Compare And Contrast Fairy Tales

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Comparing the Stories N&N. Differences -the story actually refers to the evil stepmother as a b*itch more than once -the step mother wanted to get rid the children, not becuase the family would all starve otherwise, but because she hated them -instead of the siblings finding a candy house, the brother is found by a prince and the sister is found by a pirate king -the siblings were rescued MUCH quicker (due to the prince's hunting dogs) -they were actually separated from each other for (an assumed) few years, not a few days -the sister was "eaten" by a fish at one point -the prince turned king was the one that reunited the siblings with each other, with their father, and punished the step mother. -was written by Italian poet and fairytale …show more content…

-the step mother hates the son, but loves the daughter Similarities: +is also by The Brothers Grimm and German in origin, like Hansel and Gretel +involves a loving birth mother dying and being replaced by an evil step mother, like in N&N +food is used to lure the children into trouble +the brother is (possibly) the older sibling, like in Hansel and Gretel Hansel and Gretel Differences -invoves a witch and a candy house -the children are actually taken out twice -they only know why because they listened in (the siblings in N&N were told by their father why he had to abandon them) -the wife wanted to leave the children so the family wouldn't starve to death -constantly changes due to changes in time -involves a part where the siblings ride a duck to safety -the siblings stay together or are only temporarily separated -the story has a character named 'wife' and contains no real mention of wheter or not that's their blood mother or step mother -the story actually says what the father's job was (he was a woodcutter) -was revised and re-released -is still used, story wise, to this day -the parents actually hesitated before really deciding to abandon thier children Similarities +is also German and by The Brothers Grimm, like The Juniper

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