to our current style of living and if there was no electricity, this would be a completely different world. Magnetism is equally important

  • Synthesis and Characterization of K2[Ni(CN)4] , K3[Fe(C2O4)3] and Cu(acac)2 Complexes

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    Synthesis and Characterization of K2[Ni(CN)4] , K3[Fe(C2O4)3] and Cu(acac)2 complexes(IV , V and VI) with different structures and Properties 1. Introduction The aim of this experiment was to synthesize HgCo(SCN)4 , [Ni(en)3]S2O3 , NiCl2(PPh3)2 , K2[Ni(CN)4] , K3[Fe(C2O4)3] and Cu(acac)2 but only K2[Ni(CN)4] , K3[Fe(C2O4)3] and Cu(acac)2 were synthesized and explained in this report. Characterization was then done on each of the 3 synthesized complexes by obtaining their UV-Vis spectrum.

  • Cardiac Rhythm Management Devices

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    Introduction Magnetic materials are categorised as either hard or soft. A soft magnet material is easy to magnetise/demagnetise, whereas hard magnetic materials retain their magnetic properties after being magnetised. Permanent magnets are made up of hard magnetic materials which is able to create its own persistent magnetic field once magnetised. They can be made in different sizes and strength and thus, making them implantable into the body without anatomical restriction. Different kind of magnets

  • Importance Of Electromagnet

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    yards on the cranes that pick up cars, electric bells, loudspeakers, tape recorders, VCRs, hard disks, particle accelerators, magnetic locks, drills, speakers, radios, microphones, doorbells, trains, generators, relays, and sorting out metal in junk yards. The electromagnet is a very useful item and can range too many different power levels. Electromagnetism is the magnetic force produced by an electric current. Electromagnetism is very useful, but also harmful. Everything is made of matter, and matter

  • Electromagnetism

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    while playing. These vibrations are picked up by the pickups of the guitar. What are pickups? Pickups are permanent magnets wrapped around in a coil. Since the strings are made with a special material called ferromagnetic, they interact with the magnetic fields in the pickups and force electrons to move in the loop. Moving electrons can generate a signal that can be read by the amplifier. Pickups work with a bar magnet which is rapped with turns of wire. We know that magnets with coil can transform

  • Electromagnetism and Guitar Pickups

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    are arranged within the guitar by having magnetic polepieces. These polepieces centers should perfectly align with strings, or sound is suboptimal as the pickup would capture only a part of the string’s vibrational energy. B) In order to function, guitar pickups have to produce sound, so that’s when an electric guitar senses the vibrations of the strings electronically and routes an electronic signal to an amplifier and speaker. The sensing occurs in a magnetic pickup mounted under the strings on the

  • Theoretical investigation on the barocaloric and magnetocaloric properties in the Gd5Si2Ge2 compound

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    It is worth noticing that fixes the Curie temperature and is responsible for the existence of first order magnetic phase transition and fixes the thermal hysteresis of about 5 K. Table 1 shows the values of our model parameters adjusted to fit the experimental data for the pressures 1.5, 2.0 and 2.9 kbar. Values of model parameters used in the theoretical curves adjusted at zero magnetic field. Figure 2 shows the isothermal entropy changes heating the sample (a), (b) and (c) and (the figure 3 cooling

  • The Life and Science of James Clerk Maxwell

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    The Life and Science of James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) Physicist and Mathematician “The theory of relativity would have never been possible without the mathematical equations first described by James Maxwell." -Albert Einstein GRAPH James Clerk Maxwell may not be a household name when it comes to scientists, but his contributions to the field ranks him with some of the great scientists of all time.He is mainly known for his ground breaking work in electromagnetics, spurring a field

  • Magnetic Therapy

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    Magnetic Therapy Probably one of the largest contemporary trends in the therapeutic world is the use of magnetic therapy. However, it is also one of the least researched modalities, and has very little sound explanation for it's effectiveness. Winning over its clientele with testimonials by everyone from doctors to elite athletes, magnets are making a place for themselves in the health and therapeutic fields. This is accomplished by utilizing many different marketing strategies and very

  • Solenoid

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    around the solenoid. When the current flows through the solenoid, a magnetic force created from the solenoid should make the ring 'jump' up or levitate. When carrying out the experiment, the assumption was made that there will be some movement from the ring when current starts flowing through the solenoid and thus a magnetic field will be present. However, the results of the experiment did not back up this assumption in any way. No magnetic force was observed in any of the experiments carried out. Introduction

  • Factors that Affect the Strength of the Electromagnet

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    number of coils provides a stronger solenoid. When current flows through the wires it create a magnetic field, therefore with more coils a stronger magnetic field and therefore a stronger electromagnet would be created. A stronger magnetic field will also be created if the size of the voltage increases, the higher the voltage means the size of current will increase too. The stronger the magnetic field,

  • Spintronics Essay

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    charge into the present semiconductor electronics at nanoscale level is a very important issue for realizing novel devices. Research is being carried out for the development of magnetic random access memories and nonvolatile logic applications by extensively studying novel spin based semiconductor device structures and magnetic material semiconductor hybrid structures. We can create spin polarization using many methods, that will lead to hole induced ferromagnetism in the case of InAs and GaAs alloyed

  • The Characteristics Of Magnets And The Properties Of Magnes

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    attracts iron objects and that force is denoted as magnetic field (1). Magnetic field is the only field where the lines of force that show the direction of the field can be made visible. This will be represented in the Fiq:1. In every material in this world, there are small magnetic fields called domains. Most of the time, all these domains are independent and face different directions. All the domains can be arranged with the use of strong magnetic fields known as Ferromagnetic metals. Magnets can

  • Induction Furnace Essay

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    is a change in the magnetic field near a material which is electrically conductive, there will be a current produced in the material know as eddy current. This eddy current is responsible for the heating of the material. The amount of eddy currents produced in the conductor depends mainly on the external magnetic field. Heat generation can be controlled by the magnetic field as the heat generated in the element is directly proportional to the current which depends on the magnetic flux. So heat is indirectly

  • Experimental Research: Magnets and Temperature

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    force on each other, and are surrounded by a magnetic field. The purpose of my project is to test the strength of these amazing objects under various different temperatures and to see how they will react. I became interested while playing with some promotional magnets that were on the side of my refrigerator holding up the various pictures and notes. HYPOTHESIS My hypothesis is that with a change in the magnets temperature that the strength of the magnetic field will also change in the magnets. The

  • Dielectric Studies Essay

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    3.2.8 Dielectric studies Dielectric study of solid polymer electrolytes is an important technique for understanding the various relaxation processes, which are associated with the ion motion. The frequency dependent dielectric constant at room temperature for the PEO with different wt% of KCl is shown in Figure 3.14(a). It is evident from the figure that the dielectric constants are significantly high in the low frequency region due to electrode polarization and space charge effects and it obeys

  • Analysis Of Barium Hexaferrites

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    (BaFe12O19) with a magnetoplumbite structure are well known as hard magnetic materials which are based on iron oxides. Hexagonal ferrites are referred to as hard because the direction of magnetization cannot be changed easily to another axis [].Barium ferrite possesses relatively high Curie temperature, coercive force and magnetic anisotropy field, as well as its excellent chemical stability and corrosion resistivity [].The magnetic and dielectric characteristics of hexagonal ferrites strongly depend