Donatello Essays

  • Donatello

    1369 Words  | 3 Pages

    Donatello Donatello’s real name is Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi (1386-1466). Donatello was a master of sculpture in bronze and marble and was one of the greatest Italian Renaissance artists of his time. A lot is known about his life and career but little is known about his character and personality. He never married and seems to be a man of simple tastes. Patrons often found him hard to deal with and he demanded a lot of artistic freedom. The inscriptions and signatures on his works are

  • Donatello

    585 Words  | 2 Pages

    Donatello was born in Florence, Italy in1386. The full name of Donatello is Donato di Niccolo di Belto Bardi (“Donatello” par 1, 2, 3). His dad was a wool comber (“Donatello” par 1, 2). There was not much information found on his mom. He had a first job and that in the workshop of Lerenzo Ghilberti, a gothic sculptor, between 1404 and 1407(“Donatello” par 1, 2, 3). After that job he worked at a Florence Cathedral in 1407. At the Cathedral he decorated tombs and pulpits and made portrait busts and

  • Donatello

    650 Words  | 2 Pages

    Donatello Donatello (1386-1466), was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, who is generally considered one of the greatest sculptors of all time and the founder of modern sculpture. Donatello was born in Florence, the son of a wool comber. When he was 17 years old, he assisted the noted sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti in constructing and decorating the famous bronze doors of the baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence. Later, Donatello was also an associate of the noted architect Filippo Brunelleschi, with

  • Donatellos David

    1440 Words  | 3 Pages

    Donatellos David Donatello was one of the most important and influential artists of the fifteenth century. As a master artist, he sculpted some of the most beautiful pieces of the Italian Renaissance. His innovations impacted many artists of his time, and set the standard for centuries of sculptors to follow. Donatello’s style is clearly defined and easily recognized in nearly all of his pieces. An exception is the bronze, David, dated 1425-1430. David strays from the traditional style of

  • Donatello the Sculptor

    1195 Words  | 3 Pages

    Donato di Niccaló di Betto Bardi, also known as Donatello, was an Italian Renaissance artists and sculptor born in 1386 in Florence, Italy. He is arguably one of the greatest master sculptors of the 15th century. His ability to immortalize human expression through his art put him in a league of his own. In Florence Donatello was taught the basics of sculpting and early on he was an apprentice to Lorenzo Ghiberti. Donatello creatively carved sculptures out of stone, wood and bronze; giving life to

  • Donatello: The Life And Life Of Donatello

    797 Words  | 2 Pages

    Donatello was born in 1386, Florence, Italy, Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, he was also better known as Donatello, was an Italian Renaissance sculptor from Florence. He studied classical sculpture and used this to develop a complete Renaissance style in sculpture, whose periods in Rome, Padua and Siena introduced to other parts of Italy a long and productive career. He worked with stone, bronze, wood, clay, stucco and wax, and had several assistants, with four perhaps being a typical number. Though

  • renaissance art

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    masters of art create art forms that are still references for many artists from the renaissance till today. Katherine Sanger writes in her article David Michelangelo vs Donatello’s, “The sculptures of David that were created by Michelangelo and Donatello are so different that the only thing I can find in common with them is their title. Donatello’s sculpture is bronze, stands only five feet tall, and appears to be a young, possibly teenage boy. Michelangelo’s is marble, approximately eighteen feet

  • The Second Set of Doors at the Baptistery

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    The maintenance and completion of the Baptistery of San Giovanni, one of the oldest and most significant buildings in Florence, was entrusted to the Arte del Calimala Guild. This wool merchants’ guild was the oldest of Florentine guilds and was extremely powerful and wealthy. This wealth and power was due in large part to the fact that Florence was the fabric capitol of Italy. The Baptistery was dedicated to Florence’s patron saint John the Baptist. Consequently, the first set of doors created

  • St George Research

    908 Words  | 2 Pages

    on the guidebook. What I found through research I have concluded that the Saint George sculpture was made in the 15 century and I believe that the Saint George sculpture that I saw at the McNay is a copy of the famous architect Donatello sculpture of Saint George, Donatello Sculpture was made in 1410-1415. The Saint George sculpture at the McNay was founded to be in Germany. I would say that based on what I have gather from the time in the 15 century is where the Germans started to convert to Christianity

  • The Art Of Plastic Art: The Period Of The Renaissance

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    During the Early Renaissance stage, which is considered to be the period of 1400-1479, one of the greatest Italian sculptors Donatello (1386-1466) was creating his monumental masterpieces. Humanism’s beliefs in the uniqueness of every single human being, as well as the man’s artistic genius and powerful intellect were reflected in one of the greatest works that Donatello left to his descendants, David (1430-1440). David in bronze cast has become the first free-standing nude statue since the antique

  • Johannes Gutenberg and Donatello:Two Important Figures of the Ranaissance

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    literature and music. Two figures that impacted this period in numerous ways were Johannes Gutenberg and Donatello. Donatello was an early renaissance Italian sculptor who lived in florence. Johannes Gutenberg was a printer and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. These two figures had effects on Science/Technology, effects on art, and effects on culture/society. Donatello and Johannes Gutenberg are two figures with opposing views that profoundly challenged and shaped political

  • Lorenzo Ghiberti

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    Brunelleschi and Jacopo dellla Quercia, as well as four other artists, to win the commision. He spent more than 20 years to make the doors, but during that time he trained students and also concentrated on other artwork. His students include Donatello and Paulo Uccello. Each door contains 14 quatrefoil-framed scenes from the lives of Christ, the Evangelists, and the church fathers. He also made another set of doors for the Baptistery. These bronze doors had 5 panels on each side, containing

  • Donatello Essay

    1093 Words  | 3 Pages

    Universally known as Donatello, or for our contemporary movie going crowd he is also known as a Ninja Turtle who has intelligence, cool calculation, and a gift for inventing. Donatello was one the Renaissance masters that would become one of the most influential artists of 15th century Italy. Predating Michelangelo, Donatello was one of Florentine 's greatest sculptors with a very multifaceted outlook of his craft, and drive to invent and reinvent that would shoot him to the top of the charts to

  • Impact Of Renaissance Art

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    pair of bronze doors for the Baptistery of Florence. Ghiberti brought more of Gothic/Christian side into the renaissance; his influence was seen as keeping a darker side of the world alive. He soon opened a workshop where now legendary sculptures Donatello and Michelozzo would study under

  • Donatello And The Renaissance

    950 Words  | 2 Pages

    Renaissance is a period of change in which many great authors and artists emerged. Donatello was one of these many artists, but perhaps the most significant. Donatello’s famous works of art like David and Gattamelata changed how artists would think for years to come. Every piece of art created by Donatello focused on attention to details and portraying both humans and their emotions as accurately as possible. Donatello bridged the gap between the classical and Renaissance world through his innovative

  • Renaissance Artists: Fillipo Brunelleschi

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    known about his transition between sculpting and architect. Little is also known about the sudden change of manners from Goth or medieval to classicism. Perhaps that was when Filippo was inspired by what was around him. Since he and his good friend Donatello went to Rome to study ruines. In doing so Filippo rediscovered Linear Perspective. Greeks and Romans knew and used Linear perspective. Linear perspective was lost in the middle ages. Thanks to Brunelleschi artists started using Linear Perspective

  • Flippo Brunelleschi Research Paper

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    that way. Another sudden transition Brunelleschi made was transitioning from his training in gothic or medieval style to the new architecture classicism. Many people believe Brunelleschi did this because he was inspired by the trip that he had with Donatello to Rome so they could study the ancient

  • Renaissance Artists: Lorenzo Ghiberti

    808 Words  | 2 Pages

    This paper argues whether or not Lorenzo Ghiberti is a true renaissance artist. Lorenzo di Cione Ghiberti, the son of a goldsmith from Florence, Italy, would become one of the most influential artists of the early Renaissance. As a child prodigy, he received his first commission at the age of 23. Ghiberti multi-tasked a bunch of his work including the doors of the Florence Baptistery and many statues. He was a student of humanism and incorporated much of its philosophy into his work. Ghiberti’s

  • The Works of Lorenzo Ghiberti

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    The works of Lorenzo Ghiberti stand as an inheritance to the Classical style of the Greco-Roman period. Ghiberti's use of Classical methods is by nature the stylistic core of Renaissance Humanism. His works illustrated, during the Italian Renaissance, the principles of Humanism through sculpture. With the creation of Humanism, the thought of humans as being responsible for their potential and consequences combined religion with the need to improve on the individual. Three of Ghiberti's pieces that

  • Visual Analysis Of Donatello's David

    822 Words  | 2 Pages

    Donatello’s David was designed to portray the biblical story of David and the Palestine, Goliath. This piece is a freestanding nude sculpture created from Bronze but with traces of tin for additional support and strength, standing at 5’ 2” tall. He was created using a technique called lost-wax casting, which in terms makes this sculpture hollow. David is a nude youth, based on his small body structure and the lack of muscular definition, but still maintains a sensual posture. He is standing in a