Early 1900’s Essays

  • What is the Difference Between AC and DC

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    warped from the sinusoidal shape. So the main difference between AC and DC is the way the energy is transmitted. Why are we using Alternationg Current today? There are a few reason although mainly it was due to the technology of the late 1800's and early 1900's. Nikola Tesla being one of the leading scientists for Alternating Current, created a way to run engines and also convert AC Volts and Amps. He came up with this while he was supposedly in a park in Budhapest. He sat down and drew out the basic

  • Expansionism in the late 19th/ Early 20th century

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    Expansionism in the late 19th/ Early 20th century Expansionism in America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century shared many similarities and differences to that of previous American expansionist ideals. In both cases of American expansionism, the Americans believed that we must expand our borders in order to keep the country running upright. Also, the Americans believed that the United States was the strongest of nations, and that they could take any land they pleased. This

  • The History of the Automobile

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    Starting in the late 1700's, European engineers began tinkering with motor powered vehicles. Steam, combustion, and electrical motors had all been attempted by the mid 1800's. By the 1900's, it was uncertain which type of engine would power the automobile. At first, the electric car was the most popular, but at the time a battery did not exist that would allow a car to move with much speed or over a long distance. Even though some of the earlier speed records were set by electric cars, they did not

  • Bob Hope: Hollywood's Brightest Star

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    footage, from the early 1900's to present, is revealing to the eras of Bob Hope's career. It takes you through Bob's career in vaudeville, Broadway, radio, movies, television and live performances. As narrator Les Brown Jr. states " Bob Hope is an American icon and the only entertainer to be # 1 in all facets of the entertainment field". This documentary is proof that this statement is true. The narrator starts off with a biography of Bob Hope, while showing scenes of the early 1900's. Bob was born

  • Black Boy-Oppression

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    *Black Boy Essay: Oppression Growing up as a Negro in the South in the early 1900's is not that easy, some people suffer different forms of oppression. In this case, it happens in the autobiography called Black Boy written by Richard Wright. The novel is set in the early part of the 1900's, somewhere in Deep South. Richard Wright, who is the main character, is also the protagonist. The antagonist is no one person specifically, it takes many different forms called "oppression" in general. The main

  • Bosnia V. Holocaust

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    Europe was going through some very hard times during the mid 1900's so that no one was able to see a disaster such as the Holocaust coming. Many things led to the weakening of Europe at the time. The Ottoman Empire was breaking up plus they were still trying to get over the devastation of WW I. Bosnia and Herzegovina had been having many problems as well. They were a witness to much change and devastation ever since the early 1900's when they became merged as Yugoslavia with three distinct ethnic

  • Has the Creation of Nunavut Come too Quickly?

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    Has the Creation of Nunavut Come too Quickly? The North of Canada may invoke thoughts of polar bears, penguins, and Eskimos, however this region has a history of exploitation. Since the 1940's, the Inuit people (Eskimo is considered a derogatory term by locals) have been forced to assimilate to Canadian laws and language. Prior to the arrival of the Canadian officials and their economic and law systems and infrastructures, the Inuit lived in small groups off the tundra. Their economic system

  • Chestnut Blight and American Chestnut Trees

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    Chestnut Blight and American Chestnut Trees Since the early 1900's a disease known as Chestnut Blight has infected many American Chestnut trees and causing their removal from forests. A greater look at the history of this fungus as well as the mechanisms of action will allow us to learn on how to preserve the American chestnut. At one point, the American chestnut was virtually eliminated. With the help of government acts and conservation agencies, the American chestnut is slowly growing back in

  • The Harlem Renaissance

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    danced the night away, or looking at "freestyle" artist paint away. Harlem was always occupied. Each poet wrote very many famous poems that we now read today. What started the renaissance was when the KKK finished the raid in which ended in the early 1900's, because blacks were being terrorized by whites just because of the color of their skin. Eventually the Blacks overcame the racism, although the name calling was still going on the blacks had a good time in spite of the racism, which then became

  • Orphan Trains

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    United States 1492-present, 260). The streets of NYC were dirty, overcrowded, and dangerous. Just as street gangs had female auxiliaries, they also had farm leagues for children (These are the Good Old Days, 19). During the time of the late 1800's and early 1900's many people were trying to help children. Progressive reformers, often called "child saver," attempted to curb exploitation of children (The American Promise, 834). One of the people who was obsessed with the plight of children was a man named

  • Factors Effecting the Success of The Ku Klux Klan in America

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    theorists on the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's and what they believed caused the rise in Klan membership. It is very evident that the theorists believed there were three main causes in this significant rise in membership. The post-war feelings of many Americans, the natural aversion to anything foreign, and the propaganda spread by the Klan itself caused their success. War can have many affects on people and cause serious mixed emotions. The early 1900's can be considered the post-war era. This era

  • The Drug Codeine

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    medically as methylmorphine. It is a drug derived from opium, a poppy plant. It was discovered in 1832 by French chemist Pierre-Jean Robiquet. Codeine constitutes about 0.5 to 2.5 percent of this plant substance. The drug has been in use since the early 1900's and it shares most of the pharmacologic characteristics of morphine, the other alkaloid in opium. Codeine is classified as a narcotic, it has the same painkiller effect as morphine but is only one-sixth to one-tenth as strong. Codeine occurs as

  • Morocco

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    groups--Arab and Spanish--depending mainly on whether they speak Arabic or Spanish. Almost all Moroccans are Muslims. Farming is the chief occupation, and more than half the people live in rural areas. France and Spain controlled Morocco from the early 1900's until it won independence in 1956. Morocco is a constitutional monarchy headed by a king. Its Constitution gives the king broad powers. For example, he commands the armed forces, may issue orders that have the force of law, and controls the major

  • Free Essay - Setting in William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily

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    William Faulkner uses this device in his complex short story "A Rose for Emily" to give insight into the lonely world of Miss Emily Grierson. Faulkner portrays the townspeople and Emily in the southern town of Jefferson during the late 1800's to early 1900's. The town is more than just the setting in the story; it takes on its own characterization alongside Emily the main character. It is the main reasoning behind Emily's attitude and actions. It gives the reader an easier understanding into why

  • Communism and its Unfortunate Flaw

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    cannot exist in the overwhelmingly competitive, capitalist world that exists today.  George Orwell's Animal Farm is an exceptional example that illustrates the faults of communism.  In this fictional tale similar to the Russian Revolution of the early 1900's, a group of farm animals overthrows its corrupt farmer and forms its own society.  The parallels to communism become clear as all animals are made equal and work toward the same goal of building their farm.  Unfortunately, human nature and

  • Richard Wright's Native Son

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    what they wish to communicate. As an example, Richard Wright's novel, Native Son, specifically conveys his opinion of the struggle blacks had to face (personified by Bigger Thomas, the main character of the story) in the white man's world of the early 1900's. To create a novel such as this, there are many concepts that must be strung together. Specifically for Native Son, the concepts were: the true nature of fiction, what it means to be black in America, and the challenge of writing the novel.

  • The History of Advertising

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    Rome and Pompeii which advertised travelers to go to a tavern situated in another town. In about the 1440's there was an invention of a movable-type of advertising which was a printing press. In the 16th century some companies had a trade mark which was a two or three dimensional picture or sign. In both volume and technique, advertising has made its greatest advances in the U.S. In the early stages of U.S. advertising it was hard and expensive to advertise nationally because the U.S. was still

  • The Log of the Skipper's Wife by James W. Balano

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    Skipper's Wife by James W. Balano The Log of the Skipper's Wife by James W. Balano. This journal was originally written during the early 1900's by a young woman from Minnesota. It was later on compiled by her son (James Balano), and published. There are many topics that this book covers, the struggles of a young woman with a man's job in the early 1900's, marital conflicts, unhappy with her figure, eating habits, and the every day tortures of being a woman. Perhaps the biggest issues in

  • History Of Skateboarding

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    scooters. These contraptions, which date back to the early 1900's featured roller skate wheels attached to a two by four. Often the wood had a milk crate nailed to it with handles sticking out for control. Over the next five decades kids changed the look of the scooter and took off the crate and started cruising on two by fours with steel wheels. Tens of thousands of rollerskates were dismantled and joyfully hammered on to planks of wood. In the 1950's modifications were made to the trucks (the device

  • Upton Sinclair's The Jungle - Chicago Will Be Ours

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    a struggling family underwent months of back breaking labor only to loose their house at the drop of a hat. It was a desperate and unmerciful time when an accidentally fractured ankle cost a man his job and his family food and shelter. In the early 1900's, strikes, riots, labor unions, and new political parties arose across the country. The government, with its laissez-faire attitude, allowed business to consolidate into trusts, and with lack of competition, into powerful monopolies. These multi-million