Juniper Essays

  • Juniper Berry

    1701 Words  | 4 Pages

    Juniper Berry Juniper is a short evergreen shrub whose fruit and oil provides a flavoring agent used extensively in the food, perfume, and soap industries. Juniper berry is probably best known as the unique flavoring agent of gin, an important component of the dry martini, a popular intoxicant and a putative calmative revered by western culture for over 300 years. As a medicinal remedy, juniper has a long history of use employed as a treatment for numerous diseases by ancient Greek and Arab healers

  • Juniper Dramatic Monologue

    897 Words  | 2 Pages

    Juniper - Day 1: One word is all it takes, and just like that, my freedom is gone. A simple, small word, that sounds enormous on the auctioneer’s lips. It resonates through the Stadium and a thousand eyes land on me. Sold. The crowd of rowdy men cheer and the auction winner pumps one fist in the air. The men nearest him raise their cups and clap him on the shoulder in congratulations. I want to scream, but instead I wilt and whimper in my frothy, pink ball gown. A camera pans in closely. I

  • What Does The Juniper Tree Mean

    1308 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Juniper Tree One of the grimmest of all of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s fairy tales is “The Juniper Tree”. The story’s dark themes and murky past make “The Juniper Tree” an anomaly among fairytales. Set in the distant past (2,000 years ago), the story begins with a young woman longing for a child “as white as snow and as red as blood,” and, when she finally gets her wish, she dies. The child is a young boy who greatly suffers at the hand of his father’s next wife. The stepmother abuses the boy—to

  • Juniper Tree In Bless Me Ultima

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Juniper Tree: Bless Me, Ultima Bless Me, Ultima enlightens the reader on death and how it can be peaceful. Death is usually seen as a negative or bad situation, in which the novel does well at correcting. The release of a soul should be peaceful and is accepted in many cultures in that sense. In Bless Me, Ultima the juniper tree helps in representing death in harrowing situations. The connection is made when Narciso is found by the juniper tree, dead, while also conveying the peace that the tree

  • What Does The Juniper Tree Mean

    1089 Words  | 3 Pages

    The fairy tale “The Juniper Tree”, written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, is a story about a boy being murdered by his stepmother and how the crime is resolved. Like with most fairy tales, there lies a meaning within “The Juniper Tree”; that meaning being that everyone gets what they deserve. To support the meaning of the fairy tale, the Grimm brothers implemented repetition throughout the story in its words and phrases. During the story, the actual Juniper Tree that is mentioned, is shown to repeatedly

  • What Was Lincoln A Promise

    1318 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lincoln Beckham, a seventeen year old who made a promise to his best friend Juniper Parks were close friends since as far back as they could remember. They grew up together and after Juniper’s grandpa, whom she loved very much passed away, didn't know what to do. So Lincoln made her a promise that as long they had each other, they would be okay. But one day

  • Why Did Pinion Pines Grow

    629 Words  | 2 Pages

    We started at an elevation of about 6,400 feet. At his location there were many Pinion Pines, Junipers, rabbit brush, sagebrush, Indian rice grass, and cheat grass. At this location there were two different layouts. There were areas with more trees making a forest and there was a large area that had a few trees scattered through out. There were efforts to increase land for deer to graze so the trees were chain sawed down. Sadly their efforts failed because cheat grass has taken over all the open

  • The Weaving Contest

    709 Words  | 2 Pages

    have given you the gifts of making fine artworks. When I heard said that I asked her name she said the she was juniper. Juniper I said I did not learn from Minerva nor did not train me with these gifts, l had learned these tricks by myself. But juniper gave me an idea she said if you learn this by yourself then how come you did not became the goddess of crafts and art. When I heard juniper say that, well I said because Jupiter the wind god thinks the Minerva is a better arts crafter than I. So I will

  • The Bridge Of Saint Luis Rey Chapter Summaries

    1499 Words  | 3 Pages

    The finest bridge in Peru made of Inca rope collapse bringing five people to their death. Franciscan, Brother Juniper, witnessed the event and made his life work to investigate the lives of the five dead. He was hopeful that he would be able to answer as to why those five people where at that place at that time and why had they been the ones to plummet to their death. Brother Juniper thought it would be a good opportunity to apply theology in the exact sciences, this event provided a control and

  • Compare And Contrast Fairy Tales

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    father's job was (he was a woodcutter) -was revised and re-released -is still used, story wise, to this day -the parents actually hesitated before really deciding to abandon thier children Similarities +is also German and by The Brothers Grimm, like The Juniper

  • The Bridge Of Sanhower Analysis

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    individuals from a bridge collapse in Peru. Wilder, through an unnamed narrator, tells of a monk, Brother Juniper, who witnessed the accident and spent years compiling information on those deceased just to prove it was God’s divine plan for them to perish that day. Brother Juniper thought, “Either we live live by accident and die by accident, or we live by plan and die by plan (Wilder 6). Juniper truly believes those individuals were meant to die that day. He decides to examine the lives of those

  • Analysis Of Donald Haase's Yours, Mine, Or Ours

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    children’s expressive engagement during storybook read-alouds”, both scholars claim that children holds the baton of ownership over fairy tales. Although Haase and Sipe lay out an appealing theory and practice for children’s literacy, a story like “The Juniper Tree” by the Grimms brothers suggest skepticism

  • Analysis Of Wisdom Sits In Places

    678 Words  | 2 Pages

    There is a deep connection between the environment and Western Apache people. The connection between the two is so strong that it's embedded in their culture and history. Keith Basso is the author of wisdom Sits in Places, expanded on this theory by divulging himself into Western Apaches life. He spent many years living with the Apache people learning their relationship with the environment, specifically focused on ‘Place names. After Basso first began to work with the Apache people, one of his Apache

  • Golden Cheeked Warbler Research Paper

    1092 Words  | 3 Pages

    Warbler is so endangered is because its entire species nests in the Texas Ashe-juniper and oak woodlands of the Edward Plateau. They nest in only 35 counties. During winter they migrate to Mexico. The junipers that they nest in provide them with nest building bark, and all their food. The GCW builds its nest using the juniper bark, insect silk, lined in grass, hair, or down. The nest is a deep, open cup and always made with juniper bark. The Golden Cheeked Warbler exhibits site fidelity. This means the

  • Cannibalism In Fairy Tales Essay

    799 Words  | 2 Pages

    ambivalent one. Despite the obvious manifestations of good karma, positive characteristics and amiable nature, the common depictions of cannibalism alluded that fairy tales were more than stories that were “too good to be true.” Fairy tales such as The Juniper Tree and Hansel and Gretel even presented cannibalism with an attitude of apathy, as if cooking human stew were nothing churlish but ordinary. However, those vivid descriptions of cannibalism, though appeared to be too cruel and baleful for innocent

  • Juniper's Wife Monologue

    597 Words  | 2 Pages

    Juniper 'June' Dawson had been in a unhappy, loveless marriage to Jake for the past TH R E E years. It wasn't always unhappy the first year was good and she was happy but then the next year it started to become difficult. Most of it due to the fact that Jake who was Thïrtëen years her senior wanted to have kids. She didn't mind she loved kids but figured they would come with time. Still she loved him and wanted to make him happy so she agreed to try. Yet she could never seem to get pregnant even

  • Flawed Essay

    678 Words  | 2 Pages

    why someone could be happy while someone else is in anguish. This jealousy also highlights the ignorance of present happiness. Upon catching Art and Juniper together on the hill, Celestine notes that Juniper is currently how Celestine used to be: “...happy, beaming, smiling, laughing, looking like there is nothing wrong in her world” (Ahern 226). Juniper in Celestine’s old place, laughing with Art, causes Celestine to remember how she used to be just as carefree. Celestine faces prejudice and intrusion

  • The Anasazi Culture of The Southwestern United States

    1974 Words  | 4 Pages

    Anasazi of the southwestern Untied States begin as hunter-gathers around 6500 B.C.E in the four corner regions Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. These archaic Indians leaned to survive in a semi-arid environment with variable rain fall, and temperatures that range 32 degrees Fahrenheit to 102 degrees with 60 degree fluctuations in one day. The Anasazi culture not only survived in this hostile environment they flourished, and evolved many adaptations such as flood plain farming, advanced irrigation

  • Environmental Consequences of Coal Mining in the Black Mesa Complex

    1031 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Coal mining in the United States is a major industry. In 2012, the coal mining industry employed nearly 90,000 people [1]. The Black Mesa Complex in Northern Arizona consists of two seperate coal mines, the Kayenta mine and the Black Mesa coal mines. Both mines are owned and operated by Peabody Western Coal Company (PWCC). The mines are located 10 miles southwest of Kayenta, AZ. The Kayenta mine is 40,000 acres (62.5 square miles), employs 430 workers [2], and is the 27th largest mine

  • All Writs Act Argumentative Essay

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    The feud between Apple Company and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) started after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California on December 2015. The FBI named the man responsible for the Massacre as Syed Rizwan Farook along with his wife, Tashfeen Malik. The police killed the couple during the shootout and found an iPhone (Apple product) used by Farook which later the FBI learned was given to him by his employer from the government. In order to trace others involved in the killings