dichotomous. People have often politicized the debate as well, which fails to keep the best interest of students in mind (Rothstein, 200; Strickland, 1998). Instead of choosing between a phonics based and a whole language method of teaching reading, educators should use a combination that is specifically tailored to the needs of his/her individual students. This allows the students to use their phonics knowledge within a larger whole language context, eventually instilling in children a desire to read and
All Students Have Needs When I look around the room in my classes, I notice many differences. Every student comes from a different situation, some more difficult than others. Regardless of a student’s background, every student has needs. According to psychological theory, everyone has basic needs that must be fulfilled before one can concentrate on fulfilling more complex needs. Abraham H. Maslow describes a Hierarchy of Needs, which can be diagramed with a pyramid. The most basic needs
addressing some of the flaws that this law has by not addressing some of the theories of psychological developments discussed in our text. Introduction Part I – Active Learning Approach “A cornerstone to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is that educators should engage classroom practices that work”. The law specifically implies that there is a great importance in choosing instructional approaches that are “based on scientific research and have a proven track record of success”. (http://www.ballard-tighe
Begler, Elsie. “Global Cultures: The First Steps Toward Understanding” Social Education. September 1998, 62(5) pg. 272-275. In Begler’s Article a discussion on how educators should go about teaching culture occurs. The article starts out by giving a definition of what is meant by culture and the different aspects of culture. The Author sets up the guidelines for which she will interpret and use culture. The definitions of culture are presented very clearly so as the reader can fully understand where
achievement gaps between Hispanic students and the nation as a whole. This must begin with high expectations for achievement, clear goals for what must be accomplished, and specific benchmarks to measure our progress. The first goal for us as educators should be: Eliminating Achievement Gap Provide a high-quality education with appropriate resources and support to ensure equal opportunity for all students in order to eliminate the achievement gap between Hispanic students and other students on appropriate
over many years now. Educators are not just being told to teach reading, writing, or arithmetic anymore. They are instructed to teach all of these things but with use of technology. With all of the technology coming out these days students are in need of the hi-tech knowledge. Making some educators go back to learn about the top technology in their fields. This bringing one of the first reasons that technology in education has its good and bad points. First, making educators go back to school time
educational system and they always will be. These students have a single goal in mind, but their disability and social barriers keep them from it. On the other hand, educators have pledged to teach all students, but some fail to teach LD students. This represents an ethical, moral, and legal breakdown of their responsibilities. Educators need to be properly trained and aware of how to meet the needs of these students. The lack of such leads to failure. Students fail because they are afflicted by a disability
Following In The Footsteps When I was growing up, I was always around the teaching profession. My mother is an educator and I had always been told that I would make a great educator too because my mother was a teacher. They said it was in my blood. I was never too sure about that. I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I did not know if teaching would be right for me. I did not know until the summer after graduating from high school; the summer I found my calling in life
the following places are considered to be "informal settings" because they are all outside the classroom area. An educational curator at a small museum in Jackson Hole, Wyoming is as much an informal educator as a director of educational programs for the Smithsonian Institution. Often informal educators are retired K-12 teachers that have received additional training and have therefore been thrust into a more prominent role to teaching the nation’s students about mathematics and science. Many people
enlightening and valuable to my ideas and conceptions about being an educator. Through Energy Express, I came up with my own theory. Any mind seeks to always place its limits and boundaries around that which they do not fully understand. It seems that all concepts and ideas must be placed in this little box for all others to comprehend and follow. The same holds true for philosophies of education. There are countless numbers of ways that educators go about teaching their students, however, six have been singled
My Ideal Teacher When I think about teachers that I have had in the past, several different ones come to my mind. Each of these educators stands out in my mind for a variety of diverse reasons. Whether it is their sense of humor, their tactfulness, their love of the subject matter, their fanatical and sporadic behavior, or their yearning to be childish themselves, I can still remember at least one quality of every teacher I have ever encountered. Every one of these teachers conveyed subject
Educators Must Make Learning Enjoyable As educators we wish to have the students gain knowledge, through our efforts, and continue to expand their minds using the basics we have taught them. In an era when so many outside interests often cloud the minds of our impressionable youth, we often wonder how we can accomplish this task. Our society has become increasingly chaotic in comparison to how it was in my fathers time. With an increase in violence, commercialism, and two working parents
Philosophy of Education I spent some time looking back upon my time in elementary, junior high and high school and thinking about all of my favorite teachers, and what exactly made them such outstanding, inspiring educators. I came to several conclusions. A good teacher is one who can not only show a student how to add four and seven, but also help them see why it is important for them to know how to do so. A good teacher is one who can explain to a child the process of photosynthesis while at
student from a completely different background. I do predict that if educators do not take to heart the diverse backgrounds of their students at both the lower and upper levels of education than the student will suffer in one degree or another. My focus group will be highschool and college students with an emphasis on those who are in the junior class of both institutions. I will take a small sample of each student group and the educators who are responsible for them. I intially planned on studying only
schools in Arkansas, Colorado, California, Kentucky, Mississippi and other states have led educators and legislators to make safe schools a priority. The only problem with making the schools safer is how to make them safer without people feeling violated. Some programs to decrease the violence and inappropriate behavior rates are character education and peer meditation; however, this is not enough. Educators and legislators feel that with the issue of surveillance, the decrease will be more dramatic
effective educator, I must reevaluate my philosophy of education and what it means to me. Many years ago, students were more focused and determined in their pursuit of an education. One of the factors for this was due to the emphasis that was put on memorization of information, and being able to recall this right down to the letter. As society has changed though, so has the nature of the students. Today’s students are more liberal, and are encouraged to be free-will thinkers. Educators’ expectations
engage in all sorts of fantasy tasks that have little or nothing to do with learning. (Knights 1993, p. 185) The use of groups has deep historical roots in adult education, and, if asked, most adult educators would say that learning in groups is a fundamental principle of the field. Adult educators use groups frequently in structuring learning experiences, and groups also form the basis for much informal adult learning both within and outside institutional boundaries. Although group theory once
seems natural for a metropolis where the top-rated television stations broadcast in Spanish, the top-ranked newspaper publishes a separate Spanish daily edition, many top civic leaders speak effortless Spanish and Latinos have become the majority. Educators in Miami, home to the first bilingual public school in the modern era, are baffled by the cultural and political firefight over bilingual education in California. Nowhere is the controversy more intense than in California. On June 2, 1998 there was
understanding for music educators. Some scholars oppose the principles of an aesthetic education, recently demonstrated by David Elliott who favors a praxial philosophy of music education centered on musical performance. The work of Reimer shows an influence of these thinkers and illustrates the essential benefits of a professional emphasis on aesthetics, the branch of philosophy especially devoted to studying the value of the arts. With guidance from aesthetics, music educators better understand the
Cultural Bias In Assessment In the society of today, there are various educators who believe in assessment as proper method to measure the performance of a child in school as well as the overall achievement of a specific school system. The assessment may be presented in the form of verbal, written, or multiple choice, and it usually pertains to certain academic subjects in the school curriculum. Recently, many educators began to issue standardized tests to measure the intelligence of a common