Environmental Essays

  • Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation

    733 Words  | 2 Pages

    Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation At the time of the agricultural revolution, nearly ten thousand years ago, the population of the globe was no more than ten million. Today the world population is estimated at over six billion. In the last hundred years the population has more than tripled. With the population rising at an enormous rate of 1.7 million a week, the world as a whole is being drained of its resources. (Southwick, 1996) Different theories have prevailed on what will occur

  • Defining Environmental Philosophy

    5032 Words  | 11 Pages

    Defining Environmental Philosophy The Greek word 'philosophy' means literally the (filial) love of wisdom. But 'wisdom' is not a commonly used word in our society so we need to make some effort to locate its meaning. What is indicated by the tradition in which philosophy seeks wisdom rather than merely knowledge or justified belief? While Plato and Aristotle did not agree on the basis of wisdom, they clearly did agree that wisdom is acquired with age and that it transcends mere knowledge

  • Starbucks Environmental Scan

    1125 Words  | 3 Pages

    Starbucks Environmental Scan Starbucks is a company in which purchases and roasts high quality whole bean coffees and sells them along with fresh, rich-brewed, Italian style espresso beverages, a variety of pastries and confections, and coffee-related accessories and equipment (starbucks.com). During my environmental scan in which took place at the Starbucks on the corner of Fair and Newport across the street from vanguard, I noticed many things in which where never brought to my attention in prior

  • Environmental Air Pollution

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    My views of the environment are rooted in my belief in creation. I do not believe that life on earth began spontaneously, nor do I believe that the earth is so delicately balanced. I don’t believe that the earth and its ecosystem are fragile. Many radical environmentalists do, they believe man can come along, all by themselves and change everything for worse. After hundreds of millions of years, they believe that we are the last two generations of human existence. And they think we can destroy the

  • Environmental Pollution

    1279 Words  | 3 Pages

    Environmental Pollution ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Automobiles like these are around the world everyday, and their exhaust destroys our air everyday. Our environment is a major aspect of our life today. Many of us don't take our Earth seriously and think that as long as pollution doesn't hurt them they can go ahead and throw garbage on the ground or spill oil down the drain. Well to many people have that theory and they are killing off our Earth and also physically harming themselves from the air

  • Environmental Engineering

    808 Words  | 2 Pages

    and planning the performance of such equipment as machines and structures and in supervising their performance. An Environmental (or sanitary) Engineer is concerned with the water and sewage treatment as well as the resi- dential and industrial wastes. Environmental engineers are trained in preventing, evaluating, and solving environmental problems. To be successful, environmental engineers must combine technical knowledge with effective communication skills in day-to-day work and be able to communicate

  • Environmental Activism

    2623 Words  | 6 Pages

    the country's conservation policies: arrogant government officials motivated by a quasireligious zeal to industrialize the natural world, and a diffident bureaucratic leadership in the mainstream environmental organizations that more or less willingly collaborated in this process.The mainstream environmental groups and government held the premise that mankind should control and manage the natural world. The radicals held that our technological culture with its intrusions on natural world had to be

  • Environmental Crisis

    1525 Words  | 4 Pages

    Environmental Crisis "We Have An Environmental Crisis Because We Have A People Crisis - A Crisis of Population Growth, of Wasteful Consumption of Resources, and A Crisis of Apathy and Inaction." An environmental crisis is an emergency concerned with the place in which every human lives - the environment. A people crisis is an emergency with the community that inhabits the world environment. A crisis of population growth is a turning point where the environment can no longer sustain the amounts

  • Environmental Ethics

    1242 Words  | 3 Pages

    Environmental Ethics It is a strong belief of mine that the responsibility of protecting the environment is much greater on today’s generation than is was for past generations. The reason that I feel the way that I do is because at this point a substantial amount of damage has already been done and in order to prevent any further environmental destruction intervention on our part is necessary. After all, we (humans) are the main cause of the problems; shouldn’t we also be a part of the cure

  • Environmental Problems

    622 Words  | 2 Pages

    Slow Down On this earth we have so many problems. There is a leak in the ozone layer, we are running out of oxygen, there is not going to be any more clean water soon, et cetera. Some of us truly care about these problems, they want to fix them so the human race can go on living. The human race honestly does not deserve to live on. There is a time when all must die, when all will perish, shrivel up, terminate. Soon it will be our time. It is nature. Even though we have twisted nature and killed

  • Environmental Law

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nollan vs. CCC Abstract of: 483 U.S. 825, 97 L. Ed.2d 677 James Patrick Nollan, et ux., Appellant v. California Coastal Commission. Case Definition: The case is Nollan versus the California Coastal Commission. The Nollans were the appellates against a decision made by the California Coastal Commission (CCC). The Nollans had been leasing a property on the California coast with which they had an option to buy. The property lies directly at the foot of the Pacific Ocean and is a prime piece of

  • Ozone and Global Environmental Politics

    5811 Words  | 12 Pages

    Ozone and Global Environmental Politics A thin layer of gas called atmosphere surrounds the Earth. The atmosphere serves two important purposes: it is a filter for the suns dangerous ultraviolet radiation rays and keeps the heat, necessary to maintain life on earth, within the stratosphere (Vorlat 361). Ultraviolet light is incredibly dangerous to all the organisms within the Earth's ecosystem because it causes skin cancer, effects the immune system, and harms plant and animal life. For that

  • Juvenile Delinquency: Genetic or Environmental

    2478 Words  | 5 Pages

    Juvenile Delinquency: Genetic or Environmental “Oh, well, I’ll end up in jail anyway! It’s in my genes!” This was the heartfelt declaration of a 15 year-old teen. Was it inevitable that he follow in his father’s footsteps on the path of delinquent behavior and subsequent brushes with the law? Was juvenile delinquency actually a by-product of genetics or could it be a product of “behavioral sink”- that environmental abyss that absorbs so many teens? Definition of delinquency Although

  • A Environmental Issue Website

    1049 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Environmental Issue Website Environmental issues are a large concern in this day. So, I am here to tell you about a website that is geared to informing its readers about the environment in which we live in and why it is important. I am here to enlighten you about this website and ones associated to it, because I personally feel as if the environment is not an issue that people worry and think about quite as often as they should. I am hoping by informing my audience about this site, it will

  • Ecosystems and Environmental Discourse

    4091 Words  | 9 Pages

    Ecosystems and Environmental Discourse What is an ecosystem? At first glance, this seems to be a straightforward question, one to be answered by environmental scientists. However, the concept of an ecosystem, or more specifically, the action that posits the existence of an ecosystem, raises a series of questions that challenge some basic assumptions about the environment. For instance, is an ecosystem a concrete object in the same way that a stone or a tree is? Or instead, is an ecosystem a

  • Environmental Factors Of Marketing

    1332 Words  | 3 Pages

    Environmental Factors of Marketing This paper will discuss the five environmental factors that influence global and domestic marketing decisions that organizations must make. These five environmental factors are technology, demographics, government, culture and economics. Companies are affected differently by these factors depending on the industry they are in and the size of the organization. I will be using the Washington Plaza Hotel to illustrate how these environmental factors affect the

  • Consequences of Environmental Regulations

    2612 Words  | 6 Pages

    Consequences of Environmental Regulations Pollution can be defined many ways.  The dictionary defines the act of polluting as:  “to make unhealthily impure.”  But what exactly does the word “unhealthy” imply?  Take, for example, a paper mill.  Trees are cut down to make paper.  In the act of making paper, the mill dumps byproducts into the water of a nearby lake; and spews smoke into the air.  The act of cutting down trees is unhealthy to the animals that use the forest as their habitat. 

  • Environmental Management

    1152 Words  | 3 Pages

    twenty-first century environmental policy making. The State through its various different organizations is involved in implementing policies related to the direct and active manipulation of the environment (Wilson, 1997). The State devises a set of rules governing the access and withdrawals of the resource stock (Grafton, 2000). For example, forest officials, such as the Forestry Commission in the United Kingdom directly manages and exploits state owned forests. The State’s indirect environmental management

  • Environmental Destruction

    936 Words  | 2 Pages

    putting their stamp on the earth through pollution and contamination and poison. There needs to be action to monitor such destruction, but consideration of both sides of the environmental issue should be taken into account to determine what form of action should be taken. The person who almost singlehandedly brought this environmental destruction to the forefront of the public’s awareness was Rachel Carson. In a chapter of her book Silent Spring called “The Obligation to Endure” she talked about the various

  • Environmental Studies

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    Environmental studies is a paramount field to focus on for both the present day and the future. This field of studies pertains to all people, animals, plants, and biomes around the world. Environmental Studying is important because it is only by understands the environmental processes that we can begin to take the steps necessary to correct the on-going damage that is occurring, and ultimately protect and sustain life on the planet. Unless steps are taken to try and abate and control environmental