Gotham City Police Department Essays

  • The Joker vs. The Batman

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    the hospital. The next day, Joker gave the city of Gotham an ultimatum; kill a man who worked for Batman or the hospital to be blown up. The people of Gotham didn’t kill the man. The hospital had been evacuated and everyone was loaded into a large bus. Joker went into the hospital and on his way out clicked the detonator. It exploded, but no one was hurt. Joker found the bus that everyone was in and he hijacked it. The Joker was on his way to the Gotham City Harbour. While he was on his way, the dark

  • Batman: Masked Vigilante

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    According to Batman, Gotham City is the kind of place that needs a masked vigilante to restore law and order. Police officers are openly crooked, while politicians and judges are also in the pocket of mob boss. By the time of The Dark Knight, things have improved in Gotham City. Justice does prevail outside the law in The Dark Night, because Gotham’s legal system and government are corrupt and dysfunctional. Batman and his police contact, Lieutenant Jim Gordon, have dramatic success cleaning up the

  • Symbolism In The Dark Knight

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    Batman, with the help of Lieutenant Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, attempted to dismantle the criminal organizations that plague the city streets of Gotham. While Batman is considered the Dark Knight for Gotham because he attempts to bring justice to criminals outside the law, Harvey Dent symbolizes Gotham’s White Knight because he keeps the city safe without having to hide his true identity. Batman is Gotham’s Dark Knight because even though he fights for justice for the people, he does

  • The Dark Knight Analysis

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    do that through the act of sacrifice. He gave up his own life for our lives. Batman is Gotham City’s own messiah. Batman gave up his own life in order to protect the city from mass destruction. Batman’s act of flying across the ocean and moving away the explosive bomb can be compared to Jesus’ crucifixion. In a sense, the explosive bomb that Batman carried away symbolized all in all the suffering of Gotham City, in comparison to Jesus when he carried the cross in which he was going to be crucified

  • Noble Lies in Breaking Bad and The Dark Knight

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    lie to his family about his newfound income after he begins to produce and sell methamphetamine. In the Oscar-Award winning film The Dark Knight, Bruce Wayne, as his alter-ego Batman, and Commissioner Jim Gordon have to lie to the citizens of Gotham City about the fate of District Attorney-turned crazed serial killer Harvey Dent. In Breaking Bad, Walter White is a high school Chemistry teacher who learns that he has inoperable lung cancer. One day, while on patrol with his DEA brother-in-law, Walter

  • The Dark Knight Essay Theme

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    Batman Trilogy; billionaire Bruce Wayne finds a bat cave under his well, and figures out that he is Batman. His mission is to save Gotham City from any trouble. After a first successful crime battle, now he has a challenge to take on the vicious Joker. The theme of the starts off by the Joker showing up with school buses with his gang and robbing a bank. Gotham City Police Commissioner Jim Gordon and Batman decided to include the new district attorney into their plan to get rid of the Joker and other

  • The Dark Knight Gender Roles

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    unable to get out of by themselves, as if the knight was the only person who could get them out of that situation. Batman serves as Gotham’s knight since he is usually the last-ditch option for preventing the most corrupt and dangerous crime in the city. However, Batman is a dark knight because while knights usually reveal their identities after their rescue mission is complete, Batman’s human identity is always kept secret, and he doesn’t want to reveal that he is Bruce Wayne in the “real

  • The Applicability of the Movie, Crash, To Race Relations in New York City

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    sensitive topic with negative aspects of it present in New York City. The film “Crash” demonstrates a good interruption of race relations in a highly populated city. Some individuals have taken a stance against the film and have questioned whether it truly depicts the relationship between the Police department and the minority community. While others have found a distinct connection to the relationship between the New York City Police department and the minority community in relation to the film, I agree

  • How Does Superman Show Corruption

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    issues such as crooked cops, prostitution, police brutality, and drug rings. The literally study will only address crooked cops. The comic addresses the cruelty, ruthlessness and corruption from the policemen. Batman plays a minor role in the play. There are a lot of crimes in the city. Batman’s parents were killed when he was young. The act deeply saddens him, and this challenges him to be a fierce fighter. He is ready to stop the crooked cops in the city. Bruce is human and in the play he is shot

  • Batman Bane Theory

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    A cat burglar and a terrorist, named Bane, foil Batman’s plans, and force Batman out of exile and into a battle. Gotham is Batman’s hometown and an incredibly corrupt place. It is well known for its corrupt police department, which turns a blind eye to Batman’s questionable actions, since they are for the sake of the city. The city produces deviance because of the officials and police officers which shy away from addressing crimes. Although Batman is committing crimes in order to fight crime, this

  • Problem Definition in Relation to Structure in “Batman Begins”

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    superheroes and science fiction, it draws parallels to the problems faced by urban parts of major cities across the United States, particularly poor structure. In analyzing structure, one must begin with the definition and causal agents while contrasting and drawing comparisons between Gotham City and modern Detroit. Gotham city is portrayed as an impoverished state where the infrastructure is crumbling, and the city is facing safety issues as crime syndicates are on the rise. The Problem Definition theory

  • Batman: Superhero or Vigilante?

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    threats rather then among alien wars fighting to save our world. While Batman is quite a hero and does many heroic things such as saving the citizens of Gotham he still has to oppose the law of the country to do it. When looking at this evidence it’s easy to see that people of Gotham fear the Batman and want him brought in by the Gotham city police. For these reasons he cannot be categorized as a superhero and deserves the title of

  • Batman Character Analysis

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    to Gotham after training for many years to become Batman in the time since he has left the police department of Gotham city has become corrupt and in ties with criminal organizations Bruce Wayne despises the fact that his city has become corrupt so he decides to take action as Batman to clean up The Gotham City police department. Uncovering corruption along with Detective James Gordon and Deputy District Harvey Dent they expose corrupt officials and clean up the Gotham city police department the

  • The Joker's Dichotomy In The Dark Knight

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    heart of Gotham City, Harvey Dent, and finally Batman. Cruelty is played throughout with the character of The Joker. In The Dark Knight the Joker describes himself as a man of action: “I do not have a plan…I just do things,” (The Dark Knight, Health Ledger). The things he does include robbing a bank, kidnapping a fake Batman and killing him, attempting to kill the mayor, chasing

  • The Dark Knight Rises Deviance Analysis

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    Rises, Bane and Batman represented the different levels of deviance. What they did individually can be judged as deviant or not. However, in the larger scale, both of their actions were deviant when they went against the social norm of corruption. Gotham shows what can happen when social norms constantly change. It is able to be persuaded by whatever social conditions are present. This can sway a population to accept a path that may lead it to

  • The Dark Night

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    In the city of Gotham, Batman gets awakened by the bat signal. He gets ready, but is alarmed when he hears a bomb go off near the football stadium. He knows that this has to be the work of the Joker. So he runs as fast as he can, and get in the Batmobile and rushes to the scene. Batman sees the destruction, dead bodies everywhere ,and the stadium torn to pieces. Batman looks for the Joker, but the joker or any of his henchmen aren't there at the scene. Batman leaves after hearing the sirens of the

  • Batman Earth One Sparknotes

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    that run from drug dealing, corruption, and betrayal to murder in a small city of Gotham. The story begins with an eight-year-old son of Dr. Thomas Wayne, Bruce Wayne, who witnesses his parent’s killings just after they walk from the cinema. Thesis statement: The comic book has addressed the city’s filth and corruption through a series of artistic and literary skills. The father to Wayne is a mayor candidate for Gotham City. The mother, Martha Wayne, equally loses her life in the assassination that

  • Batman's Vendetta

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    acts, such as lynching tax collectors and the Boston Tea Party. Vigilantes are still common today, usually in bigger cities where justice fails more victims. Vigilantes are also present in fictional stories, such as the story of Batman from The Dark Knight movie series. The character of Batman is known for helping solve the problems of Gotham, occasionally with the help of the police. However, almost all of Batman’s actions would be considered vigilante actions, since he is serving justice using his

  • The Pros And Cons Of Hacktivism

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    more harm than good while others argue it is an alternative form of protest essentially making it a right such as freedom of speech. Due to the controversial nature of hacktivism, it can be compared to how Batman fights to save Gotham City. To some people he is a hero or vigilante, while too others he is a criminal. The same goes for hacktivism, where

  • Analysis of the Super Hero Series Batman

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with an insight into the Super Hero Series Batman. This crime fighter originally appeared in Detective Comics issue #27 in 1939. It later became a comic book series, a TV series and a movie series. The character Batman is second only to Superman as a Super Hero. Amazingly Batman has no super powers, but he does have a lot of neat crime fighting gadgets. In this paper, we will explore the creation of Batman, his supporting cast of characters