League of Women Voters Essays

  • Relationship Between State and Local Government

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    Formation Commission (LAFCO) in 1963 to control local government fragmentation. The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) gives counties the power to tax, create special districts and annex unincorporated land to cities in the county (League of Women Voters, 1992). There are three classes of county government. The main differences are in the organization and selection of governing bodies and officers. General Law counties elect supervisors by district and Charter counties can elect at large

  • World War I: Catalyst for the Feminine Revolution

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    sometimes credited with starting the feminine revolution. The young women of the 1920’s were considered new and rebellious. In appearance and attitude, the women of the day broke the mold society had created in the previous decades. When the war started, the Progressive Era women had to take over the jobs of men to fill the void the men left behind, and as a result, they learned to be independent. The conservative, upstanding women of the Progressive Era were considered the moral guardians and protectors

  • Women In The Progressive Era Essay

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    Women In the Progressive Era In today’s times, women are more equal to men than they ever have been, even though differences like the wage gap exist. However, the rights of women have come a long way since even as little as a hundred years ago. How is this possible? Women have fought – and won – against the inequalities that they have faced. Powerful women like Carrie Chapman Catt, Ida Wells-Barnett, and Jane Addams who fought diligently during the Progressive Era in order to close the vast gap

  • Eleanor Roosevelt: Influential Figure and Stateswoman

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    Franklin’s presidency, served as Franklin’s eyes and ears, reduced the White House spending by on quarter, and simplified the social calendar of the White House. Eleanor began to hold weekly meeting with women reporters, hoping to expand the understanding of basic national politics to American women. Under Eleanor’s guidance, the National Youth Administration was established, when Franklin signed an executive order on June 26, 1935. After several programs were implemented by order of President Roosevelt

  • Faith and Politics

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    president on a major party ticket, has been extremely vocal about his faith. Both George W. Bush and Al Gore, a Methodist and Baptist, respectively, have also referred to their religious beliefs during this presidential campaign ("Anti-Defamation League Criticizes"), raising several questions about the part religious faith plays in presidential elections. First, what role does religion play in the campaigning process? A new poll reveals that while seven in 10 Americans prefer a president with a

  • Critical Essay on American Democracy

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    through history, even before America, political minds have warned against too much democracy. Tyranny by majority, the uninformed, the undecided; they all contribute to too much democracy. One of the greatest problems America faces is the uninformed voter. Jonah Goldberg wrote an article in which he said, "The ignorance of the typical American when it comes to politics is often staggering." He does not mince his words in saying that he believes that normal people of society are not fit in knowledge

  • Prohibitionism Essay

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    Prohibition was a regional issue across the nation, there were supporters and anti-Prohibitionists in each state. The Anti-Saloon League and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union were two main Prohibition supporters. These groups blamed many of the social problems occurring in the nation, such as murder and crime, on the consumption of alcohol. The Anti-Saloon League was established by the Reverend H. H. Russell in 1895 in Oberlin, Ohio. This organization focused on regulating saloons unlike other

  • The Texas Left Chapter Summary

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    and Kyle G. Wilkinson gathered a collection of studies relating to the often radical, and liberal policies that occurred throughout the history of Texas. The authors focus on unions and working conditions for Mexican Americans, African Americans, women suffrage and civil rights. The focus of these topics are rather a neglected history of Texan’s heritage arguments during the industrial revolution are economics injustice, political disenfranchisement and gender equality. I have separated this essay

  • Susan B. Anthony's Suffrage Movement

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    We formed it to get liberty not just for half of us -- not just for half of our children -- but for all, women as well as men” (qtd. Susan B. Anthony). Therefore, Anthony wanted to be equal and have the same opportunities as men. During Anthony’s lifetime of commitment to woman suffrage, she became the president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and an advocate for many women. Anthony pushed for suffrage till the very end and she “Composed her last amendment to the United

  • Eleanor Roosevelt Character Traits

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    him. When Eleanor was young she began working with poor children at the Street Settlement House. She also sometimes worked for fifteen to sixteen hours a day. She worked for League of Women Voters, The Consumers League, The Foreign Policy Association. She also fought for women’s rights by working for Women’s Trade Union League. The last example of Eleanor being sympathetic is she worked against racial and religious prejudice. When she found out that Marian Anderson couldn’t perform at the auditorium

  • Harry T. Moore African American Heroes

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    is, and will forever be a safe place to live, work, and raise a family due to his efforts in equalizing salaries, voting, and safety. As an initial point, Harry T. Moore has greatly partaken in the change of Florida into a place for all men and women to live and live together. He has spread the rights of mankind equally throughout

  • The Populists and Progressives

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    the past, such as a sense of community. A major concern of the Progressives was the way “Corporate America” did business. Progressives called for new reforms and proposed political measures to make government more responsive to the desires of the voters. Progressives also believed in the power of science and technology to solve social problems. During the late 19th and early 20th century both the Populist Party and Progressive movement wanted to preserve some things, while also addressing the need

  • The New Women of 1920's

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    As we look around at our women in today’s era, we might ask how did she become so independent, successful, and confidant? Even when I look at my own my mom, she was hired as the first woman to work as a manager at a fortune 500 business, and then created her own business. As well as my friends’ mom, who also has her own business in psychology; accomplishments like these must have originated from somewhere. The answer lies in the 1920’s. A couple years earlier, World War I was waging havoc, killing

  • Essay On Frances Noel

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    1902. She was the vice president and president of Women’s Union Label League in California in 1910 and 1914; president of Wage Earner’s Suffrage League in 1911. She was also president of Los Angeles Chapter of the American Birth Control League in 1926 . She advocated women’s suffrage and organized womanhood. She led socialist women to found L.A branch of National Women’s Trade League, which is the leadership of cross-class women movements , and she also fought for minimum

  • Performance Enhancing Drugs in Baseball

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    and yelling at his closest friends. (Ingram) When he decided to stop using steroids he became severely depressed and a month after his 17th birthday, he committed suicide. (Ingram) His coach pressured him take steroids to be a star, but if Major League Baseball really cracked down on steroid use then Taylor might not have started taking steroids in the first place and he could still be alive today. Although many scholars have argued that a suspension and a fine will fix the drug problem in baseball

  • Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes

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    Before joining the League of Women Voters in 1920, Eleanor visits World War I soldiers at St. Elizabeth Hospital. The year before Franklin becomes paralyzed from polio, the nineteenth amendment was passed granting women the right to vote. A year after FDR was elected for governor of New York in 1928, New York’s Stock exchange Crashes. In 1931 “the Dust Bowl devastates

  • First Lady Report: Eleanor Roosevelt (1933-1945)

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    what was going on (history.com). Eleanor held thousands of conferenced for women (britanica.com). She gave lectures and spoke on many radio broadcasts (whitehouse.gov). She became the first First Lady to have a newspaper article (history.com). It was called “My Day” and talked about political issues and Eleanor’s agenda (history.com). She changed the way that women were looked at in the White House. She was able to get women jobs that before were not open to them ( britanica.com). She also changed

  • Prop 227 Points of Contention

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    Teachers and Post-Proposition 227” The Urban Review • Preserving Privilege, Jewelle Gibbs and Teiahsha Bankhead, 3/2001, pg 122-123: • Official June 1998 Voter Pamphlet: Analysis and Arguments on Prop 227: • Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 22, 1998 11:13 Smart Voter '98 Copyright © 1998 League of Women Voters of California Education Fund. • http://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/California_Proposition_227,_the_%22English_in_Public_Schools%22_Initiative_(1998)

  • Daisy's Treatment Of Women In The Great Gatsby

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    Women of Great Gatsby “The Great Gatsby” was published in 1922. It was written by Scott Fitzgerald. The era of the 1920’s was called “The Roaring Twenties”. In this time period, there were flappers, and women who were criticized by the men in society. Women were restrained in many ways prior to the 1920s, such as not having voting rights. In “Gatsby”, women’s roles in society are emphasized to the point where the reader knows exactly how women were treated back then. They were treated like fools

  • Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm: A Critical Analysis Of Her Life

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    Graduating with an excellent academic record from a Brooklyn girls' high school, Chisholm earned a scholarship to study sociology at Brooklyn College. She quickly became active in political circles, joining the Harriet Tubman Society, serving as an Urban League volunteer, and winning prizes in debate. Her interest in her community led her to attend city meetings, where, as a student, she astonished older adults by confronting civic leaders with questions about the quality of government services to her predominantly