Environmental Regulations Essays

  • Consequences of Environmental Regulations

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    Consequences of Environmental Regulations Pollution can be defined many ways.  The dictionary defines the act of polluting as:  “to make unhealthily impure.”  But what exactly does the word “unhealthy” imply?  Take, for example, a paper mill.  Trees are cut down to make paper.  In the act of making paper, the mill dumps byproducts into the water of a nearby lake; and spews smoke into the air.  The act of cutting down trees is unhealthy to the animals that use the forest as their habitat. 

  • Electrocorp Case Study

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    declining profitability due to rising production costs, specifically high wages, costly worker's safety and environmental standards. In order to solve this problem Electrocorp is deciding whether to relocate some of their plants to South Africa, Mexico, or the Philippines. The first alternative of keeping the plants in the US would mean that Eletrocorp obeys the strict environmental and safety regulations, pays its workers $15/ hour, but avoids the loss of jobs in the US. The company would incur high production

  • Marketing Analysis of Ecover's Current Position in the Market

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    dealing with pharmacies and health food stores, suggested Bogaerts to develop an eco-friendly detergent free of harmful chemicals (which was to be banned by the Swiss government as a part the proposed environmental regulations). Thus they entered the detergent market in Swiss and other key markets. Environmental disasters have made more and more people aware of the urgent need to protect the natural environment. 3 Marketing Audit Marketing audit give a picture of where the company is, how did it get

  • International Trade Labor and Environmental Regulations

    994 Words  | 2 Pages

    International Trade Labor and Environmental Regulations Seattle, Thusday, December 2, 1999- All was confusion, Police in riot gear shouted to one another as tear gas was shot into the mass of violent protesters. What triggered this violent protest was the World Trade Organiztion or WTO. The WTO aims to establish global free trade. Free trade means repealing all trade barriers and restrictions all over the world. This would allow large corporations to exploit the abcence of labor and/or enviornmental

  • Exploring the Intersection of Patent Law and Environmental Regulations

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    It is interesting is that though the issue of societal good has been addressed in patent law, environmental utility or “good” is addressed nowhere. Given the landscape of environmental policy in the United States, it is a thought-provoking proposition as to whether patent law should be interpreted or altered to meet the assurances of our country’s environmental regulations seeing as many of them are established at a federal level yet carried out at the state level. For example, should patent law

  • Cost Benefit Analysis and Risk Assessment

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    Introduction: With regards to environmental policy, it is important for governments to consider concepts such as risk, economic efficiency and cost-benefit. A common concern voiced by proponents of regulatory reform in recent decades has been that the costs associated with certain regulations outweigh the benefits that the regulations are intended to provide (Tengs &Graham, 1996). Another, and somewhat related, view is that, more intelligent regulatory policies could achieve the same social goals

  • Discuss The Pros And Cons Of Government Regulations On Intermodal Transport

    654 Words  | 2 Pages

    Like everything in life, government regulations has its’ pro and cons. It is important that the government have some type of regulation on intermodal transportation, because without regulations things tend to spiral out of control. Too much government regulations can also stifle growth and expansion of the industry. Government tends to regulate different aspects of the intermodal industry, like what modes of transportation should be most frequently used by the industry. Government also regulates

  • Common Pool Resources Case Study

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    The Commons Property Commons, the author of The Management of Common Property Resources: Finding a Cooperative Solution Robert Wade defined this word in two categories, common property and common-pool resources. Public goods and services with infinite limited benefits respectively, namely, the amount you consumed today will have the direct impact of the availability in the future, and this is what Robert called “Common-Pool Resources”. Such examples like groundwater, coal, petroleum In Tragedy of

  • The Era of Privatisation

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    transmission, distribution and supply), could be divided into separate corporations responsible for each activity and open to competition. After the privatisation of the electricity industry, a regulatory office was created, the Office of Electricity Regulation - also known as Offer. The need for regulatory bodies such as Offer can be explained for example by the requirement of preventing unfair competition when several companies work in the same fields or provide customers the same service, or the need

  • The Role of American NGOs in the Regulation of Cruise Ship Pollution

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    American NGOs in the Regulation of Cruise Ship Pollution Each year, thousands of tons of pollution are generated on cruise ships and dumped into the world’s oceans. This pollution threatens the marine environment, the cruise ship industry, and the people who depend on a healthy ocean. Neither historical nor current international oceanic regimes provide comprehensive regulation on cruise ship pollution. To address the threats posed by limited oceanic pollution regulation in American and international

  • Google Case Study

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    There have been various types of legislation and regulations passed by the government in order to ensure that harmful monopolies are not created in our society. Three of these important regulations and policies include economic regulation, social regulation, and the antitrust policy. Economic regulation is defined as a “type of government regulation that sets prices or conditions on entry of firms into an industry”. Examples of agencies that are economically regulated include the Federal Communications

  • Fair Competition among Businesses

    563 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are laws in place, by the federal government, to ensure there is fair competition among businesses. The laws create fairness through: prevention of monopolies, trade regulations, production ethics, and fixed and pricing. The significant anti-trust laws are: Federal Trade and Commission, Clayton Anti-trust act, Celler Kefauver act, and Sherman Anti-trust act. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), was created in 1914. The job of the FTC is to eliminate non-competitive business practices and to

  • The Pros And Cons Of Welfare

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    business will most likely to run much better. Social regulations include anti discrimination laws, environmental regulations, and work-place safety rules (Katznelson 318). This helps a lot because of social regulations; jobs cannot hire employees because of their race, sex, sexual orientation. In addition, this regulation helps employee work in safe environments and not hazard places where they can become very ill or hurt. This is why regulations are important, they help the economy run properly when

  • The Role of Government in Business

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    History Ever since the colonial times businesses in the United States of America faced business regulations. During the 19th century, when the American economy became more industrialized, and grew to a world power, the federal government passed business laws, that favored social reforms over the interests of big business. In the 20th century government involvement in business continued to expand. So made Roosevelt’s “New Deal” legislation effectively the federal government the countries largest

  • Nanotechnology Essay

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    The use of nanotechnology has become wide spread in the market place and, has found a place on the forefront of the technology world as the up and coming thing. Every day new technologies are being discovered, making things faster, bigger, stronger, smaller, and better. In this case, nanotechnology is making things smaller, on the molecular scale. A substance is considered a nanomaterial if it ranges between 1 to 100 nanometers. Therefore, nanotechnology is the engineering and manipulation of nanomaterial

  • Public Interest Theory Of Regulation Analysis

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    good even if he disagrees and secondly, whether regulation implicates allowing special interests to contest in an arena in order to use government power for narrow advantages. Crudely put, the first normative scenario is what comprises the ‘Public Interest’ theory of regulation and the subsequent scenario is what comprises the ‘Capture’ theory of regulation, and is what has been dominant for the past 25 – 30 years of the regulatory process. Regulation may be surmised to be the exercising of the collective

  • What it Means to be Free

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    freedom, and religious freedom and market freedom. A society or a government looks at the role of freedom and then decides just how much and how little it needs to allow or to regulate in order to keep things from falling apart. Some rules and regulations are needed to keep absolute freedom from turning into absolute anarchy. Some rules and laws are good. If they keep people from tearing down my street at 50 kilometres an hour and running over people and the animals in the process, I, too, would

  • Private Industry Case Analysis

    711 Words  | 2 Pages

    government regulations. One view is on the public benefit, the other is on the cost to private industry. How can you decide which view to accept? Currently being a member of the public, I would side with the benefit viewpoint. I also must imagine that people in the private industry, albeit concerned with their company and its profits, also enjoy the world that they live in and don’t want to see it burned to the ground. This being the case I feel that the public benefit view of government regulation is more

  • Non compensable expropriation analysis

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    environment. In recent decades, the harmful effect of human activities on the environment and the connection between environmental health and human well-being have become well known and of international concern . Therefore the need for governmental restrictions on environmentally harmful activities has become one of the main measures to tackle this concern . One of the key tenets of environmental protection is that those responsible fo... ... middle of paper ... ...itute for Sustainable Development (2012);

  • Workplace Regulations

    974 Words  | 2 Pages

    Regulations Brandon Castle Colorado Mesa University December 1, 2016 Introduction The issue concerning regulations has been a prevalent one in recent history. While certain regulations can show to be preposterous, proper regulation and a good amount of it is necessary for a healthy society. There are certain issues where it is necessary for regulation to be present like environmental, food, and employment, for example. Despite it being viewed as having a very important role, regulation