Jordan Bratman Essays

  • Essay: Should The Israelis Get The Land Of Israel

    662 Words  | 2 Pages

    Israel is facing a national burning question , should the Israelis get the land of Israel or the Palestinians? Both sides strongly believe they have a right to Israel and Jerusalem, but where did this whole conflict start? It first began with the Ottoman Empire that ruled over the Arab world since the 1500ś was defeated in WWI ( 1914-1918). After WWI Britain issued a declaration which supports the establishment in palestine of a national home for the jews. After 5 years of living under the british

  • H-L-T Reference Sheet On Obadiah

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    H-L-T Reference Sheet on Obadiah 1 Historical Question – Can Edom and the Edomite people be accounted for prior to Obadiah’s vision in the Hebrew Bible and are there additional findings that can corroborate their existence? Smith’s Bible Dictionary states, in Genesis 32:3, the name Edom was given to Esau, the first-born son of Isaac and twin brother of Jacob who he sold his birthright to for a meal. The country which the Lord subsequently gave to Esau was called ‘the country of Edom,’ and his descendants

  • Syrian Refugees Research Paper

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    Syrian refugees essay                                                                  By Mia Hamon    Syrian refugees may face hardships. Refugees are people fleeing from their country and home because it is no longer safe “ due to war, persecution, violence, or natural disasters.” After arriving in a new country, many refugees cannot speak nor understand the native language. Refugees have already been through alot and to add to taht they come to a new country knowing nothing.               Francios

  • Personal Narrative-My First Vietnam War

    616 Words  | 2 Pages

    It has been years, decades maybe since the war started, then ended with flaming spheres of fire and destruction raining from the sky. The war was fought on many sides and we don't know who started it but what does it matter now. Cities turned to wastelands completely uninhabitable, our capital is now rubble and our leader is gone, our whole system is gone. There are some survivors who have worked together to set up new settlements and then those who have taken control of the people threatening them

  • Pros And Cons Of Syrian Refugees

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    and the most devastating events that happened. Syrians are fleeing their country as refugees trying to make a new home anywhere they can.They have already ventured from Syria to Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Europe, and now the United States Figure 1(Corps, Mercy (2016, January 01). Many countries like Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Europe are accepting of the Syrians; however, with the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and many threats and terrorist groups already having enormous hatred for the

  • Immigration Issues In Australia

    1167 Words  | 3 Pages

    Trapped in a warzone… People are dying, suffering and desperate for freedom. For many innocents across the Middle East this is the current situation they are living in. Now these vulnerable people have even less opportunity to escape their terror than ever. This is all thanks to tactless executive orders recently put in place by the Trump presidency that will prevent Muslims from entering America. It’s a controversial and idiotic decision that’s had a lot of people, up in arms. Over the last few

  • Vannoy Construction Case Study

    514 Words  | 2 Pages

    Week 2 consisted of preparing for and pouring the concrete for the piles. In the first half of the week we preformed minor preparations/repairs, the rainfall caused some damage to the cofferdam that needed to be fixed before the cleaning of the holes and the pouring of concrete to protect the stream from any potential contamination. Another silt bag was added in preparation for pumping down the holes prior to and during the pour. The holes were filled with a thick muddy water which could potentially

  • Ariel Sharon Research Paper

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ariel Sharon, as a strong advocate for the right of Israel to exist, thrive and find equilibrium with its regional neighbors, worked tirelessly throughout his life to position Israel for official recognition by the United Nations and defense of the fledgling state thereafter. His views often put him in direct conflict with those who would have Israel erased, or at a minimum, dissolved into irrelevance. Mr. Sharon’s views about Israel and its conflict with the Arabs were cemented early in his

  • Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

    999 Words  | 2 Pages

    An incredible number of Syrians have recently left home in a decisive foray to seek a better life in the West. Current day estimates state the number of Syrians departing from Syria at 42,500 per day, in the long run, adding up to over 19 million people. Many of these Syrians are seeking refuge in Europe due to its close proximity and high standard of living, but many Europeans oppose the idea of allowing Syrians to enter easily. Morally, as beings with consciences, the decision to let refugees

  • Benjamin Netanyahu Research Paper

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    Benjamin Netanyahu “Peace is purchased from strength. It's not purchased from weakness or unilateral retreats,” (Benjamin Netanyahu). Benjamin Netanyahu created a safer Israel, used persistence to negotiate with the Arab league, and continuously helps the middle east problem. Netanyahu was born in a newly created Israel, however his family later move to Philadelphia in the United States Of America. Netanyahu would return to the place of his birth soon after graduating high school. He would join

  • The Arab Woman

    4446 Words  | 9 Pages

    to remain in the home, never be educated and whose soul function is to serve as the maid and or child bearer. The character Umm Saad in Fadia Faqir’s Pillars of Salt is the standard for this perception. Umm Saad after one year of schooling in Trans Jordan is den... ... middle of paper ... ...nd harem girls all disappeared? The image of the ignorant and suffering woman cast down by her husband suddenly is not the only representation of an Arab woman. She speaks out, she goes to school, debates,

  • Dreams : Hopes And Dreams

    761 Words  | 2 Pages

    shaping their own hopes and dreams for their children and set systems in place accordingly to help children achieve certain hopes and dreams. On September 12, I had the privilege of looking at several hopes and dreams that are held by parents at the Jordan Center. I had originally anticipated parents to have lifelong dreams, including aspects such as academic and financial success. However, when I reviewed the actual hopes and dreams, their responses demonstrated a considerable amount of practical,

  • Concepts Of The R2P

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    Government has not tried to protect them due to its battle against rebels and insurgency. Furthermore, the international community could not encourage and assist because some of the powerful countries that hav... ... middle of paper ... ..., Lebanon, Jordan… (United Nations, 2014). Bin Talal and Schwarz (2013) says, the Arab countries are concerned about their responsibility to protect the Syrian population because of the unwillingness of the Al-Assad Government and the alleviation of war crimes. To

  • Refugees In Jordan Essay

    810 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jordan has witnessed many waves of refugees since its inception in 1946, with some waves coming even before independence. Despite its very limited natural and financial resources, Jordan has hosted refugees from the Palestinian territories, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, and Sudan. The status of various ethnic groups that have settled in Jordan range from full integration into Jordanian society to no or very little integration. For example, Circassian and Chechens are full members of Jordanian

  • Essay On Jordan River

    931 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Jordan River is an important resource to the Middle East, both as a water resource and as an important historical landmark to the realms of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. This Biblical river is threatened by overpopulation and overexploitation due to the influx of refugees and mismanagement of the water. However, the environmental issues are difficult to address because of the politics of the region and the location of the river and its tributaries between Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and

  • Essay On Palestinian Immigration

    1635 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sophia Tayeh Honors U.S. History Mr.Roaldi 20 February 2014 Palestinian Immigration History Immigration is what carves the picture of the modern world. Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.”The Palestinian people, also referred to as Palestinians, are the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in Palestine over the centuries, and who today are largely culturally and linguistically Arab due to Arabization of the region(Wikipedia).” A big majority

  • Causes Of The Arab Spring

    1627 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Arab Spring: Why has the Arab Spring produced different results across the Middle East? In the Arab world in late 2010, starting in Tunisia and flowering in Egypt, a movement of people frustrated by their governments, corrupt leaders and a lack of jobs suddenly felt safe to take to the streets. The Arab Spring began when a young Tunisian man set himself on fire to protest government corruption and poor economic conditions. This action inspired a wave of protests across Tunisia, which

  • The Formation of Arab Nations

    1966 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Formation of Arab Nations Much of the modern political Arab world was born at the end of World War I, as outside powers divided up their shares of territories that were loyal to their regimes. For example, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon came to exist along side the precarious state of Palestine. By World War II, these states had begun to want independence, and the following decades would witness revolution, regime change, violence, and, ultimately, a break from the grips of the Ottoman Empire

  • How Has Realism Theory Played a Key Role in Israeli and Palestinian Relations

    2173 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction For many centuries, Judaic and Arabian societies have engaged in one of the most complicated and lengthy conflicts known to mankind, the makings of a highly difficult peace process. Unfortunately for all the world’s peacemakers the Arab-Israeli conflict, particularly the war between Israel and the Palestinian Territories, is rooted in far more then ethnic tensions. Instead of drawing attention towards high-ranking officials of the Israeli government and Hamas, focus needs to be diverted

  • The Red Sea Dead Sea Water Conveyor (RSDSWC) Project

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    borders Israel and Palestine to the west and bordering Jordan to the east. The salinities is about 10 times as salty as the world ocean average. Thanks to the high salinities, both tourism industry and chemical industry benefits from it. Tourists can float on the water surface because of its high buoyancy. Chemical factory can got tons of brine by evaporation methods to make fertilizer. Rainfall in the Dead Sea region is very low in nature. Jordan River is the only main water supply for the Dead Sea