Edward Said Essays

  • Edward Said - Orientalism

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    A man of great intellect and courage, Edward Said (1935-2003) taught English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. This Palestinian writer and activist was widely respected for his ground-breaking research in the field of comparative literature and on his incisive political commentary. As well, he wrote classical music criticism for The Nation and political commentary for such publications as the Guardian, Le Monde Diplomatique, and al-Hayat, the Arab-language daily, which is printed

  • Orientalism as termed by Edward Said

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    Introduction Orientalism as termed by Edward Said is meant to create awareness of a constellation of assumptions that are flawed and underlying Western attitudes towards the Muslim societies. Evidence from his 1978 book “Orientalism”, states that the culture has been of influence and marred with controversy in post colonial studies and other fields of study. Moreover, the scholarship is surrounded by somehow persistent and otherwise subtle prejudice of Eurocentric nature, which is against Islam

  • Introduction to Orientalism by Edward Said

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    introduction to the term “Orientalism,” Edward Said begins by paraphrasing the writing of a French journalist’s view of the present-day Orient in order to express the major common Western misconception about the East. This misconception exists in the Western mind, according to Said, as if it were irrelevant that the Orient itself was actually sociologically affected. He then goes on to describe the basis of Orientalism, as it is rooted in the Western consciousness. Said uses the phrase “The Other” to

  • Orientalism And Orientalism

    577 Words  | 2 Pages

    On the topic of “orientalism”, Edward Said is certainly not lacking in opinions. His understanding is that when the Europeans created a division between the western and eastern worlds, the western, civilized nations came to be called the occident, and the eastern, less civilized nations were thus referred to as the orient. Said saw a concern however, when the Europeans began generalizing those attributes which they associated with the orient, and then including them in scientific findings and media

  • Colonialism and Imperialism - A Post-colonial Study of Heart of Darkness

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    which has been oppressed or ignored by Eurocentric, male-dominated history.   Conrad is also conscious of the Other's interrelated status with the Self, but his main concern is the Self, not the Other, even though he deals with the natives.   As Edward W. Said indicates in his Orientalism, the Orient (or the Other) has helped to define Europe (or the West) as its contrasting image, idea, personality, experience.1   For Conrad, the Other becomes meaningful only so far as it gives some insight or information

  • Writers and Intellectuals in Exile

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    of being mutated into pillars of salt”1 said Salman Rushdie. The loss and love of home is not what constitutes an exilic existence; what actually and in true sense constitutes it is the chasm between carrying forth and leaving behind and straddling the two different cultures from two different positions. In my paper, I propose to look at the two sides of an exilic existence- the negative that which has the horrors and trauma with reference to Adorno and Said; and the positive, that which provides

  • Orientalist Attitudes in Film

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    criticisms of Western society is the theory that Western bias has led to a misrepresentation of Middle Eastern culture. Columbia professor Edward Said initiated discussion about this controversial topic in 1978 through his book Orientalism. The term Orientalism has come to represent portrayals of the Middle East which have been affected by Western social influence. Said describes Orientalist thinking and it’s impact stating; Orientalism is a style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemological

  • An Analysis Of Salman Rushdie's Midnights Children

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    The concept of orientalism refers to the western perceptions of the eastern cultures and social practices. It is a specific expose of the eurocentric universalism which takes for granted both, the superiority of what is European or western and the inferiority of what is not. Salman Rushdie's Booker of the Bookers prize winning novel Midnights Children is full of remarks and incidents that show the orientalist perception of India and its people. It is Rushdie's interpretation of a period of about

  • A Passage to India and Orientalism

    1519 Words  | 4 Pages

    and Orientalism When in 1978 Edward W. Said published his book Orientalism, it presented a turning point in post-colonial criticism. He introduced the term Orientalism, and talked about 2 of its aspects: the way the West sees the Orient and the way the West controls the Orient. Said gave three definitions of Orientalism, and it is through these definitions that I will try to demonstrate how A Passage to India by E. M. Forster is an Orientalist text. First, Said defined Orientalism as an academic

  • Glorified Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness

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    Imperialism Glorified in Heart of Darkness Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" is, as Edward Said states a story about European "acts of imperial mastery" (1503)-its methods, and the effects it has on human nature. Furthermore I hold the presumption that Conrad incorporates much of his own experience in the Congo and his opinions about imperialism. Another recent critic also suggests: "he seems to approve of Marlow," the narrator (Achebe 1492). These revelations of the author are conveyed to the reader

  • Western Art History

    1196 Words  | 3 Pages

    December 7, 2013 Topics in Western Art History Mikash Exam Paper The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago is an icon of feminist art that represents one thousand and thirty eight women in history. Nine hundred and ninety nine names are inscribed in the Heritage Floor on which the table rests while the other thirty-nine women are represented by place settings. It is an epic piece of work comprised of a triangular table divided by three wings, each wing being forty-eight feet long. This piece of artwork

  • Orientalist Musings and their Applicability to Three Kings

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    Orientalist Musings and their Applicability to Three Kings The concept of Orientalism is one in which Edward Said, a renowned intellectual with a solid background in the field of Arab study, is particularly knowledgeable. If the concepts surrounding Orientalism are broken down into specific elemental degrees, then Said portrays the American conception of Arabic entities and their inhabitants with a plethora of stereotypes that generate a false depiction of the Arabic culture. This, of course

  • The Post-Colonial Theory And The Postcolonial Theory Of Orientalism

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    post-freedom authentic period in once-colonized countries. Edward Said’s earth shattering Orientalism (1978) cleared a path for the post-colonial mindset by constraining scholarship in the West to re-evaluate the relationship between the Occident and Orient. In this manner, his hypothesis of Orientalism introduced the field of discussion which at last prompted to the advancement of the post-colonial theory according to Said (1978). Said [O] defines orientalism is a style of thought based upon an

  • Critical Essay on Terrorist by John Updike (2006)

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    (1747 words) WORKS CITED Chomsky, Noam. El terror como política exterior de Estados Unidos. Buenos Aires: Libros del Zorzal, 2001. Print. Eagleton, Terry. El sentido de la vida (2007) Tr. Albino Mosquera. Barcelona: Paidós, 2008. Print. Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism (1993) New York: Vintage Books, 1994. Print. Updike, John. Terrorist. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. Print.

  • Japanese Animation and Identity

    3699 Words  | 8 Pages

    Identity In Orientalism, Edward Said claims that, “as much as the West itself, the Orient is an idea that has a history and a tradition of thought, imagery, and vocabulary that have given it reality and presence in and for the West” (5). The complex network of political, economical, academic, cultural, or geographical realities of the Orient called “Orientalism” is a way of coming to terms with the Orient, or to be less geographically specific, the Other. Although Said defines Orientalism to be

  • Ballet Essay

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    Individuals can experience release, whether from worldly cares or from physical tension, through the marvelous art form of ballet. Hence ballet, in its many aspects, has much to offer individuals and can be seen reflecting to many Western ideals through this art. Most people often find ballet just appealing to the eye and are just seen watching it be performed. Have you ever wondered what influenced ballet and where it came from? Ballet is reflective of Western ideals in many ways whether it is

  • Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness

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    Imperialism Exposed in Conrad's Heart of Darkness Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" is, as Edward Said says, a story about European "acts of imperial mastery" (1503)-its methods, and the effects it has on human nature-and it is presumable that Conrad incorporates much of his own experience in the Congo and his opinions about imperialism into the story, as another recent critic also suggests: "he seems to approve of Marlow," the narrator (Achebe 1492). These revelations of the author are conveyed

  • Antoinette’s Search for Home in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea

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    McClintock, Anne. Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality on the Colonial Context. New York: Routledge, 1995. Mezei, Kathy. "'And it Kept its Secret': Narration, Memory, and Madness in Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea." Critique 28.4 (1987): 195-209. Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Vintage Books, 1979. Rhys, Jean. Wide Sargasso Sea. New York: Penguin, 1968. Tyson, Louis. "Postcolonial Criticism." Tyson, Louis. Critical Theory Today. New York: Routledge, 2006. 417-449. Thieme, John. "Pre-Text and

  • Post-colonialist Perceptions of Lewis’ Out of the Silent Planet

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    Post-colonialist Perceptions of Lewis’ Out of the Silent Planet The Italian artist Michelangelo Buonarroti viewed the goal of sculpting as the manipulation of a marble block until the figure within is set free. Just as a carving artist seeks to release its piece from rock, a literary artist desires his art form to be carved from an obscure idea into clear apprehension. The most beautiful of these art pieces are placed in a museum of their own right, the literary canon. A great part of literature’s

  • Classical Greek Philosophical Paideia in Light of the Postmodern Occidentalism of Jacques Derrida

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    the earlier phallogocentric paradigm underlying Derrida's critique of classical Greek philosophical paideia can be troped as a postmodern, Franco-Euro form of 'Occidentalism'-a 'metanarrative' very similar in intent to the Orientalism critiqued by Said. In Derrida’s earlier writings, it is indeed very difficult to untangle this Occidental metanarrative from the aporetic metaphysics of différance. a. From Hellenocentrism to Phallogocentrism: In his highly influential Introduction to Paideia: