Hamilton Southeastern High School Essays

  • Ethical Teacher Interview

    1893 Words  | 4 Pages

    Currently, Mrs. Hicks holds the occupation of a library and media specialist. However, prior to receiving these positions, Mrs. Hicks engaged predominantly in teaching kindergarten through fourth grade. Overall, Mrs. Hicks has been apart of the Hamilton Southeastern School District, for the last fifteen consecutive years. Majority of this duration, has partaken at Cumberland Road Elementary. For Mrs. Hicks, the deciding factor, for choosing the teaching profession, comprises solely on the passion to work

  • Influences On Dwight D. Eisenhower's Life

    1099 Words  | 3 Pages

    not want to involve American troops the French fell to Vietnam. A treaty was signed in Geneva, Switzerland but, Eisenhower refused to sing it. He proposed a new plan called Southeast Asia Treat Organization (SEATO). This organization protected Southeastern Asian countries and saw that South Vietnam was a sovereign state rather than half of a temporarily divided country. The signers of the treaty pledged to defend the countries of Southeast Asia against communist

  • The Importance Of Single-Sex Education

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    women is because they went to a single-sex-schools. According to (Garner, 2009), single-sex schools are more likely to be separated or divorced from their partner than those who attended a coed school when they are in their early 40s. Also, the results in a research done among the studying cohort of all those born in a single week of 1958 from London university institute of education which covered 17000 adults showed that boys that attended co-ed schools are less able to relate to the opposite sex

  • John Wayne as an American Icon

    1320 Words  | 3 Pages

    said that his mother, Mary was “a tiny, vivacious redheaded bundle of energy.” John Wayne was nicknamed “The Duke” after his pet as a child that was named Airedale. Early in his life, John and his parents moved to California. After graduating from high school and failing admission to Annapolis, John Wayne went to the University of Southern California (USC) and played on a football scholarship from 1925-27. During this time, Tom Mix, a friend of John’s, got him a job as a prop man for a director by

  • The Relationship Between Oklahomans and Native Americans

    4498 Words  | 9 Pages

    mutual respect thing. However, there were plenty of instances where Native Americans prior to the white man coming to America had difficu... ... middle of paper ... ... this happens quite frequently at least once a month.” This is how Rhonda Hamilton thinks that casinos helps not only her little community but also all the communities within the state and the state as a whole. The relationship between Oklahoma and Native Americans is a very good one now. However, it is not great, but it does

  • The American South

    3888 Words  | 8 Pages

    The American South So you've moved, or been moved, to the South. Or maybe you're thinking about it. You're wondering: What is this place? What's different about it? Is it different, anymore? Good questions. Old ones, too. People have been asking them for decades. Some of us even make our livings by asking them, but we still don't agree about the answers. Let's look at what might seem to be a simpler question: Where is the South? That's easy enough, isn't it? People more or less agree about