Lahore Fort Essays

  • Essay On Badshahi Mosque

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    (religious schools). They would have learned the holy Quran and Arabic from the Imam and other resident scholars of the Badshahi mosque. The British demolished the hujras on the east side of the mosque so that this mosque could not be turned into a fort to be used against the British. An interesting thing about this mosque is that although it has been built on an extremely grand scale and no apparent expense has been omitted in decorating it yet their are only two inscriptions on the entire mosque

  • Cultural Heritage Essay

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    “Each piece of the past tells something of what we were or what we are. By enlarging our ties with past generations, we commit ourselves to future generations and we dignify the present.” (Quote from “Colombian Minister of Culture Elvira Cuervo de Jaramillo”) Past provides us with knowledge and understanding of our culture and traditions. These different cultures give people knowledge of their beliefs, religions and customs. Every culture has their own sacred places that help people to develop

  • Wazir Khan Mosque Case Study

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    Stupas. There are paintings from the Buddhist period in the ancient Ajanta Caves telling the stories of Ghutam Buddha and his teachings. Other prominent buildings of the Mughal era are: Red fort (Lal quila) built in 1638-1648 in Old Delhi-India and Badshahi Mosque built in 1671-1673 in Lahore-Pakistan. In Lahore, Pakistan: Mughal Fresco paintings are found on the walls of many buildings like the Badshahi mosque, Shahi QIla, Wazir Khan Mosque, Maryam Zamani Masjid and the Shalimar garden. These paintings

  • Causes Of The Bangladesh Genocide

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    When thinking of genocides, the genocide most known around the world is the Holocaust. As it it the biggest genocide that took place and hopefully the last one to take place. However, there have been plenty of genocides that happened after the Holocaust. These genocides have in occur in places like the Middle East, Africa, and South America, where the governments have little connection to the people. These governments, since they are in control, can gain the power to do anything. Sometimes, they

  • Moniza Alvi's Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan

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    Moniza Alvi's Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan Moniza Alvi was born in Lahore, in Pakistan, the daughter of a Pakistani father and an English mother. She moved to Hatfield in England when she was a few months old. She didn't revisit Pakistan until after the publication of her first book of poems, The Country over my Shoulder, from which this poem comes. The poet says: 'Presents from My Aunts... was one of the first poems I wrote - when I wrote this poem I hadn't actually been back to

  • Introduction to Housing Schemes

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    administered by Pakistan Army which was developed for current and retired military personnel. It is famous in all major cities of Pakistan which are as follow; Karachi Lahore Islamabad- Rawalpindi Defense Housing Authority Lahore Defense Housing Authority Lahore is well developed housing scheme in the south of capital of Punjab Lahore. It was established in the year 1975 and the opening of this well developed housing authority was held on 19th March 1975. Under the Pakistan Army supervision this housing

  • Descriptive Essay On Shahdara

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    I belong to Shahdara which is the northern suburb of Lahore, Pakistan. The word Shahdara refers King’s way. In the 15th century, it was the gateway between Mughal Empire & Lahore. It is famous for quite a few significant Mughal architectural puts. Shahdara Bagh also is one of most popular and prominent spot. Although this habitation was formerly built on the Ravi River bank, it is at this time situated in the middle of the river near the Ravi Bridge due to variations in the river's course Current

  • Swot Analysis Of Askari Bank

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    1991 Askari Bank was incorporated in Pakistan, as a public limited company. On April 1, 1992 it commenced operations, and is principally engaged in the business of banking, as defined in the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962. The Bank is listed on Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad Stock Exchanges. Askari Bank has since expanded into including 34 dedicated Islamic banking branches, a network of 261 branches / sub branches, and a wholesale bank branch in Bahrain. In Pakistan supports the delivery channels

  • Muhammad Iqbal's Works and Poetic Contributions

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    and to look at things in a religious and spiritual perspective. This research paper will analyze his works as well as his contributions in poetry. Iqbal was born on Nov.9.1877 in Sialkot Punjab, British India. He died at age 60 on April 21 1938 in Lahore Punjab, British India. His father sheikh Nur Muhammad and his wife imam bibi were devoted Muslims and made sure that there 5 children follow their path to Islam (iqbalians). Muhammad Iqbal strong faith in Islam came from his childhood, and his strong

  • Compare the two poems, Presents from my aunts in Pakistan and

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    an ornamental ark in Lahore, her hometown. The girl describes how life in England differs from life in Pakistan. She talks about the salwar kameez as 'alien' but wanting cardigans from Marks and Spencer's. The way the women live is somewhat different from that of England. For example her aunts were in shaded rooms, screened from male visitors whereas the women in England go o... ... middle of paper ... ... left with. The speaker imagines herself there in Lahore - somewhere she has been

  • Before I Die

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    to Pakistan. My father and his entire extended family fled from there in 1947, when India gained independence and was partitioned into Muslim Pakistan and mostly Hindu India. It was not a trip we had been expecting to take. My father's family left Lahore, where they had thought they would live their whole lives, after what the departing British had envisioned as an orderly exchange of minority populations exploded into a cycle of brutality and retaliation engulfing both new countries. They went first

  • Statement of Purpose

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    After attaining a first class undergraduate degree in Applied Psychology from Kinnaird College, Lahore, Pakistan, I felt I should gain some practical experience and first-hand knowledge of what the life of a psychology degree holder entails. I have an overall work experience of almost two years as a Pre-school Story Teacher, Human Resource Officer and Examinations Coordinator. I want to return to academic studies and undertake graduate degree in Organizational and Social psychology so that I am able

  • Dances with Wolves

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    flying by him. The Union army then crushed the Confederate army and this maid Dunbar a war hero. He pled to the general to keep his leg, and he did. After his foot healed he had the option of going to any fort. He chose to go west, to the plains. He left with one of the peasants from the fort he was in, to a post out in the plains. When he arrived there was no one there. He decided to stay and sent the peasant back. He settled in very well. One day when he was ‘washing up’, he had a run in

  • Children's Songs' Popularity in 1918

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    sing so often during those days? Ironic how the soldiers who came home from the war not only brought life, for they came back alive, but also brought what will soon become the death of so many. It all started in March of the year 1918 in which at Fort Riley located in the state of Kansas, an Army private reported symptoms such as headache, fever, as well as sore throat. It seemed like mild symptoms but by noon the count of soldiers who were ill of the same symptoms totaled up to one-hundred.2

  • Indian Temple Mound

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    Indian Temple Mound In the heart of downtown Fort Walton Beach, Florida lies a magnificent hill of earth created by prehistoric Native Americans as a political and religious center. Built about 1,400 AD, this structure of earth is known today as The Indian Temple Mound. This temple mound represents one of the most outstanding artifacts left by the early inhabitants of the area. Not only is it thought to be the largest mound located on saltwater, but also it could possibly be one of the largest

  • The History of Alcatraz Island

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    The History of Alcatraz Island Alcatraz Island has quite a distinct history. Many people know that Alcatraz served as a federal prison, but most are reluctant to know that this island served as fort. Built before the Civil War, it served two main purposes. First, that it was to guard the San Francisco bay area from enemy ships against a foreign invasion, and second, to hold hostage prisoners of war or POW's as they were called. In this report, I'll show you how this fortress came to be a federal

  • Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

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    area. In 1758, General John Forbes of the British army and his battalion of men went into battle and defeated the French at the junction of the three rivers (Pittsburgh Pennsylvania). After the battle had taken place, the destruction of the French Fort Duquesne had been authorized by Major George Washington in order to make room for a new ... ... middle of paper ... ...25 Oct 2003. <> “ Pittsburgh Economic Quarterly.” Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics:

  • Benedict Arnold

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    Benedict Arnold1 Benedict Arnold was different: a military hero for both sides in the same war. He began his career as an American Patriot in May 1775, when he and Ethan Allen led the brigade that captured Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain. Arnold's heroics continued in September, when he led an expedition of 1,150 riflemen against Quebec, the capital of British Canada. The American commander drove his men hard through the Maine wilderness, overcoming leaky boats, spoiled provisions, treacherous

  • Analysis of Glory

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    Analysis of Glory Glory is a movie about the fifty-fourth Massachusetts regiment in the civil war. This was the first all black regiment the Union ever allowed to fight. Throughout the movie one quote kept proving itself true, “We went down standing up.” The members of the fifty-fourth proved that they wanted to go down standing up just by joining the army. However there were many situations that proved this further, as the film continued. During the regiment’s training period a message arrived

  • George Washington

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    November from Cumberland, Maryland, and traveled to Fort-Le Boeuf. When he arrived, he discovered that the French would fight for their land. The party nearly escaped from the French. Washington was next appointed lieutenant colonel to an expedition to the Ohio Valley. In April, 1754, he set out from Alexandria with 160 men to reinforce a fort in southwestern Pennsylvania, only to find that the French took control of the fort and renamed it Fort-Duquesne. Washington then cautiously set up his own