Essay On Frances Noel

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Frances Nacke Noel (January 5, 1873 – April 24 1963) was a German-born American feminist, socialist, and labor activist. Frances Nacke was born in Saxony, Germany. She moved to the United States at age of 20, and settled in Los Angeles in 1899 and married Primrose D. Noel in 1902. She was the vice president and president of Women’s Union Label League in California in 1910 and 1914; president of Wage Earner’s Suffrage League in 1911. She was also president of Los Angeles Chapter of the American Birth Control League in 1926 . She advocated women’s suffrage and organized womanhood. She led socialist women to found L.A branch of National Women’s Trade League, which is the leadership of cross-class women movements , and she also fought for minimum …show more content…

She had her idea written in an article called “Twin Sister Movement of Union Labor” in 1928, showing her belief that women movement and labor movement are “twins” (wage-earning women are the typical cases), and dealing the combination of these two issues could lead to a more equalitarian society . January 1911, Noel persuaded representatives of six women union and labor groups, including WIULL Local 36, garment workers, waitresses, saleswomen, and stenographers, to form a permanent cross-class organization of women. The women’s conference of Los Angeles County was formed for the purpose of helping to “enact laws and legislative measures concerning the welfare of the home, women and children” . Unfortunately, this organization existed only for a few months, but many of the member groups joined 1911 women’s suffrage movement later …show more content…

Instead of viewing the labor movement and women’s suffrage movements separately, she tried to link these two areas together . After 1909, she put pressure on State Federation of Labor for supporting and added that in the lists of demand that were going to submit to the state legislature. She also pressured local women’s club got involve in labor issues. In November 1910, Noel organized a meeting with Woman’s International Union Label League (WIULL) Local 36 and Votes for Women Club, which is a mainstream of middle class group, to discuss the correlation between suffrage and current social issues . Because of the meeting, the collaboration among these groups in the 1911 battle for suffrage . In June 1911, Noel and other socialist women organized the Los Angeles Wage Earners’ Suffrage League (LAWESL), which united women from various unions, especially socialist women and the wives of trade union men . The suffrage was supported by trade unionists because they thought it is a way to increase Socialist power and the ballot was a way that women, such as trade unionists’ wives and daughters, who work outside the home to protect themselves. Noel also indicated in her papers that women’s place is not only at home, and male cannot keep women away from economic competition with disagreeing women’s suffrage.

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