Feminist Ideas Essays

  • Feminist Ideas in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale

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    Feminist Ideas in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale For this essay, we focused strictly on critics' reactions to Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. For the most part, we found two separate opinions about The Handmaid's Tale, concerning feminism. One opinion is that it is a feminist novel, and the opposing opinion that it is not. Feminism: A doctrine advocating social, political, and economic rights for women equal to those of men as recorded in Webster's Dictionary. This topic is prevalent

  • Social Commentary in Chopin's The Story of an Hour

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    appreciation and understanding of the piece, we must consider it within a broader context. The author dexterously weaves a great deal of social commentary and feminist ideas through her work which may only be perceived if we consider the prevalent stereotypes and social expectations of women at her time, and the implications of such ideas. Upon doing so, we are able to see that Chopin has created a piece that vividly contrasts the true needs and wants of women with those that an oppressive society

  • Feminist Protagonists in The Awakening and A Doll's House

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    The Feminist Protagonists in The Awakening and A Doll's House The idea of women's liberation is a common theme in both Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House. In her analysis of Feminism in Europe Katharine M. Rogers writes, " Thinking of Nora's painful disillusionment, her parting from her children, and the uncertainties of her future independent career, Ibsen called his play 'the tragedy of modern times'" (82). The main characters in each work, Nora Helmer, in A Doll

  • Feminist Ideas the Screwball Comedy Film Genre

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    this institution. Feminism is motivated by the need to establish equality between the genders since most feminists attribute women’s problems to inequality between the two genders. Therefore, by way of a collection of political movements and social theories, feminists seek to curb this inequality between men and women. It is important to note that the equality sought after by feminists is not just economic and political, but also social equality. According to Heather Gilmour, The institution of

  • The Common Goals of Feminism

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    . ...le University Press, 1992 Hooks, Bell. “Black Women: Shaping Feminist Theory” Feminism and ‘Race’ Bhavani, Kum Kum, ed. Oxford University Press, 2001` Kimmel, Michael S. “From ‘ Conscience and Common Sense’ to ‘Feminism for Men’” Feminism and Men: Reconstructing Gender Relations. Schacht, Steven and Ewing, D, eds. New York University Press 1998 Messner, Michael A. “Radical Feminist and Socialist Feminist Men’s Movements in the United States” Feminism and Men: Reconstructing Gender

  • Jane Eyre and Feminism

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    novel Jane Eyre embraces many feminist views in opposition to the Victorian feminine ideal. Charlotte Bronte herself was among the first feminist writers of her time, and wrote this book in order to send the message of feminism to a Victorian-Age Society in which women were looked upon as inferior and repressed by the society in which they lived. This novel embodies the ideology of equality between a man and woman in marriage, as well as in society at large. As a feminist writer, Charlotte Bronte created

  • Three Tragic Heroes in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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    In Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, Robert Walton, Victor Frankenstein, and Frankenstein’s Creation reach similar conclusions humanity by seafaring to the North Pole, delving into the dark depths of science, and observing the rejecting nature of humans. The three tragic heroes Walton, Frankenstein and the Creation are all character doubles in their initial enthusiasm for knowledge, inner dualist personalities, religiously glorified personal goals, possessive relationships and negative effects

  • Feminism in Sor Juana

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    Trambley’s play Sor Juana the main character Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was considered to be one of the earliest feminists. Sor Juana’s eternal struggles to study and unshakable craving for knowledge and wisdom, from whatever source it may be, support this attribute. In my opinion however, there are also significant elements of the play that suggest that Sor Juana would not be considered a true feminist. Of these reasons, there are three major ones that I will analyze. The first reason is that Sor Juana gave

  • Misguided Feminist Reaction to A Streetcar Named Desire

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    Misguided Feminist Reaction to A Streetcar Named Desire The dramatic climax of A Streetcar Named Desire, clearly illustrates the mastery of author Tennessee Williams. The brilliantly constructed text, with its tragic story and enticing characters, propels the reader to a point in which he becomes emotionally involved in the dynamics of Williams’ world. Unfortunately, many feminists are negatively affected by Williams’ captivating writing style. In turn, feminists have developed an array of very

  • Creative Writing in the Composition Classroom

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    ìMuddying Boundaries: Mixing Genres with Five Paragraphs.î English Journal 90 (Sept. 2000): 53-56. Elbow, Peter.Everyone Can Write.Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. P, 2000. Flynn, Elizabeth.ìStrategic, Counter-Strategic, and Reactive Resistance in the Feminist Classroom.îInsurrections: Approaches to Resistance in Composition Studies. Ed. Andrea Greenbaum.Albany, NY: SUNY P, 2001. Fox, Dana L. and Cathy Fleischer.ìBeginning Words: Teaching and Writing Across Traditional Boundaries in English Education

  • Bell Hooks' Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black

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    In her book Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black, bell hooks describes how she helps her students find their voice within her classroom.She discusses her use of authority to enable her students.For her, teacher authority is a necessary part of helping her students find their voices: Another important issue for me has been that each student participates in classroom discussion, that each student has a voice.This is a practice I think is important not because every student has something

  • Feminists vs. Playboy Playmates

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    Feminists vs. Playboy Playmates Naked women have been in the front of feminist's minds for several decades. Especially when they are pictured in soft-pornography magazine Playboy. Feminists for years have been yelling that Playboy is harmful to both men and women. Males around the country have countered that there is nothing wrong with their Playboy, it is merely a harmless vice. The problem I see with Playboy is not that it demeans women or subjugates them, and its not that it leads to

  • Feminist Theory

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    relations between genders and how both male and female become classified as distinct groups rather than a team united as one. The preceding was what feminists and historians want us believe, however, this is not always the case and quite possibly, it has never been the case. For some reason feminism became an international phenomenon. The feminist theory is fairly comparable to this explanation and determinedly claims that the basic structure of society is patriarchal, or male-dominated. The purpose

  • The Difficulty with Defining Feminism

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    The Difficulty with Defining Feminism In Feminist Theory: from margin to center, bell hook states on the first page what she believes to be the problem with feminism. In her opinion the biggest problem with feminism is that there is no real definition of what feminism is. The definition many people have formulated for feminism is having the goal of making woman socially equal to men. hook’s problem with this is the fact that all men are not socially equal. If women are to be the social equals

  • Disney’s Pocahontas: Selling Lies as the Truth

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    filled with blatant falsities. The producers, who claimed to eradicate politically incorrect statements found in past films with the highly anticipated 1995 Pocahontas, found themselves at the center of criticisms from many vocal activist groups. Feminists, Native Americans, and religiously based Christian groups found the movie to completely overlook the true essence and spirit of the Powhatan Indian princess. In an attempt to curb many of its criticisms and appease angry minorities, Disney produced

  • The Political, Feminist, and Religious view of Frances E.W. Harper, Phllis Wheatley, and Alice Dunbar-Nelson

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    The Political, Feminist, and Religious view of Frances E.W. Harper, Phllis Wheatley, and Alice Dunbar-Nelson Phillis Wheatley, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, and Francis E. W. Harper were all groundbreaking and poignant authors whose works have remained influential throughout time. Feminism, politics, and religion are three aspects evident in their personal lives an d literature. Wheatley was considered a feminist icon because she was the first published African American female poet. However, her writing

  • Shifting the Medical Gaze: Towards a Feminist Ethic of Childbirth

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    Shifting the Medical Gaze: Towards a Feminist Ethic of Childbirth The term "reproductive rights" has become synonymous with abortion rights, birth control access, and issues surrounding reproductive technologies, yet the struggle for a woman's right to choose when and how to become pregnant often overshadows a woman's right to choose where and how to give birth. The lack of feminist discourse and activism surrounding issues of childbirth may attest to the hegemony in the modern American birth

  • Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar - Feminist Thought

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    The Bell Jar  - Feminist Thought The Bell Jar   This autobiographical novel by Sylvia Plath follows the story of Esther Greenwood, a third year college student who spends her summer at a lady's fashion magazine in Manhattan. But despite her high expectations, Esther becomes bored with her work and uncertain about her own future. She even grows estranged from her traditional-minded boyfriend, Buddy Willard, a medical student later diagnosed with TB. Upon returning to her hometown New England suburb

  • Sex and Gender

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    differences between the sexes" (Microsoft Bookshelf). In her statement we see a cultural feminist response to the dominant liberal feminism of the 1970s. Liberal feminism de-emphasized gender differences, claiming that women were the equals of men and that this would be obvious if only they were offered the same opportunities as men with no special privileges necessary. On the other hand, cultural feminists such as Stassinopoulos claimed that women's unique perspective and talents must be valued

  • Feminist Bashing of Tennessee Williams and A Streetcar Named Desire

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    A Streetcar Named Desire and the Gay Roots of Feminist Straight Bashing Tennessee William's A Streetcar Named Desire is widely considered the highest achievement of 20th Century American theatre. Stanley Kowalski is a symbol of the heterosexual male. Significantly this male icon is portrayed as a rapist. In 1947, Tennessee Williams (through Blanche DuBois) also describes Stanley as "sub human," a term that would inspire outrage if it had been used against Jews, blacks, women or gays. The play