The Pros And Cons Of Welfare

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Laura Segovia Pol 166 Professor Petersen-Overton Question #3: Living in the United States most people rely on the government to construct our society to better the people. The gap between rich and poor in our society significantly varies. In America, the government offers special programs to help those who fall below the poverty line. This is well known as welfare. The word welfare comes from a positive definition known as “well-being”, but most Americans would debate that welfare has become a disaster to our society as they increased welfare dependency, illegitimate babies, and family break-ups. In fact I agree with these clams, poverty programs have been abused by many Americans, causing more pressures and strains to American welfare. Programs that help people who are in poverty are known as Public-Assistance programs that only help citizens whose income doesn’t meet the law standards of living and as well to those who are not covered by social insurance (Katznelson 326). These programs are known as “undeserving” as they are not indexed and organized by the state. The programs include supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) known as food stamps, Temporary assistance to needy families (TANF), and Medicaid. These programs are set to help Americans who are struggling, but unfortunately, these programs have been abused. In the book politics of power, Katznelson supports how welfare has shifted in the 1960’s where more families needed income assistance it grew about 10% per year. Welfare changed because more women and African Americans were in need of public assistance. This is what strained the US Welfare state because of job discrimination towards women and the restrain against black mobility. Women are having illeg... ... middle of paper ... ...usiness is well qualified. Well qualified business will most likely to run much better. Social regulations include anti discrimination laws, environmental regulations, and work-place safety rules (Katznelson 318). This helps a lot because of social regulations; jobs cannot hire employees because of their race, sex, sexual orientation. In addition, this regulation helps employee work in safe environments and not hazard places where they can become very ill or hurt. This is why regulations are important, they help the economy run properly when every individual is granted rights to help them work efficiently. Overall regulations were created to help society. I believe these regulations came along way to help organize society and keep the economy running efficiently and properly. These regulations better the people and the industries as a whole to American society.

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