High Street Essays

  • A Modernization Project of Bracknell High Street

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    The street I will be looking at for this question is Bracknell High Street. It is a pedestrianised street with shops and takeaways, and a dance studio viewed as private. Recent plans to modernize the street has left some members of the community feeling disgruntled. There are also few ethnic shops, leaving some groups to feel disconnected from the street. The fact that only pedestrians can access the street has lead to issues over parking and inconvenience to motorists. ‘Change can be seen as threatening

  • High Street Prison

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    penal transportations in response to overcrowding of the preceding High Street Jail. Structural speaking, Inmates were stationed in underground dungeons and isolated buildings; Included were simple wooden blocks attached to detainees’ feet, tight and Claus trophic passageways and cells (simple cells or chained to the walls. Inmates were restricted from everything and everyone and in its attempt to isolate inmates, the Walnut Street Jail intended to adopt the idea of solitary confinement for serious

  • Blue Ocean Strategy Essay

    1996 Words  | 4 Pages

    4.1 Town Centres/High Street – Much has been said in regards to the current state of town centres and high streets in the UK. It has been stated that there has been a year on year decline of 10% in terms of shoppers frequenting the high streets. (Wilmot, S. 2013) Though it may be true that a decline in the high street exists, in terms of location, town centres and high street still hold positive attributes including: • Social space – Successful high streets can allow shoppers to socialise

  • Failure of High Street Retail Shops

    1969 Words  | 4 Pages

    that closed shop in high street is Comet, an electronics retail chain in the United Kingdom. Comet was founded in the year 1933 and was publicly listed in 1972. It was later purchased by Woolworths, itself owned by Kingfisher. In the year 2003, it was later operated under Kesa Electricals, which would later sell it to OpCapita, a private equity firm, in the year 2011. The company was put under administration in the year 2012 due to the challenges being experienced in high street as well as the impacts

  • Swot Analysis Of Marks And Spencer

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    Even though throughout the 1970’s M&S ruled the high street and dominated sales of almost everything the company saw a 3.8% sales decline in the last 13 weeks of 2012, causing shares to drop by 5.2%, which was the result of numerous risks in which the company is now encountering with. One of the key risks in which Marks & Spencer’s faces is their failure to have a clear focus on whom in which their target audience is, they sell a variety of goods at a range of different prices however due to their

  • Argumentative Essay On Technology Lazy

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    daily occurrence, the health of the nation has been getting out of hand. High street stores have seen a huge increase in sales due to online shopping. Shops are closing down because everything is being done through online shopping as it takes less than half the time of actually going shopping on the high street. The Centre for Retail Research has warned that if online shopping sales continue to increase, 62,000 high street stores will shut by 2018. These figures prove that technology is being taken

  • Microeconomy and an Architectural Case Study

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    around Pembridge Place and Dawson Place and streets radiating from the southern part of Ladbroke Grove, many of which lead onto substantial communal gardens. There are grand terraces, and large estates that now are very famous. Since at least 2000, independent shops in Portobello such as Culture Shack have lost out to multinational standardised chains such as Starbucks. In 2009, Lipka's Arcade, a large indoor antiques market was replaced by the high street chain All Saints. Reflecting the increasing

  • Essay On Cyber Crime

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    When you order a product you may have to pay for delivery and may have to wait several days for it to arrive in the mail when compared to a physical shop you don’t have to pay for delivery and wait for arrival. Impact on employment Traditional high street stores may close as a result of becoming an e-commerce only business which means people then people unemployed. E-commerce business also tend to favour those with IT skills leaving those unemployed with a harder time finding work. The benefit however

  • Homeless-Personal Narrative

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    I loved seeing the hope and enthusiasm she had in her eyes. The lady with a black hood kept arranging her work to the perfection. It was the flower lady. She was selling all kind of plants on our high street every day. Not many people were passing by in that weather, but she gave the biggest smile to those who did. The most powerful bosses, running successful projects, could learn from her. She was honest, and even with the horrible weather, she was

  • Homeless Youth in Canada

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    growing number of Canadians, Canada, with its high quality of life is one country that has always had a global long-standing reputation. This paper will be working towards giving the reader a better understanding with regards to homeless youth. It will be focusing on the reasons why they leave home, their lives on the street and steps they are trying to take to be able to leave the streets. An important finding from this research suggests, “the street youth population is diverse, complex, and heterogeneous”

  • Class Politics in 45 & 47 Stella Street and Everything That Happenes by Honey

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    Class Politics in 45 & 47 Stella Street and Everything That Happenes by Honey The story of 45 & 47 Stella Street and everything that happened (Honey, E 2000) is written from a first person narrative perspective. This is evident from page 5 of the book when the narrator, Henni introduces herself to the reader and does not from change from Henni to another narrator throughout the text. The reader sees the story through Henni’s point of view of the world around her. The implied reader would be

  • Unprotected By Street Children In Brazil

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    In Brazil, street children are those children who are not supervised by their parents or other protective guardians. They live in abandoned buildings, cardboard boxes, parks, on the streets, or anywhere they can find. Most children on the streets are between the ages of 5 to 18 years old and they are deprived of family care and protection. Unprotected and unsupervised, street children are often targets of death squads, vigilante groups and police brutality. The government has made little effort to

  • The Central Business District of Kidderminster

    5290 Words  | 11 Pages

    The Central Business District of Kidderminster Introduction ============ For my GCSE fieldwork we were required to visit the central Business District (CBD for short) of a town or a city. The town that I will investigate is called Kidderminster, and is located in Central England, near the Wyre Forest District in the countryside of Worcestershire on the Stour River. Kidderminster is just 19 miles south of Birmingham. It has a very industrial history and is known as the origin of the

  • Comparing the Aura Café and the Lunch Box

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    Comparing the Aura Café and the Lunch Box The Aura Café Situated on the High Street of Whitechapel, opposite the tube station, the Aura café was opened in December 2004. It is a small café owned and control by a sole owner Mr. Muhammad Ali but well furnished with around 30 covers, with air conditioning system, a nice interior decoration and also a non smoking area. SWOT Analysis of the Aura Café. Strength * According to my findings, the Aura café targets mostly the students from

  • Auckland, New Zealand Transportation System

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    Introduction Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. It has the most population. The population in Auckland city is over 1.5 million. As we know, cities with large population mean high traffic congestion. Traffic congestion, is one of the major problems faced in the capitals and major cities in most countries. As with the increase in the growth rate, comes the growing demand for the use of transportation. This works with the response to the needs of the community. Auckland Council established

  • Barbara Haworth-Attard Character Analysis

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    on the street, they all find out about the struggles of living in these cold hard streets. Barbara Haworth-Attard shows us life on the streets of the four main characters in her book theories of relativity. Living on the streets is tough, and these four kids found out the hard way. Most of them will be stuck on the streets forever such as amber, twitch, and Jenna, but Dylan might be able to make it out The first character who is unlikely to get off the street is Amber. Amber is street smart and

  • DMX song Slippin’

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    by artist DMX uses tone, theme and imagery. DMX’s purpose for writing this song was to convey the theme how life in the streets is, and how you can over come life with drugs if you give it all you got. The song begins with the speaker talking about problems he is having with his mom, and that’s when he decides to run away from home. Then it moves on to when he is on the streets by himself, and that is when his problems begin to worsen. In the first stanza, the speaker starts talking about the problem

  • Theories That May Explain Crime in Germantown Avenue Communities in Philadelphia

    2015 Words  | 5 Pages

    Elijah Anderson, a modern day sociologist, takes us on a walk down Germantown Avenue. Germantown Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the City of Philadelphia, which connects to inner city Philadelphia to some of the surrounding high-wealth suburbs. Philadelphia has a rich and long history, not all of which is good. Many people when speaking of Philadelphia comment on their diverse neighborhoods, much like little towns. Unfortunately, while some of these neighborhoods are good, some are just life threatening

  • Last Night in Salzburg, Austria

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    The sheer white curtains billow in through the open window with the warm night air, like the sails of a ship setting off into the night. Lying in bed, I hear the buzz of a scooter whizzing through the streets, ironically followed by the rhythmic clip-clop of horseshoes meeting the cobblestone streets. It is our last night in Salzburg, Austria, and that moment embodies what makes this city appeal to me so much. Somehow, in the midst of the chaos of the twenty-first century, Salzburg has preserved many

  • The Rise Of Homeless Teens

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    The streets shouldn’t be a home for anybody, especially growing teenagers. We walk down the street and we see homeless teens all the time. We might think they chose to live like that, and they choose not to get help. Little do you know, therese so much we can do to help. But what exactly defines a ‘street teen.’ Street teens are teens who temporarily live on the streets, but the longer they stay one the streets, the risker their lives become. Homeless teens are also considered homeless when they