European Society Essays

  • The Character of Safie in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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    the culture of her nation. Contrasts can be made between the Orient and the European society which attempts to interpret it. Often, this creates stereotypes such as western feminists that have viewed "third-world" women as "ignorant, poor, uneducated, tradition-bound, religious, domesticated, family oriented, (and) victimized"(Mohanty 290). Of course, some of these things could also have said of European women of the time period, although no one would argue the point since Oriental

  • Humanity of the Primitive in Heart of Darkness, Dialect of Modernism and Totem and Taboo

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    Modernism and Totem and Taboo The ways in which a society might define itself are almost always negative ways. "We are not X." A society cannot exist in a vacuum; for it to be distinct it must be able to define itself in terms of the other groups around it. These definitions must necessarily take place at points of cultural contact, the places at which two societies come together and arrive at some stalemate of coexistence. For European culture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

  • Opposition of Black and White in Heart of Darkness

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    the European societies false illumination of civilization, of which obscures the internal darkness, in relation to the psychological environment in which human’s are placed. Conrad sets up the opposition of black and white to display the superficial pretense of  light in the European society, and the true heart of darkness which is present within all of humanity. From the start of Marlow’s journey into the African Congo it is apparent that he is a product of the colonialist European society, which

  • Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels

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    during England’s powerful rule of Europe. Throughout the story we find many relations between bodily features and British and European society. Swift uses this tone of mockery to explain to his reader the importance of many different topics during this time of European rule. Swift feels that the body and their functions relate to political as well as the ration of a society. Swift’s fascination with the body comes from its unproblematic undertone which gives his audience recognizable parallelism to

  • The Characters, Setting, and Symbols of Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad

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    and darkness serve to weave the human soul together; thus, essentially how good and evil are reflected in an individual. This is particularly important regarding the construction of Marlow, who is essentially a biased narrator, and a product of his European upbringing. An example is his inability to deal with the dying natives at the “grove of death”, offering a native a biscuit as an apparent kind gesture. Yet this is only due to him not being confronted with situations like this previously where his

  • New Immigration

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    democratic America where citizens had a voice in government because European governments were run by upper classes and commoners had no say in political matters. When it comes to social reasons we see that the European society was characterized by class distinctions for the lower class and discrimination against religious minorities, and most European governments forced young men to serve terms of military service. Economically, European city workers worked for low wages ant there was unemployment. Immigrants

  • Gregor as Symbol of the Jewish Race in Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis

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    xenophobia that sparked the First World War in 1914. Today, one often learns the history of this critical, pre-WWI era from the perspective of Europe’s anti-Semitic population, while the opposite perspective—that of the Jews in early twentieth-century European society—is largely ignored. Questions like: "How did the Jews view and respond to their mistreatment?" and "How were the Jews affected mentally and psychologically by the prejudices against them?" remain largely unanswered. Insight into these perplexing

  • Exploration of Values in Robinson Crusoe, Odyssey, Tempest and Gulliver’s Travels

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    goes something like this: (a) a member of a sophisticated European society is accidentally cast adrift into the wilderness, where everything is unfamiliar and there are no apparent aids of normal society; (b) the hero must adjust to this strange environment, find some means of coping with the physical and the psychological dislocation; (c) the hero must find a way off the island, and (d) the hero must reintegrate himself into the society from which he unwillingly was alienated. The casting adrift

  • Use of Satire in Voltaire's Candide

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    eventually come of any evil. Voltaire successfully uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century.  He criticizes religion, the evils found in every level of society, and a philosophy of optimism when faced with an intolerable world. Candide portrays religious persecution as one of the most worst aspects of society.  Voltaire rejects the superstitious beliefs that the church endorsed.  After the great earthquake in Lisbon, the church

  • Somerset Maugham

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    1919, he published the novel Moon and Sixpence that was loosely based on the life and experiences of the painter Paul Gauguin. This French artist rejected the social contracts of European society and departed to Tahiti where his unconventional scenes of Tahitian life captured the interest and imagination of numerous Europeans. Maugham himself made a trip to Tahiti to become better acquainted with the circumstances surrounding Gauguin’s experienc... ... middle of paper ... ...ajor novels that Maugham

  • The Social Contract, the General Will, and Institutions of Inequity

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    Inequity Rousseau's The Social Contract set forth a view of government and society that challenged much of the established order (and even its "enlightened" challengers, the philosophes) by insisting that governments exist to serve the people, not the other way around, and that government derives its authority from the "general will" of the people-the desire for the common good. Two elements of European society in Rousseau's time, the rule of aristocracy and the capitalistic economical views

  • Amistad

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    Amistad I have watched the “Amistad” directed by Steven Spielberg, written by David Franzoni, presented by Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, Djimon Hounsou, Mathew McConaughey, David Paymer, Pete Postlethwaite, and Stellan Skarsgard. It was rented from Hollywood Video to complete the assignment. “Who we are, is who we were”, states attorney Baldwin, the persuading point reaching into the hearts of the jurors. Telling a story about the intriguing life and life lost of the Mende people

  • Comparing Reactions to Industrialism in Frankenstein and The Communist Manifesto

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    appeared in 1848, a time of great national political revolutions throughout Europe. While textually these historic nineteenth century texts have little in common, it is clear however that they both are strong reactions to previous movements of European society. Underlying Shelley's Frankenstein are strong uses of romanticism, whereas The Communist Manifesto is undoubtedly opposing the consequences of the industrial revolution in Europe; both reactions of the past, yet effective in starkly different

  • Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaire's Candide

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    Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaire's Candide In his work, Candide, Voltaire uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century.  Voltaire successfully criticizes religion, the military, and the philosophy of optimism. Religious leaders are the targets of satire throughout Candide. Voltaire portrays the religious clergy as men who use their positions to further their own causes. In addition, the

  • Post-Modernism

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    American society thinks. America seems to be trying to learn more about the ingredients of her melting pot. These efforts can be best understood by examining post-modernism. Post-modernism is especially important to breaking down stereotypes such as those that exist surrounding the black family. To understand post-modernism we must first understand modernism. Modernism is the philosophy that began with the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was an era when science and art flourished. European society used

  • Racism and Jealousy in Othello

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    Racism and Jealousy in Othello The theme of racism is strongly depicted in William Shakespeare's Othello. It depicts the attitude of European society towards those that were different in colour, race and language. In Europe, people of white complexion were the majority and all other races were considered to be less important and inferior. There are several characters in this play that portray this mentality. These characters include Brabantio, Roderigo and Emilia. But by far, the face of

  • The signifigance of Fishing in The Sun Also Rises

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    life and women. Doing away with modern modes of transportation, they walk many miles gladly to reach the Irati River. While fishing, Jake and Bill are able to communicate freely with each other, unbound by the social confines of American and European society. The men also enjoy the camaraderie of English Veteran, Harris. This is quite different from the competitive relationships that can develop between men in the presence of women. Bill is able to express his fondness for Jake openly without it

  • National Origin Discrimination

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    enacted in the 1920's where employers adopted policies discouraging applicants based on their country of origin. One of the justifications for these legislations was that some cultures were not capable to adapt into a predominately white, northern European society. At times when jobs were scarce, national origin discrimination was based on the protection of jobs for native born Americans. After much search I was able to locate a discrimination employment suit based on national origin and race filled by

  • The Myth of Prometheus in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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    Knowledge is a distinctively human virtue. After all, if not for the want of human beings to learn of and master our habitat, would we not still be counted among the beasts? For all of the good that knowledge brings to us, however, knowledge can just as easily bring pain. We discover new types of medicine to extend our lives, but that is balanced by our awareness of our mortality. We find new advances in technology with which to bring convenience into our lives, but those advances are countered

  • The Industrial Revolution's Influence on European Society

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    In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the Industrial Revolution in Europe had a significant influence on society. There were many changes in social classes and equality. The rise of the middle class had a momentous effect on the population of Europe and was a catalyst for many changes in the social makeup of the region. The influence of technology and electricity changed many aspects of social interaction and created a new class system. The migration of workers and the separation of