Juniperus Essays

  • Juniper Berry

    1701 Words  | 4 Pages

    The science of aromatherapy can be traced back over 5000 years to the Egyptians. The practice of employing the essences of plants for medicinal and therapeutic beauty treatments is thousands of years old. (10) The scientific name of juniper is Juniperus communis. It belongs to the family Cupressaceae. Common names include juniper berry, genepro, and enebro. (7) The genus has about 60 to 70 species of aromatic evergreen trees or shrubs distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. (6) About 15

  • Grafting Golden Chain Tree

    694 Words  | 2 Pages

    Grafting Golden Chain Tree Laburnum x watereri ' Vossi ' Laburnums are a genus of small deciduous trees and are used for a splash of color in a landscape because of their chains of golden flowers. The plant in this genus are highly poisonous, especially the seeds. The hybrids in this genus are generally less poisonous and produce less seeds. The are only two known species that belong to this genus, Laburnum anagyriodes (Common Laburnum), and Laburnum alpinum (Alpine Laburnum). Laburnum x watereri

  • Forest Biodiversity Loss

    1538 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. Introduction In many communities worldwide, people depend on forests, for fuel wood-gathering, harvesting of wood and non-wood forest products, for larger-scale commercial purposes, habitat for more than half the world’s terrestrial species, clean water, and other important ecosystem services (De Groot et al., 2002, Santangeli et al., 2013, Chhatre and Agrawal, 2009). However, the forest biodiversity is continuously undergoing loss which directly or indirectly contributes to forest ecosystems

  • The Usefulness of Dendrochronology to Archaeology

    1572 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Usefulness of Dendrochronology to Archaeology Dendrochronology is a technique that has been in use for most of the twentieth century. Essentially the process revolves around tree rings. In a moderate environment, trees grow by one ring each year and thus, to an extent, by examining these ring sequences, it is possible to understand the conditions in which the tree grew, year by year. The resultant pattern is then comparable with patterns from other trees found in similar areas, growing

  • The Importance of New Zealand’s Forestry Industry

    1390 Words  | 3 Pages

    New Zealand’s forests are one of its greatest natural resources, holding significant financial, physical, and spiritual value (DOC, 2013). These forests provide a significant trading resource (Perry, Oren, & Hart, 2008), directly influence soil and flora quality (West, 2006), and contribute to the cultural health of Maori by enhancing their whakapapa (or ‘Connection’ with the land) (Gallagher & Te Atawhai o te Ao, 2011). This resource, however, is under threat through poor management (Levack, Poole

  • Essential Oils: Benefits, Change Your Life

    11017 Words  | 23 Pages

    Table of Contents Essential Oils 1 Get Started With Essential Oils, Reap The Benefits, Change Your Life 1 Introduction 3 Chapter 1 - What Are Essential Oils? 5 Chapter 2 - Essential Oils Are Not Actually Oils 8 Chapter 3 - What Are The Essential Oils That Are Safe For Children? 21 Chapter 4 - What Are The Essential Oils That Are Safe For The Elderly? 25 Chapter 5 - What Are The Common Essential Oils And What Are They Used For 29 Chapter 6 - Why Do You Use Essential Oils In Your Everyday Life? 40