Gifted Children Essays

  • Gifted Children – Blessing or Curse?

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    Largely ignored by the social sciences, the study of gifted students is of utmost importance. Though there are varying degrees of giftedness, it is widely recognized that those with intelligence quotients of over 130 are "gifted", as these IQ’s place them in the top five percent of the population. Gifted children have an insatiable desire to learn, to explore. They learn with very little help from adults. They are also marked by their persistence, energy, and obsessive interests. Most of them can

  • Connecting The Tempest, Of Cannibals, Eating Gifted Children, and Modest Proposal

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    Connection Between The Tempest, Of Cannibals, Eating Gifted Children, and  Modest Proposal There are several, in-depth connections presented in The Tempest by William Shakespeare, "Of Cannibals" by Michel de Montaigne, "How to Raise Your I.Q. by Eating Gifted Children" by Lewis Frumkes, and "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift. While all these stories feature civilization and the uncivilized coming into contact with one another, perhaps for the first time, they also feature a deeper connection

  • Stereotypes Gifted Children

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    of the “smart kid” has become especially prevalent in kids shows. Gifted children are most often presented as high achieving, creative individuals with different emphasises being placed on either the stereotypical “gifted traits” such as annoying, unathletic, and unpopular, or their creativity being displayed prominently and often being used as the main plot driver. The harmony hypothesis is also commonly found in gifted children in the media as well as the disharmony hypothesis. These differing

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gifted Children

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    disadvantage which comes with it. While gifted children are capable of much success,it doesn't guarantee success and can have negative effects on the child and cause issues within the family,as well as in school. So what makes a child gifted?The stereotype is the child in glasses who always has a book in his hands and excels in everything he does.But it's not just general intellectual ability,they can have talent in a specific area,such as math or science.One can be gifted in creative thinking,leadership

  • How to Identify Gifted Children from Standard Students

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    How to Identify Gifted Children from Standard Students There are many approaches for identifying gifted and talented students; some include standardized tests, such as intelligence tests, and creativity test. These tests should be inclusive to ensure gifted and talented students are not disadvantaged on the basis of gender, racial, cultural or socioeconomic backgrounds, physical or sensory disability or geographic location (Department of Education and Training, 2004). Another method is through

  • The Importance of Maintaining Gifted Programs: Schools Must Not Neglect Gifted Children

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    special education programs for gifted children are an unnecessary burden on tightly-budgeted and under-funded school systems, but this is actually far from the truth. The gifted are perhaps the most neglected group of special needs children in almost every school district. Because many people assume that the gifted do not need extra attention, gifted programs are often the first program to be cut when budgets are reduced, but I suggest that they be the last to go. These children have profound talents and

  • Gifted and Talented Children; How do Parents influence Children and Children influence Parents?

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    this influence of parents on their children and children on their parents. In regards to gifted and talented students, there are a variety of unique effects that have been recognised and researched by academics. Having said this, most of the literature written on the topic of gifted and talented students and their relationships with their parent’s, comments on the fact that there is a severe lack of research and strategies to inform and help parents and children of affected families (Morawska, A.;

  • Intelligence: A Product of Social Construction

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    development of the intelligence quotient, schools in every part of the world have been using the IQ test to categorize millions of students into three groups. These three groups, which are the gifted, the average, and the retarded, are falsifications that perpetuate in our world culture and cause many gifted students to be deemed retarded and vice a versa. Why then is the IQ test so heavily relied on in our school systems? For schools the answer is simple, an I.Q. test is a reliable predictor of a

  • Bill Cosby

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    radio and the TV. They were comedians like Sam Levenson, Sid Caesar, and Carl Reiner. Even though his grades were poor in junior high, when he took the standardized tests he was accepted to Central High School, which was a school for all the gifted children in Pennsylvania. Now being six feet, he was on the high school football team. But in the first week of football he broke his arm. Since there were few blacks in the school and he was slightly a target of biggotous remarks he went back to getting

  • Classification of Gifted and Talented Students

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    Classification of Gifted and Talented Students Many people have varying views on what classifies a student as gifted and talented. According to the Office of Gifted and Talented, six qualities determine giftedness. These qualities are intellectual ability as well as talent, scoring in the 97th percentile and above on aptitude tests, creative thinking, leadership ability, talents in the fine arts, and psychomotor abilities. Using the definition supplied by Bruce User, “a school system could

  • gifted education and funding

    622 Words  | 2 Pages

    How Lack Of Funding Effects Gifted Students In Ohio This year is a landmark year for Gifted Education in Ohio; for the last few years the number of gifted children in Ohio has been growing steadily. This year for the first time the percentage of children in Ohio that were identified as Gifted and Talented finally equaled the percentage of children who were served in Special Education Classrooms. There is only one small problem with this statement. The percentage is equal only if you count the students

  • Gifted Students and Social Stigma

    6007 Words  | 13 Pages

    Gifted Students and Social Stigma Philosopher Benedict Spinoza said, "Man is a social animal" (Kaplan 278). The desire for social acceptance, whether recognized or denied, is part of human culture. People yearn for it, obsess over it, and alter themselves to obtain it. Humans can spend their entire lives unsuccessfully attempting to achieve a level of social status they believe will validate them. Acceptance is denied for superficial reasons varying from clothing to cliques. However, it is also

  • Twice Exceptional: ADHD and Giftedness

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    excitable 10 year old boy. He has been identified as gifted and has an IQ of about 165. He has also been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). He is receiving Special Education services at his school for what has been labeled an Emotional Disability. He has a hard time maintaining friendship with children his own age and sometimes keeps to himself and refuses to interact with the children in his class. He has a difficult time expressing

  • Pros and Cons of Being Labeled a Gifted Child

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    Pros and Cons of Being Labeled a Gifted Child Gifted is defined as "children who give evidence of high performance capability in areas such as intellectual, artistic, creative, leadership capacity, or specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities. There is a biological difference between gifted kids. They have an increased cell production that will increase synaptic activity. This is what causes

  • The Gifted and Talented

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Gifted and Talented The term “gifted” can mean many things. Up until recently it was the word used to describe people with profoundly high intelligence. Now, adding the words “creative” and “talented”, the category of giftedness has been extended to include not only exceptionally intelligent people, but also people with extraordinary ability in other areas, not just with IQ tests (Drew, Egan, & Hardman, 2002). The identification and definition of giftedness have been controversial for

  • Helping Gifted Learners Soar by VanTassel-Baska

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    text and any experiences you have had as a teacher, what do you think are the issues gifted students face as they go through school? Based from the information provided by VanTassel-Baska, et. Al. (2009), gifted and talented students face the same issues as their regular peers but they have different way of viewing these issues and it affects them differently as well. The book discussed different issues that gifted learners face and recommendations on how to address these issues were also available

  • Pros And Cons Of Acceleration Of Gifted Students

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    students who shows gifted abilities. Currently, acceleration is the most highly researched, yet under-utilized program option for gifted students. As said by Dr. Ann Shoplik, current practice isn’t keeping up with the research that has been done, because the results are clear: acceleration works (Ljconrad, 2015). If acceleration works, why isn’t it used more readily? Some of the reasoning is due to the few negative implications that have been suggested in the past, such as children who have had problems

  • The Neurobiology of Genius

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    later, he spoke both Polish and English fluently, and at the age of 4, he compiled a dictionary of hieroglyphics after visiting a museum shop and perusing through a book on ancient Egypt (1). From W.A. Mozart to Bobby Fisher to Toby Rosenberg, some children have since their birth amazed the world with their incredible intellect and abilities that can at times outdo even the brightest of adults. Why is this so, and, as many parents-to-be wonder, can a genius be created? It is evident that when a child's

  • Giftedness Essay

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    are they can be used to accurately identify gifted students including those from Maori and minority cultures as long as the teacher has a good knowledge of the culture and how this may influence how giftedness is manifested. Products, processes and performances when taking into account different cultures ideas of giftedness are also effective (Bevan-Brown, 2009). Standardised tests of intelligence, achievement and creativity are useful to identify gifted students because they have high reliability

  • Teaching Gifted and Talented Students

    2110 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction Gifted and talented students are so “smart” that they can be left alone with a textbook and will learn the material without much help from the teacher. Gifted and talented students are blessed with such skill, it is unfair to the average students if I spend time with the gifted students. Gifted and talented students have no problems. Gifted and talented students do not deserve more educational funding or resources. The preceding statements are all myths about gifted and talented students