E.B. White Essays

  • The Door by E.B. White

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    The Door by E.B. White (1) As humans search for meaning and purpose in their lives, the constant changes of everyday life that they encounter can be overwhelming and frustrating. E. B. White gives us an example of this in his story "The Door." The theme of this story is that too much awareness and analysis of life’s frustrations can drive human kind insane and render them powerless. (2) The protagonist of this story is sucked in by his need to understand the frustrations of life

  • Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

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    Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White Fern convinced her dad not to kill the runt pig and he gave it to her to take care of. She named him Wilbur. Wilbur was getting bigger and bigger and eating more and more. He had to be sold so Fern called her aunt and uncle the Zuckermans. The goose told Wilbur that there was a loose board in his pen. He escaped but he got tired, hungry and afraid. Uncle Homer lured him back to his pen with food. Wilbur had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day because

  • Review of Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

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    Review of Charlotte's Web by E.B. White ‘Charlotte's Web' by E. B. White was first published by Hamish Hamilton in 1952. It is a classic children's novel which won the 1970 Laura Ingalls Wilder Award (Amazon). It is beautifully written with a great mix of seriousness, excitement and comedy. Even though this book is now over fifty years old it is still a wonderful book for children as its main themes of friendship and hope will always be current. The story is about Wilbur, a runty farm yard

  • Inventing Problems in In A Forest of Voices

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    Inventing Problems in In A Forest of Voices "Interesting title, nice alliteration, E.B. White, perfect." That's exactly what I thought upon finding "Sootfall and Fallout" in A Forest of Voices. I find it hard to write about another essay, so often there isn't really enough material to use and one is stuck criticizing turns of phrase or punctuation. But White, in this essay, gives the reader plenty of meat to chew, and much of it is hard to digest. His main point seems to be that radiation fallout

  • E.B. White's The Ring Of Time

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    E.B. White's The Ring Of Time In E.B. White?s The Ring of Time, the author gives a narrative account of his trip to a circus rehearsal where he describes a fascinating scene of a young girl practicing a horse act for an upcoming show. As a writer, he feels it is his obligation to record the events he is witnessing, and convey this to his readers without leaving anything out. However difficult this may be, the beautiful and fleeting moment is something he wishes to ultimately capture. When

  • E.B. White's Once More to the Lake

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    E.B. White's Once More to the Lake "Once More to the Lake", by E.B. White was an essay in which a father struggles to find himself. The essay is about a little boy and his father. They go to a lake where the father had been in his childhood years. The father looks back at those years and tries to relive the moments through his son's eyes. He knows he can't, and has difficulty dealing with the fact that he can't go back in time. E.B. White's way of letting the reader know that the father

  • Once More to the Lake, by E.B White

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    Born on July 11, 1899, Elwyn Brooks White published his fist collection of works in 1925 as an American novelist, essayist, and poet. Since then, White has published more than 15 works of fiction, poetry, and essays, but is best known for his children's books, Charlotte's Web, The Trumpet of the Swan, and Stuart Little. Most of White's writing themes consist of war, internationalism, urban and rural life comfort, as well as failures of technology and the complications of modern society. In his 1941

  • The Most Important Element of Style

    1127 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Most Important Element of Style I've collected numerous ideas from both Joseph William's book Style Toward Clarity and Grace and William Strunk and E.B. White's The Elements of Style. These books serve as reference guides to writers seeking guidance in improving their writing skills. I feel the text format of any writing is the most important element of style. The text layout in regards to style deals with font, size and contrast. The font makes the text. You are able to change the

  • Summary, Themes, and Reflection of Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

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    The book I read was Charlotte's Web. The author of the book is E. B. White; an author of many best-selling books. It is a fictional book with 192 pages. It is a fun and interesting book. The book begins with a young child named Fern Arable sitting at her breakfast table. She lives on a farm with lots of animals. She sees her father go out to the barn a little earlier than usual with an ax. Fern then finds out that baby pigs were born but is confused to why her father has an ax with him. Ferns mom

  • Good Writing Style

    1550 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Elements of Style written by William Strunk and E.B. White, and Style: Toward Clarity and Grace written by Jospeh Williams both offer suggestions for establishing the comprehensive application of literary techniques and style. Each book, constructed differently, focuses on various areas of writing through comprehensive basic rules and guidelines. These books specifically identify the basic foundation for writing rules of usage, principle composition and offer suggestions for different types of

  • Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White and E. White

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    regards to bodily functions, but I am prepared more so now than before in how to engage reader responses and other approaches that he and I can explore together with a better grasp on where an author is coming from and see stories in a whole new light. White was born in Mount Vernon, New York, on July 11,1899 and died on October 1, 1985 at 86 years of age, in his rural farm town environment of North Brooklyn Maine; where it “is of central importance to the creation of Charlotte's Web, a book that is, among

  • Childhood Memories in Once More to the Lake by E.B. White

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    sound of laughter that bring them back to a place full of childhood images. In “Once More to the Lake”, author E.B. White longs to bring his audience back to one of the most memorable places in his childhood, a camp on a lake in Maine, starting in about 1904. He shows the reader how he feels he has replaced his own father and is playing the same role he played nearly forty years earlier. White directs his essay at an anonymous audience. Read by children, it is yet another “when I was your age” story

  • The Style File: Strunk and White vs. Williams

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    The Style File: Strunk and White vs. Williams What is the definition of style? Is there an exact way of interpreting style individuals create in their writing? What is the importance and function of style in the writing process? Does style really matter? Before encountering books such as William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White’s “The Elements of Style” and Joesph M. Williams “Style Toward Clarity and Grace” I had not put much thought into these questions. My main focus was to get my writing assignments

  • Charlotte's Web

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    Charlotte's Web As we ponder over our reading experiences as children, almost every American will remember reading Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. How we read as children and how we read as adults is not at all the same. One might state children read for the pleasure of the story and adults simply read too much into the given text. However, one must realize the images being portrayed to our children. How could a story about a pig and a spider relay unwanted messages to our children? It is important

  • Style of Writing

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    Style of Writing In both of the books various elements of style are mentioned, William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White’s The Elements of Style and Joseph M. Williams’ Style Toward Clarity and Grace, clarity and concision are to be the most important. I think that in order for your reader to be able to enjoy and understand what they are reading, it has to be written clearly and concisely. I believed that everyone has his or her own style: whether the style be that of one’s hair, clothes, or writing

  • Writing Style

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    Writing Style I hear inner Strunk and White voices of “don’t overwrite”, “write in a way that comes naturally,” and so forth, going through my head. I have visions of endless Williams examples and illustrations on clarity. I see weeks of blog writings flashing through my memory. From all of this, I now own and believe in a firm and personal definition of what style is and what good writing entails. William Strunk and E.B. White’s book The Elements of Style, along with Joseph M. Williams’s

  • Insights on Style

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    explode in the mind (Strunk and White, pg. 66)?” This is true in most cases; it is not the combination of words that cause a mind to stir but the way it creates thought and stimulus that create an explosion. There is a conscious effort required to give a work of writing style. Two major contributions to the subject of “good writing” are the books Style: toward Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams and The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. Before I explain about what it

  • The Elements of Style and Style Toward Clarity and Grace

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    that writing style would be a topic of considerable depth, I did not fully understand the degree that I would be pondering the issue of writing with “style”. The first book I encountered, The Elements of Style written by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White was a collection of numerous rules, that presumably if you followed would lead you to writing with “style”. This book is a handy reference book and one that I am sure I will continue to turn to. My favorite quality of this book is that it is short

  • Comparing E. B. White's Style Toward Clarity And Grace

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    Key Elements of Style William Strunk and E.B. White's handbook The Elements of Style, and Joseph Williams's book Style Toward Clarity and Grace, are both full of good tips on how to improve writing style. The Elements of Style has some good information on how to make writing more vigorous and forceful, but it also contains a lot of opinions on word choice that seem frivolous. Although the advice may not be helpful, Strunk and White's strongly worded opinions are part of what makes their book

  • Key Elements of Good Writing Style

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    Key Elements of Good Writing Style After reading William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White’s The Elements of Style and Joseph M. Williams’ Style: Beyond Clarity and Grace, participating in hours of classroom discussion, and writing five short essays on the topic, I’m struck by the complexity of evaluating “writing style”. But I don’t know why I should be amazed. Borne from the elaborate human thought process, we instinctively dress up our writing in thrift-store duds or Fifth Avenue couture. Writing